Friday, December 24, 2010


Life Issues Connector: July 1999

Baby Parts for Sale
A batch of eyes by UPS – 30 livers by FedEx

By J. C. Willke, MD

After fighting abortion for 30 years I thought I had seen and heard it all, but not so. Here is a new development, a coordinated high-tech industry functioning for the specific purpose of obtaining and selling high-quality fetal organs for research.

Partial-Birth abortions seemed to be so horrible that most of us wondered how such procedures could be defended. Many of us chalked it up to the fact that the pro-abortion advocates and the abortion industry didn't want to give one inch for fear that their whole house of cards will fold. I, among others, felt that their resistance to forbidding this gruesome procedure was a fear of a domino effect. If we stopped this one, then we'd stop the next and the next and the next and they didn't want it to start. But now we have evidence of a very clear additional reason why they want these late-term abortions to continue. The reason is that this is the one method that gives them intact fetal bodies from which they can obtain organs for research.

The other method of late-term abortion, D&E (Dilatation and Evacuation), involves reaching up into the uterus and dismembering the live baby. This delivers pieces of macerated organs that are usually unsuitable for fetal research, transplantation etc. This may be the main reason for their vehement defense of the practice of Partial-Birth abortion.

The story was broken recently by Life Dynamics under the guidance of its director, Mark Crutcher. A lady came to him with a story, which he has verified. The name of the informant cannot be revealed, as she is still involved in the work that she has exposed. Her story is dramatically recorded in a video just released by Life Dynamics. In it, this woman under the pseudonym, Kelly, tells her story. Her back is to the camera and her voice is electronically altered to prevent her identification. She worked for “an outside source, hired with a team to go in [to late term abortion clinics] to dissect and procure fetal tissue for high-quality sales.” Read on as Kelly describes her macabre profession. “What we did was to have a contract with an abortion clinic that would allow us to go there on certain days. We would get a generated list each day to tell us what tissue researchers, pharmaceutical companies and universities were looking for. Then we would examine the patient charts. We would screen out the ones we didn't want.

We did not use specimens that had STDs [sexually transmitted diseases] or fetal abnormalities. We only wanted the most perfect specimens that we could give to the researchers.” And the age of these babies? The victims were up to and over 30-weeks gestation. “We were looking for eyes, livers, brains, thymuses [lymphoid tissue], cardiac blood, cord blood, blood from the liver, even blood from the limbs.”

Only an estimated 2% of the late-term aborted babies had abnormalities. “The rest were very healthy. 95% of the time, she was just there to get rid of the baby.” How many of the late-term – the ones around 30 weeks – would you see? “Probably 30 or 40 babies a week.”

Kelly stated, “We would sell the tissue to private contractors. They in turn would sell to other universities and researchers. There was a high demand every week to buy such fetal tissues. It was shipped by UPS, FedEx, Airborne and sometimes by special couriers. Sometimes we would take the specimen in a box to the airport and put it on as regular cargo, to be picked up at the destination.” And did these shipping companies know they were transporting baby parts? “No. All they knew was that it was just human cells. But it could be a completely intact fetus. It might be a batch of eyes, or 30 or 40 livers going out that day, or thymuses

And the leftover parts? “We would usually put this down the garbage disposal along with the placenta and the leftover blood material. If it was too large to go down the drain, they had a special freezer and when they accumulated 60 or 70 fetuses in one box, it would be picked up for incineration.”

And then the obvious question. Kelly is still working for this company, so why did she come and tell this story to a pro-life group? One day when she was working, “A set of twins at 24 weeks gestation was brought to us in a pan. They were both alive. The doctor came back and said, `Got you some good specimens, twins.' I looked at him and said, `There's something wrong here. They are moving. I don't do this. This is not in my contract.' I told him I would not be part of taking their lives. So he took a bottle of sterile water and poured it in the pan until the fluid came up over their mouths and noses, letting them drown. I left the room because I could not watch this.” But she did go back and dissect them after they were dead. She said, “That's when I decided it was wrong. I did not want to be there when that happened.” And then it happened again and again. “At 16 weeks, all the way up to sometimes even 30 weeks, and we had live births come back to us.” And then? “Then the doctor would either break the neck or take a pair of tongs and beat the fetus until it was dead.”

Did the abortionist ever alter the procedures to get you the type of specimens you needed that day? Her answer was “Yes, before the procedures they would want to see the list of what we wanted to procure. The [abortionist] would get us the most complete, intact specimens that he could. They would be delivered to us completely intact. Sometimes the fetus appeared to be dead, but when we opened up the chest cavity, the heart was still beating.” She was asked if the type of abortion procedure was intentionally altered to deliver to you an intact specimen, even if that meant giving you a live baby? Her answer was, “Yes, that was so we could sell better tissue, so that our company would make more money. At the end of the year, they would give the clinic back more money because we got good specimens.”

The Partial-Birth abortion procedure involves inserting seaweed laminaria into the cervix. This swells up, dilating the cervix. In 24 hours, new laminaria are inserted. This produces more swelling and dilatation so that by the third day the baby can be extracted. During the dilatation procedure she is sent to a nearby motel. Sometimes the laminaria would fall out and she would go into labor and deliver the baby. And then? “They would call the nurse, and the nurse would call the doctor who would go to the motel room and pick up the woman and the fetus. That's when they would call us and say, `Okay, we've got a couple of specimens here,' or `We've got one specimen.' We would go [to the clinic] and the specimen [the baby] would be in a bucket, sometimes alive. When we opened the chest cavity the heart would still be beating. Sometimes we could see movement in the bucket. These babies had to come out alive. There's no way for them to be coming out dead. They were all alive. How they killed them is anyone's guess. My guess is that they had to kill them in

the bucket or put them in a corner and let them die slowly.” And that was because the abortionist had seen how strongly you reacted to seeing them killed in front of you? “That's correct. And he did not want to repeat those instances but they kept happening anyway, and that's how I came to call you guys [Life Dynamics].”

Finally, Kelly related how sometimes a woman, halfway through the dilatation procedure, would change her mind and say she did not want the abortion. In such a case they would tell her that it's too late now. “You're going to have the abortion.” Kelly said, “All of the staff would gather around pressuring her to have the abortion. On the second day, they're given an IV sedation, which kind of puts them into what I call a Nyquil nap. They're just basically drowsy, not thinking for themselves and that's basically how they are coerced into continuing the procedure.”

Finally, in the interview, she notes that many of the employees of the clinics were lesbians. When the mother was unconscious these women would discuss her genitalia with degrading remarks and on occasion even take the phone number off of her chart. Then they would “call her weeks down the road and ask her out for a date. It was not uncommon for women or men at the clinic to hit on these women for dates.”
Now We Know Why

Now we know one of the major reasons why the abortion industry is fighting so intensely to prevent a ban on Partial-Birth abortion from being enacted. It's more than not giving any ground on abortion for any reason. It's also because selling fetal parts is a very lucrative part of the abortion business. These mothers pay large sums of money for late-term abortions and the abortionists in turn are given big money for these intact organs. The model specimens have to be: the bigger - the better; the older - the better; the more alive - the better.

The above dialogue is from a video that has been produced by Life Dynamics. If any of our readers would like a free copy of this interview, while quantities last, feel free to contact us and we will send you a copy. Send your request to: Life Issues Institute, 1721 W. Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45239. Phone (513) 729-3600. Fax (513) 729-3636. E-mail

Human Life Amendment – Realistic or Not?

Is the goal of a federal Human Life Amendment still a realistic expectation of the pro-life movement, or are we to listen to the media, which has consistently stated that all hope is lost? We're being told that the pro-life movement has abandoned the goal of a Human Life Amendment, while being praised by the media for re-evaluating and taking a more realistic stand in terms of our expectations. Paul Weyrich, a leading pro-life conservative, has given up. Others have joined the chorus of those who are pessimistic.

Much is being said of how Republican candidates for president are no longer backing an amendment to ban abortions. If you read the fine print they are not denying their theoretical support for it, but they are saying that it's hopeless, it's not capable of being achieved and that we should content ourselves with lesser steps along the way.

Leslie Stahl, in May on 60 Minutes, sounded the party line of the liberals. She said, “A funny thing is happening these days to the Christian right, and it sounds like a defeat... Twenty years and many political victories later, abortion is still legal, school prayer is still banned, there's more tolerance of sexuality, and even the dreaded National Endowment for the Arts, attacked as purveyor of pornography, has survived.”

Sadly, the two major Democrat candidates for president are solidly pro-abortion and oppose a Human Life Amendment. Still, of all the Republican candidates, only one, Lamar Alexander, has specifically stated that he doesn't support a Human Life Amendment. Bush, Dole and McCain speak of support but push it off into the unforeseeable future. Forbes, Quayle and Kasich would support one with a rape-incest amendment. Only Bauer, Smith and Keyes would hold out for a comprehensive federal amendment with only a life of the mother exception.

To gain a good perspective, let's review a bit of history. The decisions to legalize abortion were in January 1973. Immediately after that, the fledgling pro-life movement brought together attorneys, physicians and others who asked themselves the question, what are we to do? At that stage the judgment was that the court would not reverse itself for perhaps another half-century. The only answer then was an amendment to the Constitution. This was critically studied and debated over the next year. The pro-life movement finally settled on two sets of wording. One did not have an exception for the life of the mother. The other had the wording, “to prevent the death of the mother.” That was the stated specific goal of the movement in 1974.

The rubber met the road when Reagan was elected and it was presumed that there were pro-life majorities in the House and Senate. The Senate Judiciary Committee held extensive hearings on versions of a Human Life Amendment. One was a sweeping federal amendment. The other simply reversed Roe vs. Wade (Hatch Amendment) and returned the judgment to the states. The third was the original “Paramount” without a life of the mother exception. After extensive hearings, when the Hatch Amendment finally came to a vote, it failed. The others were not voted on.

Through the 80's it was evident that the pro-life movement did not have enough strength in the Congress to vote out a federal Human Life Amendment, but we were gaining strength on the US Supreme Court. Optimism ran high as Supreme Court Justices were slowly replaced. It peaked with the Casey decision and plummeted when this not only failed to reverse Roe, but also in certain ways reinforced it. It did, of course, allow gradual restrictions, and that part of it was a victory.

Through the 90's, these restrictions have multiplied throughout the states and continue to be attempted at the federal level. These include parental notification and consent, informed consent, waiting periods, clinic regulations and others. The one achievement at the federal level, slowly accomplished during the 80's and largely maintained in the 90's, was the banning of federal funding for abortion.

Attention must be drawn to Bob Dole's rejection of the Republican Party plank in 1996, which called for such an amendment. Many believe his comment that he hadn't read it cost him the election. Minimally, it cost him the votes of millions of crossover Democrats whose major motivation for voting for a Republican president was the abortion issue. When Dole caustically stated that that was not on his agenda, these folks saw no reason to vote other than Democrat and went ahead and elected Clinton.

At first glance, in the presidential election of 2000, we have a near triumph when we consider the Republican candidates. Remember the 3 W's during last presidential election – Wilson, Weld and Whitman? They were strongly pro-abortion Republicans and got nowhere. This time we have no pro-abortion Republicans like them. Even Lamar Alexander, the only one who does not support a Human Life Amendment, nevertheless has spoken in support of literally every one of the steps along the way.

Clearly, if there is a choice of candidates at this time who are truly contenders, the public media has chosen George W. Bush. Let's look at his actual words and those of Elizabeth Dole, the other top Republican contender.

Elizabeth Dole says she supports a constitutional amendment banning abortion, but apparently not enough to do anything about it. In late April, she told reporters that the debate over such an amendment was “divisive and irrelevant...the amendment is not going to pass...rather than engage in dead-end debate, let's move forward to get some positive things done for this country.”

The decisions are not all in on George W. Bush. He has certainly worked hard in this session of the Texas legislature for pro-life legislation, particularly parental notification. He has also appointed a solid, dynamic pro-life physician, Reyn Archer, to head the Texas Department of Health. But some of his actions have also gone the other way. As for a Human Life Amendment, he's not quite as pessimistic as Elizabeth Dole above, but nevertheless sounds the same note. When nailed down on the amendment, he was asked, “Does this mean if it were up to you, that all abortions would be constitutionally banned?” “Yes” he said, “except for the life of the mother, rape or incest.” That being said, there are many voices who question how vigorously he would push for this, and, far more important, what his appointments would be like.

It is quite clear that the secular media is trying everything possible to create a self-fulfilling prophecy, i.e., that the pro-life movement has abandoned an amendment as impossible. They have also found a few pro-life voices to agree to such a prognosis. Quite to the contrary, however, there is little evidence to confirm this wish of the pro-abortion media. Rather, as we look at the movement, we see two commonalties: 1) Most now agree that we will not get a Human Life Amendment in the next few years. 2) Such an amendment, however, has not been abandoned or rejected but remains the very heart of the ultimate goal of the pro-life movement.

For some, perhaps at this time it remains only a symbol. But even if only that, it is of crucial importance. The Republican platform comes to mind immediately. It would be devastating to the pro-life movement if the Republicans change it and indicate that they will ultimately settle for something less. It would cut the very heart out of the efforts of millions of people who have stood solidly behind this as an ultimate goal. For people who in their hearts are totally convinced that abortion is the killing of an innocent child and that abortion must be stopped, this is an absolute. They will ultimately settle for nothing less.

There is of course another option, and that is a total reversal by the Supreme Court. With the prospect of the possible election of a president in 2000 who will be supportive, this president could replace several Supreme Court Justices. But assuming the Court even reverses Roe, that only returns the situation to status quo ante. That would simply allow the many states, which now have pro-abortion laws, to continue the slaughter. It is possible that the Supreme Court could not merely reverse Roe, but move beyond. It could some day interpret the Constitution as protecting the unborn. In such case, the Supreme Court could do the same job that an amendment would be designed to accomplish. However, this remains but a dream at this time.

Realistically, pro-lifers acquainted with the mood of this country would share a judgment that a constitutional amendment is extremely difficult to obtain. In all pragmatism, one has to understand that it will not happen until a strong, super majority of people in this country support it. Happily, we are slowly moving in that direction and against all odds. However, we are certainly not there yet. The road ahead is very long, but that does not mean that we should take our eyes off our ultimate goal. To those candidates who say that we do not have a chance for an amendment this year, we must ask the following question. “Yes, we understand that, but do you agree that the ultimate goal of this movement is to protect all babies' lives from conception, while at the same time providing generously whatever help these mothers need in that troubled time of their life?”

This is the position of the vast majority of people in the pro-life movement. It should be the policy of the candidates we support.

with Dr. J. C. Willke
Stem Cell Research Backed and Opposed in Polls

Gannett News gave wide publicity to a poll done by the Patient Coalition for Urgent Research. In May, it surveyed 1000 adults by telephone. Those polled were first given a definition of a stem cell. Then they were told these cells could be grown from 1) “excess human embryos” or 2) “fetal tissue donated to research.” Following this was a long list of possible beneficial uses for such cells. In response to this, 69% either strongly or somewhat favored research using stem cells, while 26% were somewhat or strongly opposed.

Now let's look at a second poll also done recently. It was by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The wording of this question was different from the wording above. This poll asked whether people opposed or supported research “in which live human embryos would be destroyed or discarded.” In this poll 74% opposed such use of stem cells.

As we have said time and time again, when judging the results of polls, do not look at the results reported. Rather, first examine the wording of the questions, then decide whether the poll results have legitimacy. Clearly, both polls asked for essentially the same information. The wording of the questions was different. The bishop's poll was more realistic and accurate, and it brought a totally different answer.

Also in May, a presidential advisory commission judged that it was ethical for the government to pay for such controversial research, “as long as the embryos are not created solely for research purposes.” This defies logic. These either are or are not living human embryos. Their lives are either respected or they are directly killed in this procedure. Why does it make a difference whether they were created for this specific purpose or whether they were created for some other purpose before they were killed? The point is they are being killed, and the pro-life movement objects to killing innocent human embryos.

It is recalled that a major justification for Nazi doctors experimenting on humans sounded strangely similar. It went like this. “Well, these Jews (or Gypsies etc.) are going to be killed anyway, so we might as well make use of these human bodies rather than let them go to waste.” And so, certain Nazi doctors collected brains, made lampshades out of skin and did many experiments on their victims, both before as well as after killing them. This was all in the name of what they called science. After all, the end result was to be the betterment of mankind.

The Nuremberg trials considered these arguments put forth as justification for what the Nazi doctors did. The judges totally rejected such, and some of the doctors who did these experiments were hanged. Enough said.

Since everything today coming out of Washington seems to be predicated on the most recent poll on the subject, it's good to look at wordings of other questions, to emphasize the fact that we should not accept, out of hand, the headline trumpeting the results of a specific poll. As our readers know, the wording of the question leads the answer. But, let's look at the results of a few polling questions to reemphasize this fact.

Apropos the question above on stem cells, let's look at another example of two questions asked of the same people in the same poll. Here are the questions.

In general do you think a woman should have the right to choose to have an abortion? Yes – 67% No – 29%

In general do you think the lives of unborn babies should be protected? Yes – 79% No – 19%

Clearly, this was the same question, but worded differently. The difference in wording completely reversed the answers. It might be noted that 37% of the respondents said yes to both questions.

Let's look at another poll, again asked of the same people in the same poll.

Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment which would guarantee a woman's right to have an abortion? Favor – 53% Oppose – 41% Don't Know – 6%

Now let's go down and ask the second one.

Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment which would guarantee a woman's right to make a choice to have an abortion? Favor – 63% Oppose – 32% Don't Know – 3%

Notice the very slight difference in wording. The second question used the identical wording, except that it added “to make a choice” to the wording. But this addition added 10% to the approval and subtracted 9% from disapproval.

So let's repeat. Never swallow what the headline reports or the network tells you. First examine the wording of the question. Only then render your judgment.

Effective Tools to Counter Partial-Birth Abortion

Have you found yourself looking for effective visual tools to help educate others about Partial-Birth abortion? If so, you will be pleased to know that some effective new tools exist.

Heather's Place, a pro-life educational entity, was started by Dr. Tony Levatino and his wife Ceil. Dr. Levatino used to perform abortions, but is now a pro-life physician. They commissioned five very detailed and lifelike illustrations depicting the Partial-Birth abortion procedure. These color pictures are available on a 14” x 20” laminated flip chart. It includes an instructional book describing the procedure as well as a corresponding set of slides. The chart is designed for small discussion groups, while the slide set is effective for larger audiences. The cost is $49.95 plus $6.95 for shipping and handling.

Pro-life congressmen Henry Hyde and Charles Canady have used the chart on the House floor during debate. Senator Rick Santorum has used it on the Senate floor. Several State Attorney Generals have used the pictures in court.

In addition, 8 _” x 3 _” color leaflets are available that depict the illustrations and a brief description of each. There is also a black-and white-postcard showing the pictured illustration – great for educating elected officials and others.

The best quantity price for either the leaflet or postcard is 20 cents each plus shipping, depending upon the number ordered. 100% of the proceeds from these educational materials goes to Crisis Pregnancy Centers by way of annual grants. For more information contact: Heather's Place, 67 Capitol Place, Rensselaer, NY 12144. Phone (518) 449-4828. Email:
“Campaign Reform” Suppresses Free Speech

It seems increasingly obvious that the so-called “campaign reform” bills before the US Congress are squarely aimed at cutting the pro-life movement off at the knees. The Shays-Meehan bill (HR419) will effectively suppress most of the activities of the pro-life movement that have made it an influence in the United States.

To understand the basic mechanism of the damage that will be done by this bill, we must understand the difference between issue advocacy and express advocacy. Issue advocacy is commonly known as lobbying. The pro-life movement is a perfect example of issue advocacy. Our issue is the ultimate protection of the unborn child. Anything that we do in speech or in print that promotes this ultimate goal is issue advocacy. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and hence guarantees every citizen the right to discuss such issues.

Express Advocacy has been clearly defined on many occasions by the US Supreme Court in cases such as: FEC v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life 1986 and Buckley v. Valeo 1976. The Court has stated that it extends only to communications “containing express words of advocacy of election or defeat, such for, elect, support, cast your ballot for, Smith for Congress, Vote Against, defeat, reject.” The Supreme Court calls express advocacy a “bright line.” It has stated that it cannot be removed or changed by an act of congress, because it is basically rooted in the First Amendment itself.

Let's take two candidates. One favors a ban on Partial-Birth abortion, the other opposes. If a particular pro-life group publicizes the fact that the one candidate opposes such a ban, this can influence some people's votes for or against this candidate. The Federal Election Commission's argument has been that such an effort would be express advocacy. The Supreme Court, however, has repeatedly struck this kind of reasoning down, ruling that such candidate-specific issue advocacy enjoys the highest degree of First Amendment protection. The court has specifically rejected the idea that such a communication should be evaluated on a third party's judgment regarding the motivation or intent of the communication, or on the basis of somebody's judgment about how the message was understood by some who receive it. Nevertheless, such reasoning permeates the Shays-Meehan bill.

Using such subjective judgment, relating to the “intent” of some communication, this bill would generally prohibit pro-life groups from paying for communications to the public at any time of the year when a federal regulator might judge it to be “for the purpose of influencing a federal election.”

A pro-life group typically will publish, prior to an election in its newsletter, the results of candidate surveys. These typically involve a listing of candidates, their voting records and a series of questions which candidates answer. Such newsletters are not considered by the Supreme Court to be express advocacy. Shays-Meehan, if adopted and enforced, would completely wipe out a pro-life group's ability to publish such records of political candidates.

The Supreme Court has said, “So long as persons and groups avoid expenditures that in express terms advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, they are free to spend as much as they want to promote the candidate and his views.” Under Shays-Meehan, however, they are not free to do this. In fact, a typical pro-life group may not pay for an ad that even mentions the candidate's name on the radio or TV for sixty days before a primary or a general election.

But for sixty days? Actually, it extends through any time of the year. Such a publication dealing with voting records or positions of candidates would be an illegal corporate campaign expenditure at any time of the year, unless a complex of interlocking conditions would be met – conditions simply impossible for the overwhelming majority of pro-life groups to meet.

Political Action Committees would still be allowed some latitude, but the Supreme Court has enumerated at length the very substantial limitations and burdens that apply to raising and spending political action committee funds under the Federal Election Campaign Act. PAC restrictions on fundraising and expenditures would be tightened still further. The effect on PAC's would sharply reduce any type of commentary by them on candidates. Issue Advocacy, e.g. campaigning for a Partial-Birth abortion ban, would be literally impossible under Shays-Meehan, even if no candidate's name would be mentioned. The reason is the bill says that “anything of value, provided by a person...for the purpose of influencing a federal express advocacy.” Therefore, merely taking out an ad discussing partial-birth abortion could be construed by the pro-abortion candidate to be of value to the pro-life candidate and hence a violation of federal law.

Shays-Meehan sharply forbids “coordination with a candidate.” If a pro-life group called a senatorial candidate within sixty days of election to ask him when his birthday was, that would be a violation of federal law, because it would be communication with the candidate and that is forbidden by Shays-Meehan.

A section of this bill would also force Right to Life groups to forfeit their right to freely associate with legitimate providers of services if the candidate also was using the provider. This would include: professional services, polling, media advice, fundraising, campaign research, direct mail, etc., even though there was no connection between the candidate's use and the pro-life group's use of such a provider.

Shays-Meehan would obliterate the distinction between issue advocacy and express advocacy. It would effectively nullify the rights of pro-life groups to communicate to the public any information about candidates' activities, statements and votes. The people who are still allowed to publicize such actions would be political parties and candidates, the sharply limited and regulated PAC's and all of the liberal media. It wouldn't just handicap the pro-life movement. It would go a long way toward completely destroying any influence that our groups have in the public arena. Clearly, the pro-life movement is squarely in its crosshairs.

From the Executive Director Bradley Mattes
The Cost of an Abortion

Many of us have seen the bumper sticker that reads, “What does an abortion cost? One human life.” True words indeed because each abortion stops the beating heart of an innocent unborn baby. Since 1973 the carnage has reached nearly 40 million babies who have died on the altar of “choice.”

Tens of thousands of pro-lifers and millions of people involved with an abortion decision are painfully aware that the cost is considerably higher. Abortion's wake of destruction is wide and long. Like a vicious tornado, it shows no mercy, destroying everything and everyone in its path. In reality, the price paid for abortion is far more than one life.

The obvious second victim of abortion is the mother of the unborn child. There may be immediate repercussions resulting in physical complications like a torn cervix, perforated uterus or severe infection. Longer-term ramifications include ectopic pregnancies, breast cancer, sterility or even death.

Then there are the psychological effects that can be worse than the physical. Some of them include: guilt, shame, nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks and anniversary reactions. She may be unable to tolerate the presence of babies, or she may kindle a hatred for men. She may suffer from sexual dysfunction and even consider or act on a suicidal impulse.

Yes, women pay a high price for the so-called liberation of abortion. Ironically, she isn't liberated at all but is often bound by the heavy chains of physical and mental torment, which greatly diminishes her quality of life.

The father of the unborn child is another casualty of abortion. He is at a greater disadvantage of dealing with the psychological aftermath than the mother because modern society, at best, barely acknowledges his role of fatherhood in an unexpected pregnancy. Further, he is often taught from a very young age that it is less than manly to show emotional weakness or cry. Instead he is encouraged to bottle-up his feelings while his partner exercises her celebrated, exclusive freedom to kill their unborn baby. The destructive emotions mount with no constructive way to relieve the pressure.

Men often heap torment on their psyches as a result of helplessly watching their children die while having absolutely no legal recourse. Or, if he is forcing abortion on his partner, the guilt may be overwhelming. Anger, alcohol and drug addiction, panic attacks, poor coping skills and self-imposed isolation are prevalent symptoms. This post-abortion anguish has destroyed many loving relationships, careers and friendships.

Grandparents, aunts and uncles of the unborn child add to the growing list of those who pay a price for abortion. They are perhaps the silent mourners who have little or no standing in the abortion decision, but can be greatly affected nonetheless. Their hearts ache for the hugs, kisses and smiles that will never be. Their call to fill the role of a family member who offers assistance, advice and love throughout this child's life will go unanswered. The silence can be emotionally deafening.

Siblings sometimes pay a dear price for their parents' abortion decision. If a child becomes aware that her brother or sister has been gotten rid of, she may come to see her mother as an avenue of death instead of a nurturing, life-affirming parent, and fear her. Real-life examples have demonstrated that children as young as two suffer as a result of the abortion of a sibling. Some of the anxieties she may suffer from include irrational fears, guilt, self-hate, anger, hostility toward the parents, or withdrawal. The abortion experience may skew the child's view of her parents as role models, adversely affecting her parenting abilities later in life.

There may also be a far-reaching, hidden cost of abortion in the future of these families. Survivors of abortion are taught from youth that their brother or sister is expendable if the time isn't right for a larger family. The parents may gently convey to their child that Mommy's and Daddy's jobs simply won't permit the added time needed to invest in another child. Or Mother may tell her little one that she wants to save all of her love for the family she has now. Whatever the excuse, the chilling truth will be conveyed to the child.

Let's jump to the future. Now these children have families of their own. Mom and Dad have become elderly parents, increasingly dependent upon their children. Euthanasia may be a logical decision for adults who have grown up with a disposable-life mentality. Baby boomers may be a prime target for this deadly philosophy that they helped to create. The adult child may gently convey to her parents that she and her husband's jobs simply won't permit the added time needed to invest in caring for physically demanding parents. She may tell the aging couple that she needs to save all of her love for her young, demanding family. The chilling truth will be conveyed and the circle of abortion will be complete.

Yes, the cost of abortion is higher than any price tag we can imagine. Thankfully, there is a compassionate grass roots pro-life movement to assist those who struggle with an abor-tion decision. We certainly have our work cut out for us.


By David Brownlow | September 25, 2003

After 30 years of empty promises by pro-life leaders in the U.S. Congress, it came as no surprise that they would pass a completely meaningless ban on a barbaric and indefensible method of child killing known as the "partial birth abortion." Senate Bill S.3 and House Bill HR 760 provide iron clad proof that it is impossible to spend decades voting for the "lesser of two evils," and end up with anything but evil.

It does look like the Senate and the House will work out the language in their respective bills and send it on for President Bush to sign. Unfortunately, there appears to be no argument on the key wording of the actual "ban."

Both of these bills allow a "doctor" to kill a child during the very process of birth until, "in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother." Or "in the case of breech presentation", the child should be killed before "any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother". (Actual text of S.3 and HR 760 in quotes)

That is not a ban. Those are targeting coordinates, plain and simple. The abortionists may be cunning, but they are certainly not stupid. This will not even slow them down.

A law that only protects a child in the last ten seconds of a nine-month pregnancy is a total fraud. It is hard to imagine how anyone could even write a law that would provide fewer restrictions on the legal killing of a human being. As such, it is highly unlikely that even one single child will be saved using the language of this "ban."

In a somewhat stunning setback for the cause of the unborn, while the pro-life members of the U.S. House managed to simply pass a meaningless piece of pro-life legislation, the "pro-life" members of the U.S. Senate have taken betrayal to a whole new level.

Most in the pro-life community chose to ignore the poison that was slipped into Section 4 of the March 2003 Senate version of the "ban." As part of S.3, 48 Republicans and 16 Democrats voted to approve the "Sense of the Senate Concerning Roe v. Wade," which says,

(a) FINDINGS- The Senate finds that--

(1) abortion has been a legal and constitutionally protected medical procedure throughout the United States since the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade (410 U.S. 113 (1973)); and
(2) the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade established constitutionally based limits on the power of States to restrict the right of a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy.

(b) SENSE OF THE SENATE- It is the sense of the Senate that--

(1) the decision of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade (410 U.S. 113 (1973)) was appropriate and secures an important constitutional right; and
(2) such decision should not be overturned.

That has to be one of the most unbelievable and disturbing things I have ever read. We could expect something like that from the life-haters in the Senate, but to have that signed by every Republican Senator who ever told us they were pro-life, is simply amazing! We have spent 30 years supporting "pro-life" Republicans, and this is what we get? What a tragedy.

Republican apologists were quick to make excuses for the betrayal when it was first uncovered. The typical response from "pro-life" leaders was that "the mean ole Democrats stuck that in the bill," or this was "merely a procedural vote," which would be "negotiated away" when the House and Senate worked out a compromise.

It turns out that those guys sold us down the river.

The Betrayal Continues

If there was ever any doubt about the true intentions of the U.S. Senate regarding Roe v. Wade, they made it perfectly clear last week. On September 17, in a unanimous 93-0 vote, the Senate passed a motion "To Disagree To The Amendment of The House To S.3." Which was essentially a stern rebuke of the House for removing the Roe v. Wade reaffirmation language in the House version of the bill.

Again, the Republican apologists tried to say that a unanimous vote in support of Roe v. Wade does not mean what it says. I have emailed a number of pro-life leaders about this betrayal and this is typical of the response I got back:

"Pro-life lawmakers voted for this because it moves the process forward. Everyone knows the pro-Roe amendment will be removed in conference committee. Had this vote not occurred, the entire bill would have died." (Quote from an unnamed national pro-life leader)

Forgive me for sounding a bit old fashioned, but when a man signs his name on a piece of paper, it is supposed to mean something. Now we are being told that is okay to sign not just once, but twice, a despicable declaration that says the killing of 44,000,000 American children was "appropriate," and should continue. Unbelievable!

This bill needs to die for a number of reasons:

1. It is a complete fraud.
2. It won't save any lives.
3. The signatures of the "pro-life" Republicans who voted to reaffirm Roe v. Wade will permanently stain the Congressional Record.
4. It will give political cover to the phony "pro-lifers" in Congress ("Hey, I'm pro-life, I voted for your ban.")
5. It will give the Congress an excuse not to pass a real pro-life bill such as an Article 3 reversal of Roe v. Wade, or the inclusion of the unborn in the 5th Amendment definition of a "person."
6. It will give comfort to pro-lifers that something is being done to save children, when in fact nothing is being done. Millions will continue to die when this bill is passed.

Decades of compromise would seem to have dulled the common senses of otherwise intelligent people. Maybe it is because we have become so desperate for even the tiniest shred of a victory that many are willing to accept even such a hollow one as this sorry excuse for an abortion ban.

Another problem we have is that the partial birth abortion ban has been a very effective fundraising tool. Many pro-life organizations have been milking this "ban" for almost a decade, so they cannot very well back away from it now.

But, now that it has been found the "ban" is nothing but a total scam, those that have raised millions by exploiting this issue should return the money to everyone they ripped off. And in the future, true pro-lifers should refuse to have anything to do with compromises like the "Partial Birth Abortion Ban."

As long we allow our efforts to be diverted by a ten-year debate over the location of a child's head prior to an execution, we will never begin to deal with the core issue - that our own government is the chief sponsor and protector of a legalized child killing industry that has murdered 44,000,000 Americans.

© 2003 David Brownlow - All Rights Reserved


In an exclusive interview with ABC News' Charles Gibson, Bush said he believes that both Christians and Muslims worship the same God.

"I think we do. We have different routes of getting to the Almighty," Bush said. "But I want you to understand, I want your listeners to understand, I don't get to get decide who goes to heaven. The Almighty God decides who goes to heaven and I am on my personal walk," he said.

ABC News


On Aug. 15, in an interview with CNN's Larry King, the president was talking about his support for a federal marriage amendment when King asked him, "What about the union of gays?"

Mr. Bush said, "Well, that's up to the states, you know. If states choose to do that, in other words, if they want to provide legal protections for gays, that's great! That's fine!"


Philadelphia, PA - Bush declared that he supports the A.B.C. approach to prevent AIDS, "That stands for: Abstain, be faithful in marriage, and, when appropriate, use condoms."

International Herald Tribune


Remarks by First Lady Laura Bush at Bush-Cheney '04 Rally

"I want you all to know that I'm supporting Senator Arlen Specter, and I hope all of you are too. (Applause.) He deserves to be re-elected in November."

The Official White House Website


Pittsburgh, PA - President Bush gave Sen. Arlen Specter a much-needed boost Monday, urging GOP faithful to stick with the moderate incumbent over a conservative challenger in Pennsylvania's tightening Republican primary for the U.S. Senate.

"I'm here to say it as plainly as I can: Arlen Specter is the right man for the United States Senate," Bush told a whooping crowd of an estimated 2,000 supporters at the Steel City's downtown convention center.

The Bush Family Values Photo Album

Body Parts for Sale

Bush Revealed

The American Holocaust: Abortion

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Body Parts for Sale

America's War Dead!

Number of Abortions!

Abortion is Murder!

Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Planned Murderhood!

Abortion and Baal-Worship

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp!

Abortion Spending

Abortion - America's Killer!

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)


U.S. Republican Presidents Are Accomplices To Abortion!

Christian Adoption Services

"...speaking the truth in love..."--Ephesians 4:15

Apostate Pastor Says Gay Ok

By David J. Stewart

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20).

I feel sorry for young people today who are at the mercy of an apostate society, when churches are actually embracing the homosexual agenda, and saying that it's acceptable to sin against God.

Emergent church leader says 'gay' can be biblical lifestyle
Cutting-edge Christianity debates: Should we accept homosexuality?

November 23, 2008

By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

One of the key leaders of today's most cutting-edge church movement has opened an Internet discussion on the issue of same-sex marriage with the bold proclamation that he believes "gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and queer" individuals can and should live out their sexuality in – and blessed by – the Christian church.

"I now believe that GLBTQ can live lives in accord with biblical Christianity (as least as much as any of us can!)," writes author and church leader Tony Jones, "and that their monogamy can and should be sanctioned and blessed by church and state."

Youth Pastor Tony Jones says, "It's ok to be gay."Jones (pictured left) is an author and former youth pastor who holds a doctorate from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is also the national coordinator of Emergent Village, a loosely-formed friendship of churches that derive their descriptive name from having "emerged" from postmodernism to take the gospel of Jesus Christ into a post-Christian culture.

The "Emergent Church," as these mostly young, community- and mission-driven congregations are collectively known, is criticized by some for being "theologically liberal," praised by others as the best hope for passing the torch of Christianity to future generations.

In his "The New Christians" blog, Jones opens up a discussion and debate on the issue of homosexuality with his readers and with a fellow theologian/blogger, a self-described political conservative, Rod Dreher...


SOURCE: Emergent church leader says 'gay' can be biblical lifestyle

It's not ok to be homosexual Mr. Jones. There is nothing "gay" about rebelling against God. God hates sin and calls homosexuality an ABOMINATION... "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." For a sin to be so horrible that God established the DEATH PENALTY for those who commit it, I'd say that's a very serious issue. Milquetoast ministers all across America have taken the homosexual and abortion issues lightly, as if they're not issues to God; but THEY ARE! God hates sin and evil (Hebrews 1:9; Psalm 97:10).

Homosexuality is a shameful, disgraceful and vile sin that needs to be publicly preached against... "Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret." Homosexuality is a disgusting, filthy, deplorable sinful act and ought to be discouraged in every way possible. It is shameful. Homosexuality is NOT acceptable with God. To commit the sin of homosexuality is to provoke the judgment of God (Romans 1:32).

"Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit. Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?" (Jeremiah 7:8-10). - America's Largest Pro-Family Action Web Site!

Public Employees Teach Teens 'Gay' Sex Techniques (Including Fisting) at GLSEN Conference At Tufts University

GLSEN Fistgate Scandal at Tufts Detailed By Massachusetts News:

Parents Rights Coalition Exposes GLSEN's Radical Agenda:


Queering The Schools:

National Association For Research And Therapy Of Homosexuality: Activism In The Schools:

Crafting Bi/Homosexual Children:

Child Molestation And The Homosexual Movement:

Homosexuality Behavior & Pedophilia:

How To Keep Gay Straight Alliance Clubs Out Of Your Public School:

Critical Analysis Of GLSEN's Same-Sex Marriage Curriculum For Teens:


Please put these banners on your webpage!

TVC News Logo



Do Something About the Homosexual Movement and Pedophilia!

Gay Marriage is a Sin!

God Loves People (All people!)

Sodomy (Audio sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)

Hope for Homosexuals

Myths About Homosexuality

The Homosexual Lifestyle is No White Picket Fence

Reclaiming the Rainbow | Sodomite Ministers | Protest Gay Day!



Education secretary blasts PBS for cartoon with gay characters

George Bush Cheers Gay Church!

High Court to Give 'Gays' Their Own 'Roe'?

Gay Pride? | Gay Tolerance? | Was King James a Homosexual?

While homosexuals claim they make up 10% of the population, the reality is closer to 1-2%

Homosexuality 101: A Primer (.PDF) (Provides a brief history of the homosexual movement in the U.S. and its roots in Marxist ideology. This paper describes how homosexuals terrorized the psychiatric community and have created a marketing strategy to vilify their opponents.)

Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children (.PDF)

Homosexual Behavior Fuels AIDS and STD Epidemic (.PDF)

A Gender Identity Disorder Goes Mainstream (.PDF)

Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique (.PDF)

Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection (.PDF)

Traditional Values Coalition Exposes Homosexual Agenda (.PDF)

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20).

There is a way out!

If you really love someone, you'll tell them the truth.

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!

Pastor calls abortion “a minor concern”

"Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?" —Lamentations 1:12

New Evangelical Pastor Calls Murder a "Minor Concern"!

A U.S. News and World Report article (December 2003, The New Old-Time Religion, by Jay Tolson, pg. 42) quotes Lon Solomon, pastor of the McLean Bible Church near Tyson's Corner, Virginia (a megachurch that draws up to 10,000 people on Sundays) as stating...

"Abortion and homosexuality are minor concerns in our church. The bell we beat is that we must know Jesus. We are offering people a different and better way to live than secular America offers."

Jonathan Edwards is appalled from Heaven! Abortion and homosexuality ... MINOR CONCERNS? What? Where in the Word of God are we ever led to view sin as a "minor issue"? I just don't understand how any professed "man of God," a pastor over 10,000 people, can call the murdering of over 40,000,000 babies (in the U.S. alone) ... a MINOR CONCERN! Americans have murdered more children through abortions than all of America's war dead combined!!! And yet we praise ourselves as being a nation that "values life." What liars!

Worldwide, hundreds-of-millions of babies have been murdered through abortions. We are surely living in apostate times when new evangelical ministers are calling mass-murder a "minor concern." Abortion is NOT a minor issue, it is cold-blooded murder, and a sin deserving of capital punishment (Exodus 20:13; 21:24). New (neo) evangelical ministers are a rotten bunch of deadbeats, and a plague upon this once great nation. 2nd Timothy 4:2 tells us to PREACH THE WORD! Exodus 20:13 commands, "Thou shalt not kill."

"...Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city." -Mark 6:11

Pastor Solomon states that his goal is to lead people to "know Jesus." This attitude is prevalent amongst new evangelicals today. However, the devils also know Jesus (James 2:19). I had a neo evangelical minister once rebuke me for preaching against sin in his pulpit. He said, "We only preach salvation here." Such deadbeat evangelicals would lead us to believe that God wants us to preach the Gospel; but doesn't want us to offend people by preaching against sin.

How ridiculous! You cannot show me one Scripture in the entire Bible which teaches us to avoid the controversial subject of SIN. Jesus clearly said in John 3:20 that it is people's love for sin that prevents them from coming to the Truth. This is what 1st John 2:15-17 means. It is one's love for the world that often keeps Him from getting saved. Jesus said, "Ye WILL NOT come to me, that ye might have life" (John 5:40). Jesus didn't say, ye "CANNOT" come.

The bottom line is that preaching a corrupted Gospel without preaching against sin often leads people to a false conversion. Thus, America today is infested with false doctrines such as Lordship Salvation, Making a Commitment to Christ, renewing one's life, turning over a new leaf, finding love, etc. None of these experiences will save a person. It is the BLOOD of Jesus Christ which takes our sins away (1st Peter 1:18,19). This EXCLUDES all works, including baptism and devilish speaking in tongues.

Oh how true 2nd Timothy 4:3 is in these last days, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears." Lon Solomon is scratching people's ears, telling them what they want to hear; when he ought to be preaching THE WORD OF GOD!

America is a Land of Sin and Evil!

Without a doubt, one of the most hideous evils being committed by the people of the United States is abortion! If you think this is an innocent matter, please read the free online book, Abortion Rites (Adobe Acrobat .PDF file). I was speaking with a man this week who said, "America is a righteous nation." I wanted to laugh. I asked ... "righteous?" I mentioned America's abortions, love of pornography, covetousness, sex-tourism, booze, gambling, homosexuality, violence, etc.

I reminded him about Las Vegas, a city so evil that they renamed their city's motto--"SIN CITY!" How vile and wrong! It is sickening! It is NOT surprising that a nation which murders it's own children would glamorize such a demonic place as Las Vegas! Abortion is murder and every pastor, evangelist, Bible-teacher, and Christian in America should proclaim it loudly.

I'm so sick and tired of hearing the Devil's crowd say, "We'll everyone has their rights." No sir, you have NO right to disobey God! You may have the God-given freedom; but you certainly DON'T have any right to murder babies and commit sin! America is a stiff-necked nation. We are sinfully proud and arrogant. Revelation 9:21 reads, "Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (witchcraft), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts..." Although Revelation 9:21 speaks of the Tribulation period, this Scripture is very true of many people today. So many people are living in the pleasures of sin, refusing to repent. Some people would rather die than repent, as we see in Revelation 9:21. God will judge those who choose to live in sin and defy His holy Word (Romans 14:12; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:11-15). This is true for believers as well (2nd Corinthians 5:10).

Abortion is NOT a "minor concern," it should be a MAJOR CONCERN for every Christian. Murder is a sin, and abortion is certainly murder. Sucking a baby's brains out, or cutting a child into pieces, or dissolving the living child in acid is nothing less than cold-blooded murder. How could anyone say otherwise? Truly, the abortionists are MONSTERS!

"That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." -2nd Thessalonians 2:12

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10

Why Do America's Churches Support Tyranny?

By David J. Stewart

Tyranny: A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition).

The entire basis upon which the Bush Administration invaded Iraq was alleged Weapons Of mass Destruction (WMD's), which have yet to be found. The American people have been sold one lie after another. First the Bush Administration blamed Iraq for being involved in the 911 attacks (which they weren't).

Then they claimed that Saddam was a madman who needed to be removed from power (nevermind the millions killed by Nixon and Reagan). Yet, once Saddam was removed from power, the Bush Administration continued killing and pillaging in Iraq. To date, there is not one valid reason why America ever attacked Iraq, except to steal their oil. Congress, nor the American people ever approved of this war. It's called "tyranny."

Is Sarah Palin’s God a Liar and a War Criminal?

In June, 2008, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, now Republican Senator John McCain’s choice for his running mate as vice-president, spoke to a group of ministry students at her Wasilla, Alaska Assembly of God Church. Palin asked these church leaders to pray for soldiers, including her own son, who would soon be deployed to Iraq, in these words: "that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Would God’s plan include lying about, and misrepresenting crucial information about, the alleged reasons for going to war against Iraq? Would it include commission of the “supreme international crime” of waging an unprovoked, unnecessary war of aggression against a nation and its people who never threatened the United States? What kind of God would have such a plan? [Emphasis added]


Invading Iraq... "a plan from God"? It is disturbing indeed that so many professed Christians nowadays fail to think for themselves and actually believe that God approves of what we're doing to the Iraqi people. The Bible teaches in Proverbs 6:16-19 that God HATES: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. The Bush Administration is guilty on all charges.

Greenspan admits Iraq was about oil, as deaths put at 1.2 million

"The man once regarded as the world's most powerful banker has bluntly declared that the Iraq war was 'largely' about oil.

Appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1987 and retired last year after serving four presidents, Alan Greenspan has been the leading Republican economist for a generation and his utterings instantly moved world markets.

In his long-awaited memoir - out tomorrow in the US - Greenspan, 81, who served as chairman of the US Federal Reserve for almost two decades, writes: 'I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.' "

SOURCE: Greenspan admits Iraq was about oil, as deaths put at 1.2m | World news | The Observer (09-16-07)

The American public has been lied to repeatedly. The average American is woefully ignorant, and even worse, willfully ignorant of so many things. This includes professed Christians. The newsmedia are nothing more than highly paid liars. While trillions of taxpayer dollars have been stolen by the Federal Reserve Banksters, the newsmedia is more concerned about Sandra Bullock's MTV award and Tiger Wood's golf record. We get what we deserve as a sin-loving nation.

America loves war! We are good at it. We've had 10-wars in just a little over 200-years. We can't build a decent car in America, nor can we educate our children, nor can we build a TV or VCR anymore, nor can we provide healthcare for our elderly; but we sure know how to bomb and destroy other countries. It's the American way. The United States is the ONLY nation that has troops policing foreign nations! The U.S. has troops in DOZENS of foreign nations! If we followed the U.S. Constitution, we'd bring all the troops home and mind our own business!

The truth is that America is being exploited by it's overlords at The Council On Foreign Relations, to bring to fruition a global system of economics, government, religion, law and control. This will be the Beast System of the coming Antichrist. This was the intended purpose for America's inception, plotted by Freemasonry occultists for centuries. Very few people understand the things I am saying, because they are too apathetic to study and search for the truth. The truth is very plain and simple if you desire to have it. Sarah Palin speaks lies. She is an illuminati puppet, a wannabe at the U.S. Presidency, and she may get her chance in 2012 . . .

Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, with her daughter Willow holding her son Trig, campaigns at a rally in Henderson, Nevada. Notice how Palin makes a Satanic sign with both hands! Boy was she desperate to get elected! Sarah Palin is a sell-out, clearly showing her willingness to spiritually fornicate with the Devil, i.e., "wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12).

I Don't Support the Troops, and Neither Should You!

I know I am going to be very unpopular here, but I have to stand for the convictions that I believe to be pleasing to God. No one should be loyal to people over principle, or tradition over truth, or religion over righteousness. I am not loyal to any institution nor organization; but rather, to the Word of God and to what is right.

All across America, naive pastors uplift and support the evils that are being committed by The White House. This is sinful. Our troops are being used as Herod's henchman to kill innocent people in Iraq. The same pastors and Christians supporting our troops would have also supported the Roman troops killing all the Jewish babies in Jesus' time. They would have rallied behind Adolf Hitler as the ruler of the people.

At what point does an afflicted society, including it's Christian citizens, have a God-given right to dissent and rise up against it's oppressors? America wouldn't be here today if our founding fathers hadn't resorted to violence to get their point across. It was President John F. Kennedy who rightfully said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."

It's coming down to a standoff in America between the people and the government. The offshore Banksters who are behind the New World Order are going to send foreign troops into America, to smash the resistance, and they will win! You will witness Chinese troops marching on U.S. soil and Americans will be enslaved! God has given us over to tyranny because of our nation's wickedness. Judgment Day is upon us! A Police State is being setup! We are now witnessing the fall of America!

I cannot support the troops, because what they are doing is evil. I am not against the military. I am not against war. But the Bible says go to make war with "good advice" (Proverb 20:18). Our nation lied its way into war with Iraq. The New World Order gang is stealing Iraq's oil. Over one million Iraqi's have been murdered. America's troops did this! If you support the troops, then you are ignoring God's Commandments which forbid bearing false witness, stealing and killing. I am tired of people who claim to love America at all cost, evil if it means lying, stealing, conniving and cheating to do so. In reality you only love yourself and don't care about America's reputation.

It's so idiotic! The very same pastors and Christian leaders who think they are being patriotic by supporting the troops, are defending acts of treason and wickedness that have betrayed America's integrity and character. You're not patriotic because you look the other way and support a wicked agenda, you're part of the problem, a coward, a shame to your nation, and as unpatriotic as can be for selling out your nation. Patriotism is not supporting evil. Patriotism is not supporting a particular political party or White House administration. No Sir! Blind loyalty is not patriotism, it's stupidity! Most people support the troops because that's what everyone else is doing. And you're too much of a coward as a Christian leader to go against the crowd. We should never go along to get along!

I realize that most of the troops are just young men and women doing what they're told, but that doesn't make murdering the innocent and stealing their wealth ok. Anyone can label a foreign power as "terrorist" and target them. Our troops are not fighting for America's freedom. The bogus claims about freedom fighters is all a bunch of fabricated lying propaganda. The military's psyops unit does nothing but manipulate the public (and it works!). This is why Homeland Security has a paid operative working in Hollywood, incorporating brainwashing government propaganda into the movies and television that Americans watch. Are you sure you want to watch TV?

I have to say this, because it's the truth. I DON'T support the troops in Iraq! How can I? They're doing so much evil. I do not hate the troops. I have seen dozens and dozens of Christian websites boast, "We Support Our Troops." May I ask "why"? Do you support tyranny? Do you support shedding innocent blood? Do you support murdering over one million Iraqis to steal their oil? People mindlessly support the troops because they were handed a bumper sticker or because they have read the catchy phrase so much that they mindlessly accept it.

If you want to support murder, theft and false witness, then that's your decision; but I have a conscience before God. I support being honest. I support doing unto others as I want done unto me. Those are my neighbors in Iraq, and yours too. What have we done to those poor people? Why are we still invading their nation? We went in to take out ONE MAN, Saddam, and instead have taken over ONE MILLION LIVES!

Yet, nutcase Americans support the troops? What is wrong with people? The problem is that people are not right with God, so they don't care. The Bible says in 1st Peter 1:7 that God cares. If you know God as a born-again Christian, then you will CARE. Caring is the hallmark quality of being a Christian, which includes a desire to win souls to Jesus Christ. It all comes down to caring. Most people don't care nowadays because most people don't know God at all. I CARE!

Perhaps you say, "I don't support the war, I only support our troops because they're just doing what they're paid to do." So then you must also support the prostitute on the street whose pimp is controlling her, right? So then you must also support the people who killed Terri Schiavo because they were just doing their job, right? How about the State lawyer who is just doing his job to persecute good parents for not allowing their child to be guinea pigs, for not bowing to the drug companies? How about the abortion doctor who's just doing his job? Do you support such doctors?

At what point does a person become accountable to God for the job they do? Is the abortion doctor just doing his job? Our troops are responsible to God for every person they murder under the pretense of bringing "freedom" to Iraq, and the greater sin is upon our nation as a whole for allowing it. Just because the government hands a young man a loaded gun and misleads him to think he's killing for freedom—doesn't relieve him of the responsibility of his actions. Defending America is one thing; lying, killing the innocent and stealing natural resources from another nation is evil.

Those are fathers and sons being murdered in Iraq (and many women and children too). What if that were us? What if China falsely accused the U.S. and invaded our nation? Would not our men go to war to defend our nation? Yes, of course. And what if the Chinese killed over one million of our citizens in the name of "freedom" and then started to steal our natural resources? Would we still support the troops? No way! If we truly lived the GOLDEN RULE as Jesus taught it, then we never would have invaded Iraq in the first place... "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets" (Matthew 7:12).

Like it or not, the truth is that U.S. troops are being used as PAID mercenaries, i.e., one paid to fight another's war. Only an ignorant fool believes that our troops are fighting for "freedom" in Iraq. Communism usually comes in the form of Democracy. The worst forms of tyranny are always shielded behind so-called law and justice. I am not trying to be unkind, just honest. I cannot support what our troops are doing in Iraq, regardless of how sincere they may be. People are needlessly dying. The average Christian believer couldn't care less in America, blindly supporting whatever a Republican President does. It's time for Christians to wake up and stop supporting tyranny.

Consider this powerful quote from the man of God, Dr. John R. Rice...

"So, as an honest Bible preacher, obeying the plain commands of God, I must speak out against corruption and immorality. Waste, corruption, the taking away of men's freedom and the seizing of men's property, these sins every honest preacher must condemn and every honest Christian must disavow. "

SOURCE: Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions; Question: Should politics and religion be mixed?; by Dr. John R. Rice, pg. 249, Sword of the Lord Publishers; 1973, ISBN: 0-87398-157-X

Amen! I am speaking out against corruption, the taking away of men's freedom and lives, and the seizing of men's property and natural resources by the U.S. led coalition in Iraq. It is our duty as believers to refute such works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11).

What is wrong with so-called Christians today? The lesser problem is woeful ignorance. The greater problem is human nature, i.e., people don't think for themselves. It's so much easier to allow your pastor or the newsmedia to tell you what to think. However, Jesus commanded us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES in John 5:39. The Bible condemns tyranny, shedding innocent blood, bearing false witness, murder and stealing.

I dread to think what will happen if McCain and Sarah Palin get elected to office. McCain has already publicly stated: "I disagree with what the majority of the American people want." McCain has also committed America to potentially remain in Iraq for another 100-years. Satan (I mean Sarah) Palin errantly thinks that the Iraqi invasion is "God's plan." It's sickening that so many religious Americans arrogantly think God always supports us—just because we are Americans, no matter what we do, or how much we sin, or how many millions of human lives we murder, or how rotten and evil we are, or how many nations we bomb and destroy, or who we steal from...

Would God’s plan include lying about, and misrepresenting crucial information about, the alleged reasons for going to war against Iraq? Would it include commission of the “supreme international crime” of waging an unprovoked, unnecessary war of aggression against a nation and its people who never threatened the United States? What kind of God would have such a plan?


I agree with the author of the preceding quote. Certainly, Sarah Palin does not speak for the God of the Bible. The Scriptures condemn: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren" (Proverb 6:16-19). The Bush Administration is guilty on all charges. God is NOT a part of such evil and brutal oppression, and no Christian should support it either.

The bottom line is that most people don't know God, don't want truth, don't care about what's right and don't listen to reason. The Bible speaks of "unreasonable and wicked men" (2nd Thessalonians 3:2). Most people don't care how many Iraqi's die, they're still going to support the troops, no matter what they do. Most people just don't care, they're stubborn and wicked. I see so many people defending evil, whether it be abortionists or a crook who takes advantage of others. In Mark 7:9, Jesus plainly stated that the Jews openly and fully rejected God's Word. They couldn't have cared less about obeying God, just as most people today don't care either.

The big question is: Do you care about anyone other than yourself? If you care, then the fate of the victims of 911 should bother you. The killing of Iraqis should bother you. The theft of trillions of taxpayer dollars should bother you. But you probably don't care either. I heard a man say that he didn't care about the victims of 911, because they weren't his family. That's such a selfish and wicked attitude to have. Philippians 2:21, "For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's." Churches support tyranny because they don't care about the things of Jesus Christ.

President Bush Jokes About War In Iraq!

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!

Abortion is Murder!

“Thou shalt not kill.” —Exodus 20:13

The American Holocaust: Abortion

Worthy of a blessing?

Satan Laughs as mothers murder their own babies in the name of "freedom of choice"—but the baby has no choice. A Sad Story about Abortion

Upon seeing these signs, an angry pro-choice mother asked, "How can you allow little children to see those horrible pictures?" The pro-life mother wisely responded, "How can you allow little children to be those horrible pictures?"


Printed in FULL COLOR on outdoor, water-resistant paper, these signs
tell the TRUTH about abortion, that you
won't see on the 6:00 News...

This sign shows the body of a 21 week old preborn baby, killed by a D&C abortion. It is in full-color, 60" wide x 37" high, and is available in a laminated version only. Please see the order form for pricing & ordering information.

This powerful sign illustrates the horrible similarity between Hitler's murder of 6 million Jews, and America's murder of over 30 million pre-born babies since 1973. Let your community know about AMERICA's holocaust, by showing them the truth about this horror. It is available in 36"x21" and 63"x36" sizes, fully laminated. Please see the order form for pricing & ordering information.

This sign features the severed head of a preborn baby girl, aborted in the third tri-mester of her mother's pregnancy. When abortion advocates talk about "FREEDOM OF CHOICE", this is the result... the grusome death of a precious child. The sign is available in 36"x27", and 44" x 60" sizes. Please see the order form for pricing and order information.

This giant sign celebrates God's wonderful gift of human life, by displaying the smiling face of a precious little boy. It stands in stark contrast to the horror of abortion, and appeals to the hearts of those who might be contemplating abortion. The sign is available in 36"x24" and 54"x36" sizes, fully laminated. Please see the order form for pricing and order information.

This shocking sign shows a baby killed by a first-trimester D&C abortion. His humanity speaks for itself. The sign is 46" wide x 36" high, and is fully laminated. Please see the order form for pricing and order information.

8th WEEK
This tall sign illustrates a living preborn baby at just 8 weeks from conception. It is available in 21"x36" and 63"x36" sizes. Both are fully laminated. Show your community the unmistakable personhood of the preborn. Please see the order form for pricing and order information.

These dear little girls holding hands will appeal to even the hardest heart. The sign is fully laminated, and available in sizes 30"x36", and 36"x44". Please see the order form for pricing and order information.

Like our other LIFE signs, this precious baby boy will remind mothers what they have to loose if they choose abortion. Life really is a gift from God. This sign is available in 36"x21" and 63"x36" sizes, both fully laminated. Please see the order form for pricing and order information.

Here's a sign that tells the TRUTH about Planned Parenthood. It measures 63" wide x 36" high, and is fully laminated for long life. Please see the order form for pricing and order information.

Here's a sign that also tells the TRUTH about Planned Parenthood. It is available in 36"x29" and 45"x36" sizes, and is fully laminated for long life. Please see the order form for pricing and order information.

Many of your neighbors still do not know that PP kills more children than any other organization in America. Let them know! The sign is 42" wide x 36" high, and fully laminated. Please see the order form for pricing and order information.




These small 3"x5" cards are "mini-signs", with full color on the front, and include black text on the back. They are excellent for distribution in public places, inserting in envelopes when paying bills or when writing to friends & associates. Please see the order form for pricing and ordering information... keep a bunch of them on hand!




Chet Kilgore
N2639 Hwy. Z G143
Dousman, Wisconsin 53118, USA

“Thou shalt not kill.” ―Exodus 20:13

Proverb 14:31, “He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.”

What is a Life Worth? (YouTube video)
Please take a look at this YouTube video. It will remind you that every human life is precious and that we can see this truth most clearly through the face of a helpless, innocent baby who can do nothing for us but allow us the opportunity to give ourselves to him in love. It teaches that joy comes through giving oneself to another for their own sake and that authentic joy can be experienced in the midst of difficulties and even amidst tremendous sorrow. Mostly, it will reveal the heroic courage and life affirming witness that is possible for those yielded to and animated by the life of the Holy Spirit. Take a look but make sure you have your Kleenex ready.

Fall of the Republic (Full Length)

Pro-Choice: A gas oven or an abortionist's garbage dumpster?

If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we exercise sound judgment, especially in the important decisions of our lives.

I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had justifications or not.

So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you don't have enough money, etc. If instead you want to keep the baby, you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it."

Experienced Pro-lifer's Comments on Use of Graphic Pictures

If you really believe in pro-choice, then why don't you keep your pants up and be a responsible human being? - America's Largest Pro-Family Action Web Site!

Is it not strange how we have come to equate the Republican Party with traditional American values (i.e., the so-called "Religious Right")? Do you have any idea what Laura Bush told the nation during her interview on the Today Show for January 19, 2000 (the very eve of her husband's inauguration)? When asked for her view on reversing Roe v. Wade, the sweet little woman meekly replied, "I DON'T THINK IT SHOULD BE REVERSED."

Beauty salons fuel trade in aborted babies Fetuses found in Paris hospital
"If women were in charge, abortion would be a sacrament, an occasion of deep and serious and sacred meaning."

Carter Heyward, an ordained Episcopal priest who has been active for many years in the feminist movement.

Aborted Fetus Material is Being Put into Vaccines!

wpe3.jpg (16617 bytes)

The American Holocaust: ABORTION!

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Auschwitz in the United States!

Body Parts for Sale | Freedom of Choice? | U.S. Abortion Statistics

America's War Dead! | The Sin of Abortion | The Population Control Agenda

Why SHOULD God Bless America? | How is Murder "Planned Parenthood"?

The Massacre of Innocence! (Abortion and Witchcraft) | FOUNDATION SACRIFICES

A Physician Tells Why Abortion Is Murder | The Real Picture of Abortion

New York: Abortion Capitol of the U.S. (74 out of every 100 babies are murdered)

Horror of Abortion | The Foetus | CRUCIFY THEM! | True Hatred in America

Before I Formed Thee... | Partial Birth Abortion Scam | Forced Abortion in America!

Number of Abortions! | Hundred of Fetuses | Hypocrisy of America!

Horror in Plano Texas! | Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Abortion and Baal-Worship | Mass-Murderer Margaret Sanger

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp! | EU to Doctors: Thou Shalt Abort!

Abortion is Witchcraft!!! | Abortion Spending | Abortion - America's Killer!

Margaret Sanger's Nation of 'Morons' | Guilt of Abortion | Fetal Homicide Laws

Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historic Genocide

ABORTION RITES: How Feminists Spirituality is Reframing the Abortion Debate (.PDF file)

Abortion Ceremonies are Satanic! | Abortuaries! | Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

Abortion and the Ancient Practice of Child Sacrifice

Would You Consider Abortion in These Four Situations?

Big Families (The wicked are trying to PREVENT you from having a big family!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)

Americans Have Killed 10-fold Hitler's Holocaust

Klanned Parenthood | God is the Potter; We Are the Clay!

Black Genocide!

Introduction to Eugenics

Pro-Choice: A gas oven or an abortionist's garbage dumpster?

Abortion Torture Methods Top Baptist Websites The Baptist Top 1000 The Fundamental Top 500

Young girls today, they want to have fun. Young girls today just wanna party. Today young girls wanna go to a nightclub and have open sex on the floor of the nightclub, and then put it on YouTube, and if they should get pregnant they want to throw the baby into a dumpster. That's the new America! No morals. No self-respect. No nation. No borders. No language. No culture. No responsibility. Now that's America today!

"And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible." —Isaiah 13:11

"In 1988, the Supreme Court decided that a husband has no right to stop his wife from having an abortion. The appeals court, which passed the decision onto the Supreme Court, had stated that the husband 'has no right to veto [his wife's] decision [to have the abortion] as such [a] decision concerns only her.' "

SOURCE: The New World Order, pg. 239, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS PRESS, Tucson, Arizona. exists to cut through the skewed rhetoric of a broadly “pro-choice” culture by presenting young people with the conclusive evidence that abortion is a massive injustice, one which has and continues to systematically destroy the most innocent and helpless members of the human race. further exists as a gateway into the more fundamental questions of human existence. Where does human life come from? From whence does evil emerge? What is the meaning of life?


"To educate our Hispanic community regarding the life issues, especially the hate crime they have been subjected to by the abortion industry and promoters of abortion."

Mission statement—

Christian Adoption Services

If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973?

“...speaking the truth in love...” —Ephesians 4:15

Ye Must Be Born Again!

Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Watch this disturbing video which shows that racism still plays a role in the abortion industry today . . .

Download YouTube Video

Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) was a hateful racist. She is the founder of Planned Parenthood. This video evidences that racism is still alive and cruel in today's abortion industry.

Particularly disturbing is President's Obama's comment at the end of the video that Planned Parenthood is helping men who “have enough sense to realize you're helping them all across the country.” Isn't that sad? Basically, President Obama thanked Planned Parenthood for helping men avert the responsibility of fatherhood. That's the only conclusion that can be drawn from his horrible statement. How is Planned Parenthood helping men who “have enough sense to realize” it?

Obama also thanked Planned Parenthood for “helping families.” How does killing children help families? What a deception. It's all a pack of malicious lies intended to mislead the public. Where does “motherhood” come into play when the only plan is to kill the child? It's all a big lie. You see, they have to make it sound like abortion is good for the family, and that they're helping and doing your family a favor.[1] The only one they're helping is Satan.

Planned Parenthood's I had an Abortion T-shirt!

(The following is a reprint of the STOPP's essay "Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood")

"Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood."

Planned Parenthood is not a benevolent organization trying to strengthen women's rights. It is a cold, calculating group intent on spreading the Humanist religion, luring our children into their web of premarital sex and unlimited abortions, reducing the population of minorities in particular and filling its coffers with the profits from sales of birth control devices.


Planned Parenthood pushes what it calls “confidential services” for minors, meaning that PP will provide all types of “reproductive services” to young girls, including potentially dangerous prescription medication and invasive surgery, without their parents’ knowledge. In its 1993-1994 Annual Report, PP bragged of its “unswerving commitment to confidentiality.”

In most states, PP assigns teens a “code name” so that PP can call the girls at home and pretend to be a girlfriend. (Recently, the code names in Springfield, IL; Chicago, IL; and Kingston, NY; were Heather, Nancy and Lucy, respectively.)

As long ago as 1979, the Sunday Independent newspaper in Wilkes-Barre, PA, reported that Planned Parenthood was transporting high school girls out of town, during school hours, to get abortions without the parents being notified.

Planned Parenthood will give minor girls Norplant, Depo-Provera shots, and even abortions without their parents’ knowledge.


Planned Parenthood does not view teenage sex as wrong. PP is upset only if sex results in “unwanted” births. Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs are not about telling children how to avoid sex. They are, rather, designed to indoctrinate our children into what PP calls “responsible sexuality.” By this PP means it is okay for kids to have sex as long as they avoid pregnancy; or if they do get pregnant, have an abortion.

Former PP president Faye Wattleton confirmed this in the Los Angeles Times, on October 17, 1986: “[Planned Parenthood is] not going to be an organization promoting celibacy or chastity.”

The current PP president, Pamela Maraldo, in an article in the March/April 1993 issue of Family Planning World, condemned abstinence-only sex ed programs as “unacceptable.” She endorsed, instead, the position of former United States Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, who said, “We’ve taught our children in driver’s education what to do in the front seat, and now we’ve got to teach them what to do in the back seat.”


Planned Parenthood is dedicated to spreading the religious doctrine of Humanism as defined in the Humanist Manifestos (I and II).

PP has consistently refused to give our children a clear message of “right” and “wrong.” It seeks not to educate our children in moral values, but to indoctrinate them into the Humanist philosophy that proclaims there is no objective moral code, and that right and wrong can be decided solely by the individual.

In the Los Angeles Times article quoted above, Faye Wattleton said, “[Planned Parenthood’s] concern is not to convey ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots.’”

Fearing that moral people on school boards may lead to schools teaching our young children right from wrong, Pamela Maraldo said, in the article referred to above, “...we must bring an immediate halt to the aggressive infiltration of local school boards by the religious right.”

Any school program endorsed by Planned Parenthood will give children complete information on how to have sex. The children will be given no moral guidance in a PP program and will be told they can do it or not do it depending on how they feel. While this concept of no absolute rights or wrongs may be embraced by some people in the world, it is rejected by most. Most people subscribe to religious principles that recognize a supreme authority over life and a set of divinely inspired principles on which our behavior must be conditioned. Parents who support STOPP are among this latter group and, therefore, oppose all PP programs for teens.


Planned Parenthood runs a business providing birth control devices to its customers. Although PP is officially a non-profit organization, IRS regulations allow it to make profits on parts of its operation. PP does make a profit on its sale of birth control devices and seems to operate more to protect that income than its clients.

A primary example of this is their provision of birth control pills. The Pill has long been a major income producer for PP.

At the Third Annual AIDS Conference in Washington in June 1987, Dr. Frank Plummer of the Kenya Medical Institute reported that oral contraceptive users appear to be less resistant to AIDS than non-users. Still PP refused to get teenage girls and others off the Pill.

Then, Family Planning Perspectives (Vol. 25, No. 6, p. 243) reported: “Women who are seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and use the pill are more likely than nonusers to have HIV present in their cervical secretions, and may be more likely to infect their sexual partners.” The AGI story goes on to say: “The presence of HIV in cervical secretions was nearly 12 times as likely among pill users as among non-users.”

Still, PP refused to tell its customers to get off the Pill to reduce the risk of AIDS. If PP were really concerned about women, it would stop selling the Pill. However, this would mean about an $85,000,000 decrease in PP income.

This same disregard for women can also be seen in Planned Parenthood’s handling of the Norplant problem. In 1993 and 1994, numerous lawsuits were filed by Norplant users over the side effects of the implants and the difficulty of removal. Yet PP not only continues to make this device available, it still implants it in minors without parental knowledge.

In his book The Destiny of the Black Race, black author Carlisle John Peterson devotes the greater part of two chapters to the racist nature of PP. He gives many examples, including Sanger’s notorious “Negro Project” of the 1930’s.

Looking at PP’s abortion statistics gives more evidence of its racist nature. PP has an overall clientele spread that is 74% white and 26% minorities. Yet PP’s 1992 Service Report revealed that its abortion customers were 57% white and 43% minorities! It is clear, then, that PP targets minority customers for abortions.

In addition to lowering the minority population through abortions, PP also pushes sterilization among minority groups. In his book Grand Illusions, George Grant wrote:

Lydia Jones, a Title X and Medicaid-eligible welfare mother of four went to the Planned Parenthood clinic near her home and discovered that “free” government programs can be a good news-bad news proposition.“ They told me that if I wanted to take advantage of their medical services I would have to undergo sterilization,” she said. “The counselor just kept lecturing me about how I needed to do this, and that I should have done it a long time ago. She told me that my children were a burden to society. Well, let me tell you, I love my children. And they’re a burden to no one. My two oldest are in college, working their way through. My other two are straight-A students and bound for scholarships. I may be poor, and I may be Black, but I’m not going to be bullied by these people into despising the heritage God has given me.” Lydia walked out [of Planned Parenthood]. According to a February 26, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune story, PP opened a modern medical facility in the poor neighborhood of Tijuana, Mexico, to provide free sterilizations for Mexican women. This facility is contributing to the demise of the native Mexican population.


From its beginning, Planned Parenthood has been an organization that championed surgical abortion. In many of its plans and documents, PP talks about the need for abortion as “a necessary back-up for contraceptive failure.”

Planned Parenthood opposes every attempt to put even the slightest restriction on abortion. In 1989 it opposed a Massachusetts bill which would have made sex-selection abortions illegal.

Planned Parenthood “counseling” is geared towards getting pregnant women to abort their babies. Paula Molloy of Philadelphia tells of going to PP when she was pregnant and of the type of counseling she received. Paula said:

I found myself pregnant and went to the only place I knew—Planned Parenthood. There, the counselor began her coercive methods. I did not have any intention of signing myself up for an abortion. The counselor asked me what I was planning to do. I was not sure. The counselor said, “Surely you’re not planning on having this child, you can’t even afford our clinic let alone a baby.” She started to tell me the cost of baby clothes, food and medical expenses. She then said: “Do you want to end up on welfare? You have your whole life ahead of you. You won’t be able to travel or pursue a serious career.” I told her my parents would help. She asked me how old they were and how many children lived at home. After I answered, her comment was “Are you not being selfish to place this burden of responsibility on your parents? They have already raised their children and it was their turn to enjoy each other.” I then asked about adoption and she started to talk about child abuse cases. Then she added that I was on the pill and the fetus would suffer serious medical and physical complications. I made an appointment for the abortion that day.

This type of “counseling” occurs frequently at PP. A study made public by the U.S. Government’s General Accounting Office in 1989 reported that 35.2% of pregnant patients who go to PP centers have abortions, as compared with just 5.7% of patients who go to all family planning clinics. In addition, the GAO found one PP clinic where 86.4% of pregnant women had abortions!

In 1993, PP ran more than 100 abortion facilities in the United States and performed 134,277 abortions. This represents almost 9% of all the abortions in the country!


Despite all its rhetoric about being a “women’s health agency” or an “advocate for poor women,” PP is first and foremost a population-control organization. According to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Federation Declaration of Principles, 1980, p. 12, one of the five general goals of PP is “to combat the world population crisis by helping to bring about a population of stable size in an optimum environment in the United States.”

The PPFA 1993-94 Annual Report also bragged: “In February 1994, PPFA launched a new initiative to ensure Planned Parenthood’s continuing leadership in global population issues.” It is called the Global Vision Project. PP’s activities in sterilization and abortion can rightly be traced to its intense desire to reduce population growth.


Planned Parenthood receives large amounts of government monies to spread its philosophies. PPFA receives $150 million from American taxpayers. Thus, we are being forced to pay for its outrageous programs and its attacks on our youth.

To defeat Planned Parenthood, we need your help. We invite you to join us in this task. Please pray for our work. To keep informed about PP send $25 for a one-year subscription to The Ryan Report.

© 1995 STOPP International

Planned Parenthood Thanks Anti-Terri GOP Voters

NewsMax | March 31, 2005

On Thursday, March 24, 2005, the director of public affairs for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida sent an e-mail to advocates for the abortion operation telling them how to "express your appreciation" to Florida Republican senators who split with the GOP leadership by voting against a bill intended to save Terri Schiavo, according to David Bereit, national director of American Life League's STOPP International.

The message listed the names and contact information for the six senators.

In a Wednesday, March 30, phone conversation with David Bereit, the Planned Parenthood executive admitted to sending the e-mail and said, "We just felt that it was pretty courageous of them (the six senators) to do what they did, and it's always a good idea to thank legislators when they do something you like."

When asked by Bereit about the specifics of the measure, the abortion clinic employee admitted, "I really am not sure exactly what the legislation said," but explained that she sent out the e-mail because, "I think probably the majority of our supporters feel that there should not be government intrusion, that the court should be the ones handling this issue, as it has, and so that's why I did it."

"It shouldn't surprise anyone that Planned Parenthood and its supporters think the courts should ultimately decide who lives and who dies in America," Bereit explained. "After all, it was the courts that forced abortion upon America, giving Planned Parenthood the ability to make over $100 million a year by terminating innocent children."

Bereit added, "This is just one more example of why people across America are uniting to oppose Planned Parenthood and its destructive agenda.

"Apparently Planned Parenthood isn't content with killing 244,628 innocent children in the last year through abortion. Now the harmful organization is telling its advocates how to thank elected officials for voting against a measure aimed at saving the life of Terri Schiavo."


Download YouTube Video

Oppose Planned Parenthood

Terri Schiavo Archive (Cold-blooded murder!)

Planned Parenthood Mocks Christmas with "Choice on Earth" Cards

The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder

The Negro Project - Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America


Experienced Pro-lifer's Comments on Use of Graphic Pictures

Beauty salons fuel trade in aborted babies Fetuses found in Paris hospital - America's Largest Pro-Family Action Web Site!


Aborted Fetus Material is Being Put into Vaccines!

wpe3.jpg (16617 bytes)

The American Holocaust: ABORTION!

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

ABORTION: The heathen sacrifice of a child to the god of convenience!

Body Parts for Sale | Freedom of Choice? | America's War Dead!

Why SHOULD God Bless America? | U.S. Abortion Statistics

The Massacre of Innocence! (Abortion and Witchcraft)

New York: Abortion Capitol of the U.S. (74 out of every 100 babies are murdered)

Horror of Abortion | Baby Talk (by Jack T. Chick) | Abortion is Unsafe!

Before I Formed Thee... | Partial Birth Abortion Scam

Forced Abortion in America! | Number of Abortions! | Hundred of Fetuses

Hypocrisy of America! | Horror in Plano Texas! | Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Abortion and Baal-Worship | Mass-Murderer Margaret Sanger

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp! | EU to Doctors: Thou Shalt Abort!

Abortion is Witchcraft!!! | Abortion Spending | Abortion - America's Killer!

Margaret Sanger's Nation of 'Morons'

ABORTION RITES: How Feminists Spirituality is Reframing the Abortion Debate (.PDF file)

Abortion Ceremonies are Satanic! | Abortuaries!

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

Abortion and the Ancient Practice of Child Sacrifice

Big Families (The wicked are trying to PREVENT you from having a big family!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)

Black Genocide!

PRO-CHOICE: The gas oven or an abortionist's garbage dumpster?

Christian Adoption Services

If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973?

"...speaking the truth in love..." —Ephesians 4:15

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!

Abortion, Baal Worship, and Breast Cancer
By Donna Anderson
RNU News Sr. Reporter

MP3 may take a moment to load...

Peer-reviewed medical studies present findings indicating an increased risk of breast cancer following forced abortion. – (Raiders News Update) - Had an abortion, or know someone who has? This hot topic comes at us, in the media, from every angle. But how many of those who've gone through this process know of God's deep, strong love for them? Did you know, as a Father loves his children, His laws are designed to protect you? Did you know that while He weeps at the death of every little one, His arms are stretched out toward those who come to the Cross and ask for His forgiveness?

In 1993 Joel Brind presented his thesis, "Induced Abortion as an Independent Risk Factor for Breast Cancer," at the Association of Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change held in Milwaukee, WI.

Among his findings:

* There is an 800% increase in breast cancer for women less than 18 years old who have an abortion after the eighth week of pregnancy.
* On average there is an 80% increase in breast cancer if the woman has an abortion before a live birth.
* Risk of breast cancer increases with the number of abortions.
* Women who have an abortion before a live birth and develop breast cancer have a greater possibility of having a faster growing tumor with a poorer cure rate than women who have not had an abortion.

Following Brind's report over 20 peer-reviewed medical studies presented similar findings indicating a possible increase in the risk of breast cancer following a forced abortion. One such report claimed a woman's chance of developing breast cancer doubles after an abortion. Cervical damage and sterility have also been connected to forced abortion.

While such studies point out the delicate balance God has placed between creation and the observance of biblical law, the risk of disease should not be viewed as a personal judgment from God, but rather the potential result of breaching his laws of life and safety.

The fact that one increases the chance of individual harm through unbiblical activity proves that God's laws were intended for our spiritual and physical protection. God loves each one of us and it hurts Him when women who take the life of their child through forced abortion, risk premature death.

Jesus invites everyone to live in accordance with His Word, which is "health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones" (Proverbs 3:7-8).

What power seeks the destruction of adults and children?


Abortion on demand is the Baal worship of modern times. King Ahab and Queen Jezebel led the Israelites in Baal worship and the sacrifice of children in the Old Testament. Ahaz went so far as to burn "his son as an offering" to Baal/Moloch, as did Manasseh (see 2 Kings 16:3; 21:6).

Why would people make such terrible decisions? It was believed that human sacrifice to Baal held the key to prosperity. People desiring to live in selfish prosperity and ease brought their firstborn child to the high priest, where the child would be offered as a burnt offering to the deity.

The altar of Baal was in the image of a bull with the head and shoulders of a man. Its arms extended outward and fire belched out from a hole in the chest. The priest of Baal placed the babies on the outstretched arms, where the child would be rolled into the fire. As the child died, the priest and priestess engaged in sexual intercourse, while an orgy occurred among the onlookers.

A Baal cemetery unearthed recently contained the remains of more than twenty thousand children. The Greek author Kleitarchos described this practice of sacrificing infants to Baal three hundred years before Christ:

"Out of reverence for Kronos [Baal], the Phoenicians, and especially the Carthaginians, whenever they seek to obtain some great favor, vow one of their children, burning it as a sacrifice to the deity, if they are especially eager to gain success. There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos, its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. When the flames fall on the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing, until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier."

Ancients were led by Satan to kill their children for personal convenience and gain, while engaging in promiscuity. Modern Baal worshipers-a.k.a. abortionists - have slaughtered millions for the same reasons. Do such abortionists care for the welfare of the mother? Do they warn of the increased risk of cancer? In fact they have tried to cover it up.


In 1973 abortion on demand became legal with the landmark Roe vs. Wade decision. Abortion clinics immediately sprung up across the United States, fostering a blood-money industry capable of producing annual revenues in the tens of millions. One clinic employee admitted recently that she made an average of thirteen thousand dollars per month based on a commission of twenty-five dollars per abortion. She compared her job responsibilities to a phone-in boiler room, where each employee sat at a booth answering calls. When a distraught young lady called in, a sales script was read which was designed to overcome any obstacle that stood in the way of an abortion. The caller was encouraged to come in for "counseling," and to bring the payment for the abortion with her. Once the abortion was performed, the saleswoman received a twenty-five dollar commission. The idea is simple. Used car salesmen and con artists have employed the same system for years.


But the Bible makes it clear that every child is a gift from God. A surprising discovery recently revealed that the Biblical feasts parallel the gestation period of a baby. It seems, once again, the Almighty hid within His Word proof of divine inspiration and a token of His love for children.

FEASTS: In Exodus chapter 12 we find the Passover feast instituted. It was to begin on the fourteenth day of the first month and repeat each year thereafter. During Passover the Jews place an egg, symbolizing new life, on the Passover table.

MEDICAL FACT: On the fourteenth day of the first month the mothers egg appears.

FEASTS: The feast of Unleavened Bread must occur the very next night, on the 15th day of the month, or the feast process will fail.

MEDICAL FACT: Fertilization of the egg must occur within 24 hours or the fertilization process will probably fail.

FEASTS: The feast of Firstfruits occurs next, on the Sunday during the week of Unleavened Bread. It can be from 2-6 days after the feast of Unleavened Bread and is called the Spring Planting of Seed.

MEDICAL FACT: The fertilized egg travels down the tube at its own pace taking anywhere from 2-6 days before it implants. This is the Planting of the Egg.

FEASTS: Pentecost comes 50 days later and, in evangelical circles, celebrates the forming of the Church by the Holy Spirit.

MEDICAL FACT: On the fiftieth day the embryo begins to form into a human fetus.

FEASTS: The Day of Atonement is celebrated on the tenth day of the seventh month. Blood is taken into the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle.

MEDICAL FACT: On the tenth day of the seventh month the production of red blood cells is taken over by the bone marrow--the inner sanctum of the babies tabernacle.

FEASTS: The Feast of Tabernacles follows on the 15th day of the seventh month. Jews celebrate God breathing the breath of life into Adam.

MEDICAL FACT: By the 15th day of the seventh month the child is capable of breathing air. He or she is a developed "tabernacle" and can be born. However, to achieve maximum strength the child should continue to grow inside its mother for another 80 days. It can thereafter be born and dedicated to the Lord.

FEASTS: 80 days later is the feast of DEDICATION!


Yes, the Bible reveals God's great love for children. It also reveals how much He loves those deceived by the abortion propaganda machine. He loves them so much that He gave His only begotten Son to offer complete healing and restoration from the trauma of abortion through the healing power and blood of Jesus Christ.

Like the abortionist, Saul was a murderer and a sworn enemy of Jesus Christ. God's grace saved and changed him into the Apostle Paul. He later wrote:

"For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain?" (1Cor. 15:9-10).

What a wonderful privilege it is to be forgiven. To be able to say, "by the grace of God I am what I am."

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb. 4:16).

If you've had an abortion, God extends His loving hands toward you saying, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31).


© 2004

Christian Adoption Services

Abortion is Witchcraft!!!

The Massacre of Innocence!

Abortion and the Ancient Practice of Child Sacrifice

ABORTION RITES: How Feminists Spirituality is Reframing the Abortion Debate (.PDF file)

Aborted Fetus Material is Being Put into Vaccines!

wpe3.jpg (16617 bytes)

The Horror of Abortion!

EU to Doctors: Thou Shalt Abort!

If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible
sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we
exercise sound judgment, especially in the important decisions of our lives.

I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human
decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical
sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had
justifications or not.

So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you don't have enough money, etc. If instead you want to keep the baby, you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it".


If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973?

Inside An Abortion Death Camp

The American Holocaust: See Inside an Abortion Death Camp

Few memories resonate throughout humanity more than the images of the decaying bodies of Nazi victims. However, these pictures were not taken in 1945 by an Army victorious over evil. No, these images were taken just a couple of years ago — in a scene that is repeated every week in every American city, in your city. How long will you sit idly by?

The following pictures were taken 1/25/98 and 2/1/98 at:

National Cyto-Path Laboratories
3780 Woodruff Ave., #K
Long Beach, CA 90808

This “lab” is a depot for Family Planning Associates, California’s largest abortion mill chain. Every container holds a baby who was murdered by abortion. The size of the container is proportional to the age of the child. The larger containers hold 2nd trimester babies. Each of these children deserved to live. (Please give these pictures time to load.)

Body Parts

Baby Pictures

A pro-abortion woman asked a mother who was holding up an anti-abortion sign..."How can you allow children to see those horrible pictures?" The mother rightly responded by asking..."How can you allow children to become those pictures?"

Children need to know the murderous truth about it cold-blooded murder!!!

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Body Parts for Sale

America's War Dead!

Horror of Abortion

Partial Birth Abortion Scam

Number of Abortions!

Abortion is Murder!

Horror in Plano Texas!

Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Abortion and Baal-Worship

ABORTION RITES: How Feminists Spirituality is Reframing the Abortion Debate (.PDF file)

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp!

Abortion Spending

Abortion - America's Killer!


Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

Big Families (The wicked are trying to PREVENT you from having a big family!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)


Christian Adoption Services

"...speaking the truth in love..."--Ephesians 4:15

If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973?

Ye Must Be Born Again!


by Pastor Greg Wilson

There is currently at work in our nation a most dangerous killer. It consistently takes more lives than any disease, famine, or war we have ever faced.

Every month this killer takes more American lives than were lost in the entire Vietnam War. Every six months more die from its relentless onslaught than in all our previous wars combined or in all the fatal automobile accidents of the past twenty years. Every 2 to 3 years it claims more victims than the Nazi Holocaust.

Incredibly, this monumental devastation is carried out by medical professionals and is completely preventable. The name of this vicious serial killer is ABORTION.

God will not hold this nation guiltless for this great bloodbath. Indeed, the Bible tells us that He hates “hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:16-17). Certainly, there can be none more innocent than the unborn.

Abortion advocates ignore these innocent victims of abortion. Testimony given at U.S. government sponsored public hearings indicated that in the so-called family planning clinics: “The baby is dehumanized as much as possible by being termed a ‘blob,’ ‘products of conception’ or ‘uterine contents.’ Not even the term fetus is used by counselors.”

God however has a different view of the unborn. He told the prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5). He said of John the Baptist: “For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb.” (Luke 1:15). Clearly, God views the unborn as human and precious.

From the human standpoint man does not know the potential of the life that is blotted out by abortion. Had abortion been legalized and condoned in early times, the world would no doubt have lost the contribution of some of its greatest minds and talents.

A professor at the UCLA Medical School presented the following case history to his students: A woman who suffers from tuberculosis is pregnant. Her husband has syphilis. There are three children in the family. One is blind, another deaf, and the other suffers from tuberculosis. Yet another child died in infancy. Under the circumstances, most of the students recommended an abortion. They were then informed by their Professor: “Congratulations, you’ve just killed Beethoven!”


* Abortion is not the “safe procedure” its advocates claim it to be. More mothers die from the complications of legal abortions each year than died from illegal abortions in all previous years.

* In many areas of our country abortions actually outnumber live births.

* 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 babies are aborted annually.

* 98% of abortions are for reasons other than rape, incest, or the mother’s life.

* 40% of abortions are performed on women who have aborted other babies previously.

* One third of abortions are performed on teenagers without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

* The heart of an unborn baby begins to beat at 18 days after conception.

* 2 million American couples are waiting to adopt babies.

If America is to be spared the judgment of God, it must repent of this great evil and restore Constitutional protection to the unborn.

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." —Proverb 14:34

On the individual level, there is forgiveness for involvement in the sin of abortion. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God may justly forgive those who come to Him in repentance and faith. (1 Corinthians 6:11: And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.)

The American Holocaust: Abortion

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Beauty salons fuel trade in aborted babies Fetuses found in Paris hospital

Body Parts for Sale | America's War Dead! | Partial Birth Abortion Scam

Number of Abortions! | Abortion is Murder! | Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Planned Murderhood! | Abortion and Baal-Worship

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp! | EU to Doctors: Thou Shalt Abort!

Abortion Spending | Abortuaries! | America Condones Killing Babies!

Abortion - America's Killer! | Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

The Bush Family Values Photo Album | Bush Revealed

Big Families (The wicked are trying to PREVENT you from having a big family!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)

Genocide! exists to cut through the skewed rhetoric of a broadly “pro-choice” culture by presenting young people with the conclusive evidence that abortion is a massive injustice, one which has and continues to systematically destroy the most innocent and helpless members of the human race. further exists as a gateway into the more fundamental questions of human existence. Where does human life come from? From whence does evil emerge? What is the meaning of life?


"To educate our Hispanic community regarding the life issues, especially the hate crime they have been subjected to by the abortion industry and promoters of abortion."

Mission statement—

If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we exercise sound judgment, especially in the important decisions of our lives.

I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had justifications or not.

So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you don't have enough money, etc. If instead you want to keep the baby, you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it."

Christian Adoption Services

"...speaking the truth in love..." —Ephesians 4:15

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10


"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

The American Holocaust: Abortion

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Treatment of Muslims and Christians contrasted

by Brenda Spurlock

When Muslims rallied in support of suspected terrorist Nuradin Abdi at the federal court building in Columbus, Ohio on June 16, observers say there were no armed guards surrounding the group. There were no snipers on the roof and no police in riot gear on the courthouse steps. There was no injunction read aloud by a federal marshal forbidding them to enter the building and no restriction to ½ of the public sidewalk.
These are the same thugs who will force you to accept the Sodomites next?
Heavily armed police guard federal courthouse door in Columbus
- Photo by Dorothy Boyett

No, all of that was reserved for Christians who came to town seeking mercy for unborn babies being slaughtered in Columbus abortuaries, Christians who came peacefully protesting the fact that sexual perversion has been elevated to a constitutional right and Islam is being publicly proclaimed as "a way" to God. Christ said, "...the way is narrow that leads to life, and few find it" (Matthew 7:14). He said, " one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6).
Christians praying while marshals stand guard at courthouse
- Photo by Dorothy Boyett

When gentle saints came to Columbus we were treated like, well, like Muslim terrorists!

Lives and souls were saved when Operation Save America (OSA) brought the gospel of Christ to the streets of Columbus, Ohio, July 17-24. That was the expected outcome. What was unexpected was the revelation that our government officials are absolutely terrified of offending Muslim immigrants. Like nations dealing with Adolph Hitler during the Second World War, government officials are trying very hard not to arouse the ire of the devil. It seems safe to say that terrorism has worked very well as far as our local and federal governments are concerned, Muslims have become a privileged class.

OSA Director Flip Benham spoke with Jim Stowe, Executive Director of Community Relations for the City of Columbus, about burning those things detestable to the Lord. Mr. Stowe had no problem with our burning the Roe v. Wade ruling or the gay flag, but when he was told that we planned to burn the Koran, a book that has brought more death and devastation than any other book in the past 1,000 years, he got noticeably queasy. He said, "We have a very good relationship with the Muslim community, we don't want to destroy that."

Flip said, "The government is an absolute coward with the Muslims, because it's afraid of being blown up. At the same time the government is a bully and feels constrained to show its power over what it considers to be the weaker members of the population. Christians don't go out and kill or blow up court buildings, we are restrained by the words of Christ, so that makes us weak in the eyes of bullies." He said, as Christians, we tolerate Islam, its adherents have the right to choose what they want to believe, but, he said, "We must continue to speak the truth, to call it what it is, a lie from the pit of hell!"

"And do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28)

Article Source

If America is to be spared the judgment of God, it must repent of this great evil and restore Constitutional protection to the unborn.

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." -Proverb 14:34

On the individual level, there is forgiveness for involvement in the sin of abortion. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God may justly forgive those who come to Him in repentance and faith. (1 Corinthians 6:11: And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.)

The American Holocaust: Abortion

Body Parts for Sale

America's War Dead!

Partial Birth Abortion Scam

Number of Abortions!

Abortion is Murder!

Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Planned Murderhood!

Abortion and Baal-Worship

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp!

EU to Doctors: Thou Shalt Abort!

Abortion Spending

Abortion - America's Killer!

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

The Bush Family Values Photo Album

Bush Revealed


Abortion and the Ancient Practice of Child Sacrifice

ABORTION RITES: How Feminists Spirituality is Reframing the Abortion Debate (.PDF file)

Big Families (The wicked are trying to PREVENT you from having a big family!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)

U.S. Republican Presidents Are Accomplices To Abortion!


Planned "Herod-hood"

Beauty salons fuel trade in aborted babies

Aborted Fetus Material is Being Put into Vaccines!

wpe3.jpg (16617 bytes)

The Horror of Abortion!

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we exercise sound judgment, especially in the important decisions of our lives.

I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had justifications or not.

So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you don't have enough money, etc. If instead you want to keep the baby, you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it".

"...speaking the truth in love..."--Ephesians 4:15

If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973?

Christian Adoption Services

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." -Psalm 97:10

Oppose Planned Parenthood!

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

(The following is a reprint of the STOPP's essay "Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood")

Planned Parenthood is not a benevolent organization trying to strengthen women's rights. It is a cold, calculating group intent on spreading the Humanist religion, luring our children into their web of premarital sex and unlimited abortions, reducing the population of minorities in particular and filling its coffers with the profits from sales of birth control devices.


Planned Parenthood pushes what it calls “confidential services” for minors, meaning that PP will provide all types of “reproductive services” to young girls, including potentially dangerous prescription medication and invasive surgery, without their parents’ knowledge. In its 1993-1994 Annual Report, PP bragged of its “unswerving commitment to confidentiality.”

In most states, PP assigns teens a “code name” so that PP can call the girls at home and pretend to be a girlfriend. (Recently, the code names in Springfield, IL; Chicago, IL; and Kingston, NY; were Heather, Nancy and Lucy, respectively.)

As long ago as 1979, the Sunday Independent newspaper in Wilkes-Barre, PA, reported that Planned Parenthood was transporting high school girls out of town, during school hours, to get abortions without the parents being notified.

Planned Parenthood will give minor girls Norplant, Depo-Provera shots, and even abortions without their parents’ knowledge.


Planned Parenthood does not view teenage sex as wrong. PP is upset only if sex results in “unwanted” births. Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs are not about telling children how to avoid sex. They are, rather, designed to indoctrinate our children into what PP calls “responsible sexuality.” By this PP means it is okay for kids to have sex as long as they avoid pregnancy; or if they do get pregnant, have an abortion.

Former PP president Faye Wattleton confirmed this in the Los Angeles Times, on October 17, 1986: “[Planned Parenthood is] not going to be an organization promoting celibacy or chastity.”

The current PP president, Pamela Maraldo, in an article in the March/April 1993 issue of Family Planning World, condemned abstinence-only sex ed programs as “unacceptable.” She endorsed, instead, the position of former United States Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, who said, “We’ve taught our children in driver’s education what to do in the front seat, and now we’ve got to teach them what to do in the back seat.”


Planned Parenthood is dedicated to spreading the religious doctrine of Humanism as defined in the Humanist Manifestos (I and II).

PP has consistently refused to give our children a clear message of “right” and “wrong.” It seeks not to educate our children in moral values, but to indoctrinate them into the Humanist philosophy that proclaims there is no objective moral code, and that right and wrong can be decided solely by the individual.

In the Los Angeles Times article quoted above, Faye Wattleton said, “[Planned Parenthood’s] concern is not to convey ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots.’”

Fearing that moral people on school boards may lead to schools teaching our young children right from wrong, Pamela Maraldo said, in the article referred to above, “...we must bring an immediate halt to the aggressive infiltration of local school boards by the religious right.”

Any school program endorsed by Planned Parenthood will give children complete information on how to have sex. The children will be given no moral guidance in a PP program and will be told they can do it or not do it depending on how they feel. While this concept of no absolute rights or wrongs may be embraced by some people in the world, it is rejected by most. Most people subscribe to religious principles that recognize a supreme authority over life and a set of divinely inspired principles on which our behavior must be conditioned. Parents who support STOPP are among this latter group and, therefore, oppose all PP programs for teens.


Planned Parenthood runs a business providing birth control devices to its customers. Although PP is officially a non-profit organization, IRS regulations allow it to make profits on parts of its operation. PP does make a profit on its sale of birth control devices and seems to operate more to protect that income than its clients.

A primary example of this is their provision of birth control pills. The Pill has long been a major income producer for PP.

At the Third Annual AIDS Conference in Washington in June 1987, Dr. Frank Plummer of the Kenya Medical Institute reported that oral contraceptive users appear to be less resistant to AIDS than non-users. Still PP refused to get teenage girls and others off the Pill.

Then, Family Planning Perspectives (Vol. 25, No. 6, p. 243) reported: “Women who are seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and use the pill are more likely than nonusers to have HIV present in their cervical secretions, and may be more likely to infect their sexual partners.” The AGI story goes on to say: “The presence of HIV in cervical secretions was nearly 12 times as likely among pill users as among non-users.”

Still, PP refused to tell its customers to get off the Pill to reduce the risk of AIDS. If PP were really concerned about women, it would stop selling the Pill. However, this would mean about an $85,000,000 decrease in PP income.

This same disregard for women can also be seen in Planned Parenthood’s handling of the Norplant problem. In 1993 and 1994, numerous lawsuits were filed by Norplant users over the side effects of the implants and the difficulty of removal. Yet PP not only continues to make this device available, it still implants it in minors without parental knowledge.

In his book The Destiny of the Black Race, black author Carlisle John Peterson devotes the greater part of two chapters to the racist nature of PP. He gives many examples, including Sanger’s notorious “Negro Project” of the 1930’s.

Looking at PP’s abortion statistics gives more evidence of its racist nature. PP has an overall clientele spread that is 74% white and 26% minorities. Yet PP’s 1992 Service Report revealed that its abortion customers were 57% white and 43% minorities! It is clear, then, that PP targets minority customers for abortions.

In addition to lowering the minority population through abortions, PP also pushes sterilization among minority groups. In his book Grand Illusions, George Grant wrote:

Lydia Jones, a Title X and Medicaid-eligible welfare mother of four went to the Planned Parenthood clinic near her home and discovered that “free” government programs can be a good news-bad news proposition.“They told me that if I wanted to take advantage of their medical services I would have to undergo sterilization,” she said. “The counselor just kept lecturing me about how I needed to do this, and that I should have done it a long time ago. She told me that my children were a burden to society. Well, let me tell you, I love my children. And they’re a burden to no one. My two oldest are in college, working their way through. My other two are straight-A students and bound for scholarships. I may be poor, and I may be Black, but I’m not going to be bullied by these people into despising the heritage God has given me.” Lydia walked out [of Planned Parenthood]. According to a February 26, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune story, PP opened a modern medical facility in the poor neighborhood of Tijuana, Mexico, to provide free sterilizations for Mexican women. This facility is contributing to the demise of the native Mexican population.


From its beginning, Planned Parenthood has been an organization that championed surgical abortion. In many of its plans and documents, PP talks about the need for abortion as “a necessary back-up for contraceptive failure.”

Planned Parenthood opposes every attempt to put even the slightest restriction on abortion. In 1989 it opposed a Massachusetts bill which would have made sex-selection abortions illegal.

Planned Parenthood “counseling” is geared towards getting pregnant women to abort their babies. Paula Molloy of Philadelphia tells of going to PP when she was pregnant and of the type of counseling she received. Paula said:

I found myself pregnant and went to the only place I knew—Planned Parenthood. There, the counselor began her coercive methods. I did not have any intention of signing myself up for an abortion. The counselor asked me what I was planning to do. I was not sure. The counselor said, “Surely you’re not planning on having this child, you can’t even afford our clinic let alone a baby.” She started to tell me the cost of baby clothes, food and medical expenses. She then said: “Do you want to end up on welfare? You have your whole life ahead of you. You won’t be able to travel or pursue a serious career.” I told her my parents would help. She asked me how old they were and how many children lived at home. After I answered, her comment was “Are you not being selfish to place this burden of responsibility on your parents? They have already raised their children and it was their turn to enjoy each other.” I then asked about adoption and she started to talk about child abuse cases. Then she added that I was on the pill and the fetus would suffer serious medical and physical complications. I made an appointment for the abortion that day.

This type of “counseling” occurs frequently at PP. A study made public by the U.S. Government’s General Accounting Office in 1989 reported that 35.2% of pregnant patients who go to PP centers have abortions, as compared with just 5.7% of patients who go to all family planning clinics. In addition, the GAO found one PP clinic where 86.4% of pregnant women had abortions!

In 1993, PP ran more than 100 abortion facilities in the United States and performed 134,277 abortions. This represents almost 9% of all the abortions in the country!


Despite all its rhetoric about being a “women’s health agency” or an “advocate for poor women,” PP is first and foremost a population-control organization. According to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Federation Declaration of Principles, 1980, p. 12, one of the five general goals of PP is “to combat the world population crisis by helping to bring about a population of stable size in an optimum environment in the United States.”

The PPFA 1993-94 Annual Report also bragged: “In February 1994, PPFA launched a new initiative to ensure Planned Parenthood’s continuing leadership in global population issues.” It is called the Global Vision Project. PP’s activities in sterilization and abortion can rightly be traced to its intense desire to reduce population growth.


Planned Parenthood receives large amounts of government monies to spread its philosophies. PPFA receives $150 million from American taxpayers. Thus, we are being forced to pay for its outrageous programs and its attacks on our youth.

To defeat Planned Parenthood, we need your help. We invite you to join us in this task. Please pray for our work. To keep informed about PP send $25 for a one-year subscription to The Ryan Report.

© 1995 STOPP International

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Mocks Christmas with "Choice on Earth" Cards (sickening!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder

The Negro Project - Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America

If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we exercise sound judgment, especially in the important decisions of our lives.

I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had justifications or not.

So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you don't have enough money, etc. If instead you want to keep the baby, you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it".

The American Holocaust: Abortion

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Body Parts for Sale

America's War Dead!

Partial Birth Abortion Scam

Number of Abortions!

Abortion is Murder!

Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Abortion and Baal-Worship

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp!

Abortion Spending

Abortion - America's Killer!

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

Abortion and the Ancient Practice of Child Sacrifice

ABORTION RITES: How Feminists Spirituality is Reframing the Abortion Debate (.PDF file)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)


Planned "Herod-hood"

Christian Adoption Services

"...speaking the truth in love..."--Ephesians 4:15

The Truth About Margaret Sanger!

(This article first appeared in the January 20, 1992 edition of Citizen magazine)

Mass murderer Margaret Sanger

"No Gods - No Masters" -Margaret Sanger

How Planned Parenthood Duped America

At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

Sanger's other colleagues included avowed and sophisticated racists. One, Lothrop Stoddard, was a Harvard graduate and the author of The Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy. Stoddard was something of a Nazi enthusiast who described the eugenic practices of the Third Reich as "scientific" and "humanitarian." And Dr. Harry Laughlin, another Sanger associate and board member for her group, spoke of purifying America's human "breeding stock" and purging America's "bad strains." These "strains" included the "shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of antisocial whites of the South."

Not to be outdone by her followers, Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," a plan she said would be the "salvation of American civilization.: And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." She further contended that "there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." That many Americans of African origin constituted a segment of Sanger considered "unfit" cannot be easily refuted.

While Planned Parenthood's current apologists try to place some distance between the eugenics and birth control movements, history definitively says otherwise. The eugenic theme figured prominently in the Birth Control Review, which Sanger founded in 1917. She published such articles as "Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics" (June 1920), "The Eugenic Conscience" (February 1921), "The purpose of Eugenics" (December 1924), "Birth Control and Positive Eugenics" (July 1925), "Birth Control: The True Eugenics" (August 1928), and many others.

These eugenic and racial origins are hardly what most people associate with the modern Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), which gave its Margaret Sanger award to the late Dr. Martin Luther King in 1966, and whose current president, Faye Wattleton, is black, a former nurse, and attractive.

Though once a social pariah group, routinely castigated by religious and government leaders, the PPFA is now an established, high-profile, well-funded organization with ample organizational and ideological support in high places of American society and government. Its statistics are accepted by major media and public health officials as "gospel"; its full-page ads appear in major newspapers; its spokespeople are called upon to give authoritative analyses of what America's family policies should be and to prescribe official answers that congressmen, state legislator and Supreme Court justices all accept as "social orthodoxy."

Blaming Families

Sanger's obsession with eugenics can be traced back to her own family. One of 11 children, she wrote in the autobiographical book, My Fight for Birth Control, that "I associated poverty, toil, unemployment, drunkenness, cruelty, quarreling, fighting, debts, jails with large families." Just as important was the impression in her childhood of an inferior family status, exacerbated by the iconoclastic, "free-thinking" views of her father, whose "anti-Catholic attitudes did not make for his popularity" in a predominantly Irish community.

The fact that the wealthy families in her hometown of Corning, N.Y., had relatively few children, Sanger took as prima facie evidence of the impoverishing effect of larger families. The personal impact of this belief was heightened 1899, at the age of 48. Sanger was convinced that the "ordeals of motherhood" had caused the death of her mother. The lingering consumption (tuberculosis) that took her mother's life visited Sanger at the birth of her own first child on Nov. 18, 1905. The diagnosis forced her to seek refuge in the Adirondacks to strengthen her for the impending birth. Despite the precautions, the birth of baby Grant was "agonizing," the mere memory of which Sanger described as "mental torture" more than 25 years later. She once described the experience as a factor "to be reckoned with" in her zealous campaign for birth control.

From the beginning, Sanger advocacy of sex education reflected her interest in population control and birth prevention among the "unfit." Her first handbook, published for adolescents in 1915 and entitled, What Every Boy and Girl Should Know, featured a jarring afterward:

It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance. There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things. Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence. Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them.

To Sanger, the ebbing away of moral and religious codes over sexual conduct was a natural consequence of the worthlessness of such codes in the individual's search for self-fulfillment. "Instead of laying down hard and fast rules of sexual conduct," Sanger wrote in her 1922 book Pivot of Civilization, "sex can be rendered effective and valuable only as it meets and satisfies the interests and demands of the pupil himself." Her attitude is appropriately described as libertinism, but sex knowledge was not the same as individual liberty, as her writings on procreation emphasized.

The second edition of Sanger's life story, An Autobiography, appeared in 1938. There Sanger described her first cross-country lecture tour in 1916. Her standard speech asserted seven conditions of life that "mandated" the use of birth control: the third was "when parents, though normal, had subnormal children"; the fourth, "when husband and wife were adolescent"; the fifth, "when the earning capacity of the father was inadequate." No right existed to exercise sex knowledge to advance procreation. Sanger described the fact that "anyone, no matter how ignorant, how diseased mentally or physically, how lacking in all knowledge of children, seemed to consider he or she had the right to become a parent."

Religious Bigotry

In the 1910's and 1920's, the entire social order–religion, law, politics, medicine, and the media–was arrayed against the idea and practice of birth control. This opposition began in 1873 when an overwhelmingly Protestant Congress passed, and a Protestant president signed into law, a bill that became known as the Comstock Law, named after its main proponent, Anthony Comstock. The U.S. Congress classified obscene writing, along with drugs, and devices and articles that prevented conception or caused abortion, under the same net of criminality and forbade their importation or mailing.

Sanger set out to have such legislation abolished or amended. Her initial efforts were directed at the Congress with the opening of a Washington, D.C., office of her American Birth Control League in 1926. Sanger wanted to amend section 211 of the U.S. criminal code to allow the interstate shipment and mailing of contraceptives among physicians, druggists and drug manufacturers.

During January and February of 1926, Sanger and her co-workers personally interviewed 40 senators and 14 representatives. None agreed to introduce a bill to amend the Comstock Act. Fresh from this unanimous rejection, Sanger issued an update to her followers: Everywhere there is general acceptance of the idea, except in religious circles. . .The National Catholic Welfare Council [sic] (NCWC) has a special legislative committee organized to block and defeat our legislation. They frankly state that they intend to legislate for non-Catholics according to the dictates of the church.

There was no such committee. But 20 non-Catholic lay or religious organizations joined NCWC in opposition to amending the Comstock Act. This was not the first time, nor was it to be the last, that Sanger sought to stir up sectarian strife by blaming Catholics for her legislative failures. Catholic-bashing was a standard tactic (one that Planned Parenthood still finds useful to this day), although other Christian groups now also come in for criticism.

Eight years later, in 1934, Sanger went to Congress again. Reporting on the first day of the hearings, the New York Times noted:
... the almost solidly Catholic opposition to the measure. This is now, according to Margaret Sanger. . . the only organized opposition to the proposal.

Sanger wrote a letter to her "Friends, Co-workers, and Endorsers" that portrayed the opposing testimony as the work of Catholics determined ... not to present facts to the committee but to intimidate them by showing a Catholic block of voters who (though in the minority in the United States) want to dictate to the majority of non-Catholics as directed from the Vatican in social and moral legislation ... American men and women, are we going to allow this insulting arrogance to bluff the American people?

For Sanger, the proper attitude toward her religious critics featured character assassination, personal vilification and old-fashioned bigotry. Her Birth Control Review printed an article that noted: "Today by the Roman Catholic clergy and their allies . . . Public opinion in America, I fear, is too willing to condone in the officials of the Roman Catholic Church what it condemns in the Ku Klux Klan.

A favorite Catholic-baiter of Sanger's was Norman E. Himes, who contributed articles to Sanger's journal. Himes claimed there were genetic differences between Catholics and non-Catholics.

Are Catholic stocks . . . genetically inferior to such non-Catholic libertarian stocks and Unitarians and Universal . . . Freethinkers? Inferior to non-Catholics in general? . . . my guess is that the answer will someday be made in the affirmative. . . and if the supposed differentials in net productivity are also genuine, the situation is anti-social, perhaps gravely so.

Sanger sought to isolate Catholics by creating a schism between them and Protestants, who had held parallel views of birth control and abortion for centuries. She welcomed a report from a majority of the Committee on Marriage and the Home of the General Council of Churches (later the National Council of Churches) advocating birth control. This committee was composed largely of social elite Protestants, including Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. A number of Protestant church bodies publicly repudiated the committee's endorsement.

The Rev. Worth Tippy, council executive secretary and author of the report, told Sanger in April 1931 that: ... the statement on Moral Aspects of Birth Control has aroused more opposition within the Protestant churches than we expected. Under the circumstances, and since we plan to carry on a steady work for liberalizing laws and to stimulate the establishment of clinics, it is necessary that we make good these losses and also increase our resources. Could you help me quietly by giving me the names of people of means who are interested in the birth control movement and might help us if I wrote them.

Sanger immediately wrote Tippy that she would be "glad to select names of persons from our lists whom I think might be able to subscribe." Tippy replied to Sanger a week later, offering to give her some names for fund raising and thanking her for the offer of "names of people who are able to contribute to generous causes and who are favorable to birth control." He also related that they had expected some reaction from the "fundamentalist groups," but nothing like what had happened.

Protestants repeatedly stated their unity with Catholics in opposing Planned Parenthood's initiatives. During Sanger's attempts to reform New York state law, another Protestant stood with Catholics. The Rev. John R. Straton, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church of New York City, said: "This bill is subversive of the human family . . . It is revolting, monstrous, against God's word and contradicts American traditions."

Sanger's attack on Catholics appeared to be an attempt to divert attention from the class politics of Planned Parenthood. The Rev. John A. Ryan wrote: ... their main objective is to increase the practice of birth-prevention among the poor . . . It is said that the present birth-prevention movement is to some extent financed by wealthy, albeit philanthropic persons. As far as I am aware , none of these is conspicuous in the movement for economic justice. None of them is crying out for a scale of wages which would enable workers to take care of a normal number of children.

Sanger's sexual license was another motivation for her Anti-Catholic sniping. A Sanger biographer, David M. Kennedy, said her primary goal was to "increase the quantity and quality of sexual relationships." The birth control movement, she said, freed the mind from "sexual prejudice and taboo, by demanding the frankest and most unflinching re-examination of sex in its relation to human nature and the basis of human society.

Sannger's Gamble

It was in 1939 that Sanger's larger vision for dealing with the reproductive practices of black Americans emerged. After the January 1939 merger of her Clinical Research Bureau and the ABCL to form the Birth Control Federation of America, Dr. Clarence J. Gamble was selected to become the BCFA regional director for the South. Dr. Gamble, of the soap-manufacturing Procter and Gamble company, was no newcomer to Sanger's organization. He had previously served as director at large to the predecessor ABCL.

Gamble lost no time and drew up a memorandum in November 1939 entitled "Suggestion for Negro Project." Acknowledging that black leaders might regard birth control as an extermination plot, he suggested that black leaders be place in positions where it would appear that they were in charge as it was at an Atlanta conference.

It is evident from the rest of the memo that Gamble conceived the project almost as a traveling road show. A charismatic black minister was to start a revival, with "contributions" to come from other local cooperating ministers. A "colored nurse" would follow, supported by a subsidized "colored doctor." Gamble even suggested that music might be a useful lure to bring the prospects to a meeting.

Sanger answered Gamble on Dec. 10. 1939, agreeing with the assessment. She wrote: "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." In 1940, money for two "Negro Project" demonstration programs in southern states was donated by advertising magnate Albert D. Lasker and his wife, Mary.

Birth control was presented both as an economic betterment vehicle and as a health measure that could lower the incidence of infant mortality. At the 1942 BCFA annual meeting, BCFA Negro Council board member Dr. Dorothy B. Ferebee–a cum laude graduate of Tufts and also president of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the nation's largest black sorority–addressed the delegates regarding Planned Parenthood's minority outreach efforts : With the Negro group some of the most difficult obstacles . . . to overcome are: (1) the concept that when birth control is proposed to them, it is motivated by a clever bit of machination to persuade them to commit race suicide; (2) the so-called "husband rejection" . . . (3) the fact that birth control is confused with abortion, and (4) the belief that is inherently immoral. However, as formidable as these objections may seem, when thrown against the total picture of the awareness on the part of the Negro leaders of the improved condition under Planned Parenthood, or the genuine interest and eagerness of the families themselves to secure the services which will give them a fair chance for health and happiness, the obstacles to the program are greatly outweighed.

Birth control as an economic improvement measure had some appeal to those lowest on the income ladder. In the black Chicago Defender for Jan. 10, 1942, a long three-column women's interest article discussed the endorsement of the Sanger program by prominent black women. There were at lease six express references, such as the following example, to birth control as a remedy for economic woes:" . . . it raises the standard of living by enabling parents to adjust the family size to the family income." Readers were also told that birth control" . . . is no operation. It is no abortion. Abortion kills life after it has begun. . . Birth Control is neither harmful nor immoral."

But the moral stumbling block could only be surmounted by Afro-American religious leaders, so black ministers were solicited. Florence Rose, long-time Sanger secretary, prepared an activities report during March 1942 detailing the progress of the "Negro Project." She recounted a recent meeting with a Planned Parenthood Negro Division board member, Bishop David H. Sims (African Methodist Episcopal Church), who appreciated Planned Parenthood's recognition of the extent of black opposition to birth control and its efforts to build up support among black leaders. He offered whatever assistance he could give.

Bishop Sims offered to begin the "softening process" among the representatives of different Negro denominations attending the monthly meetings of the Federal Council of Churches and its Division of Race Relations.

These and other efforts paid off handsomely after World War II. By 1949, virtually the entire black leadership network of religious, social, professional, and academic organizations had endorsed Planned Parenthood's program.

National Scandal

More than a decade later, Planned Parenthood continued targeting minority communities, but without much success.

In 1940, nonwhite women aged 18 to 19 experienced 61 births per 1,000 unmarried women. In 1968, the corresponding figure was 112 per 1,000, a 100 percent jump. What other factor could account for the increased rate of sexual activity than wider access to birth control, with its promise of sex without tears and consequences?

Alan Guttmacher, then president of Planned Parenthood, was desperate to show policy-makers that birth control would produce a situation whereby "minority groups who constantly outbreed the majority will no longer persist in doing so. . . "

Despite claims that racial or ethnic groups were not being "targeted," American blacks, among whose ranks a greater proportion of the poor were numbered, received a high priority in Planned Parenthood's nationwide efforts. Donald B. Strauss, chairman of Planned Parenthood World Population, urged the 1964 Democratic national Convention to liberalize the party's stated policies on birth control, and to adopt domestic and foreign policy platform resolutions to conform with long-sought San gerite goals: [While almost one-fourth of nonwhite parents have four or more children under 18 living with them, only 8% of the white couples have that many children living at home. For the Negro parent in particular, the denial of access to family planning professional guidance forecloses one more avenue to family advancement and well-being..

Unwanted children would not get the job training and educational skills they needed to compete in a shrinking labor market; moreover, unwanted children are a product and a cause of poverty.

Surveying the "successes" of tax-subsidized birth control programs, Guttmacher noted in 1970 that "[Birth control services are proliferating in areas adjacent to concentrations of black population." (In the 1980's, targeting the inner-city black communities for school based sex clinics became more sensitive than expected.)

Guttmacher thought that as long as the birth rate continued to fall or remained at a low level, Planned Parenthood should certainly be introduced before family size by coercion is attempted."

Reaching this goal, he thought, would best be accomplished by having groups other than the PPFA preach the doctrine of a normative 2.1-child family, as doing this would offend Planned Parenthood's minority clients. He suggested that family size would decrease if abortion were liberalized nationwide and received government support. In this prediction he was right on target.

But Guttmacher did not completely reject forced population control: Predicting 20 critical years ahead in the struggle to control the population explosion, Dr. Alan Guttmacher, president of Planned parenthood World Population, continues to urge the use of all voluntary means to hold down on the world birthrate. But he foresees the possibility that eventual coercion may become necessary, particularly in areas where the pressure is greatest, possibly India and China. "Each country," he says, "will have to decide its own form of coercion, and determine when and how it should be employed. At Present, the means are compulsory sterilization and compulsory abortion. Perhaps some day a way of enforcing compulsory birth control will be feasible.

Coerced abortion is already practiced in China, with the International Planned Parenthood Federation's approval.

Extreme Irony

Despite its past, Planned Parenthood has managed to present the image of toleration and minority participation through the vehicle of its divorced, telegenic, African American president, Ms. Faye Wattleton, appointed titular head of the PPFA in 1978, a post she still holds. Though paid in the six-figure range, she has impeccable minority credentials that would have fit the public relations criteria for both Margaret Sanger and Dr. Clarence Gamble.

Wattleton's PPFA biography touts her as a friend of the "Poor and the young"; a nurse at Harlem Hospital; and the recipient of the 1989 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Humanitarian Award and the World Institute of Black Communicators' 1986 Excellence in Black Communications Award. It further states she was featured in a national photography exhibit, "I Dream A World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America"; interviewed in Ebony; and was the cover story in Black Enterprise magazine. (Time published a profile of Wattleton in 1990 entitled "Nothing Less Than Perfect.")

Her ideological orientation has received certification in the form of the Better World Society's 1989 Population Model, the 1986 American Humanist Award, and others. But surely, the spectacle of the Congressional Black Caucus awarding its humanitarian award to the black woman who presides over the organization that has hastened and justified the death of almost eight million black children since 1973 and facilitates the demise of the black family is ironic in the extreme.

Killer Angel

In his book, Killer Angel, George Grant says: "Myths, according to theologian J. l. packer, are stories made up to sanctify social patterns.' They are lies, carefully designed to reinforce a particular philosophy or morality within a culture. They are instruments of manipulation and control.

Killer Angel tells the real story behind one of the biggest myths that controls our culture today the life and legacy of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Grant exposes "the Big Lie" perpetuated by Sanger's followers and the organization she started.

Through detailed research and concise writing, Grant unveils Sanger's true character and ideology, which included blatant racism, revolutionary socialism, sexual perversion and insatiable avarice. Grant includes direct quotes from sources such as Sanger's Birth Control Review to support his findings. His biography spans Sanger's disturbed and unhappy upbringing which Sanger said contributed to her agitation and bitterness later in life to her eventual fixation with drugs, alcohol and the occult.

Particularly shocking was Sanger's involvement in the Eugenics movement. Grant says: "[Sanger] was thoroughly convinced that the inferior races' were in fact human weeds' and a menace to civilization.' . . . [S]he was a true believer, not simply someone who assimilated the jargon of the times as Planned Parenthood officials would have us believe."

Sanger died September 6, 1966, a week before her eighty-seventh birthday. Grant says: "[She] had nearly fulfilled her early boast that she would spend every last penny of Slee's [her second husband] fortune. In the process, though, she had lost everything else: love, happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, family, and friends. In the end, her struggle was her naught."

The truth uncovered in grant's book has proven to be a threat to those who follow the cult of :Planned Parenthood. In fact, Killer Angel was recently banned from a public library in Toledo, Ohio. A library manager stated in a letter that, "The author's political and social agenda, which is strongly exposed throughout the book, is not appropriate even in a critical biography of its subject."

In response, Grant pointed out that "The question at hand is whether librarians should be making subjective judgments about my political beliefs and the beliefs of other authors."

By censoring Killer Angel, the library appears to be violating its own policies, which state that, "the Library collection shall include representative materials of all races and nationalities, and all political, religious, economic and social views." Except Christian views, apparently.

While the Toledo public library may not be interested in the information put forth in Grant's book, pro-lifers will find this biography useful and enlightening. It serves as a powerful tool in dispelling the myths surrounding a woman considered a heroine by many who began an organization that is responsible for the deaths of millions of unborn children.

Grant states that, "Margaret Sanger and her heirs at Planned Parenthood . . . have thus far been able to parlay the deception into a substantial empire. But now the truth must be told. The illusion must be exposed." Killer Angel does an outstanding job in doing that.

Sanger's Legacy is Reproductive Freedom and Racism

Despite Margaret Sanger's contributions to birth control and hence women's freedom and empowerment, her legacy is diminished by her sympathies with eugenics. This writer says that, like many modern feminists, Sanger ignored class and race.

(WOMEN'S NEWS)--Margaret Sanger opened the nation's first birth control clinic in 1916. For the rest of her life she worked to establish a woman's right to control her body and to decide when or whether to have a child. In 1921, she founded the American Birth Control league, the forerunner of Planned Parenthood.

Her impact on contemporary society is tremendous. Enabling women to control their fertility and giving them access to contraception, as advocated by Sanger, makes it possible for women to have a broader set of life options, especially in the areas of education and employment, than if their lives are dominated by unrelieved childbearing.

A recent reminder of Sanger's impact on our society came when the Equal employment Opportunity Commission found that it is illegal sex discrimination to exclude prescription contraceptives from an otherwise comprehensive health benefits plan. Sanger's efforts to provide access to contraception are at the foundation of decisions to provide equal access to prescription contraceptives and other prescriptions.

Still, especially with the Bush administration, activists will have to fight to maintain access to contraception and to abortion. In April, the House of Representatives passed legislation that would establish criminal penalties for harming a fetus during the commission of a crime. While proponents of the bill say it does not include abortion, some see fetal protection legislation as an attempt to undermine abortion rights. The passage of this legislation is a reminder that the rights Margaret Sanger worked so hard to establish are tenuous rights that many would challenge.

For all her positive influence, I see Sanger as a tarnished heroine whose embrace of the eugenics movement showed racial insensitivity, at best. From her associates, as well as from some of the articles that were published in Sanger's magazine, the Birth Control review, it is possible to conclude that "racially insensitive" is too mild a description. Indeed, some of her statements, taken in or out of context, are simply racist. And she never rebuked eugenicists who believed in improving the hereditary qualities of a race or breed by controlling mating in order to eliminate "undesirable" characteristics and promote "desirable" traits.

Sanger: We Must Limit the Over-Fertility of Mentally, Physically Defective

"Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying . . . demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism," she wrote in the recently republished "The Pivot of Civilization." This book, written in 1922, was published at a time when scientific racism had been used to assert black inferiority. Who determines who is a moron? How would these morons be segregated? The ramifications of such statements are bone chilling.

In a 1921 article in the Birth Control Review, Sanger wrote, "The most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective." Reviewers of one of her 1919 articles interpreted her objectives as "More children from the fit, less from the unfit." Again, the question of who decides fitness is important, and it was an issue that Sanger only partly addressed. "The undeniably feebleminded should indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind," she wrote.

Sanger advocated the mandatory sterilization of the insane and feebleminded." Although this does not diminish her legacy as the key force in the birth control movement, it raises questions much like those now being raised about our nation's slaveholding founders. How do we judge historical figures? How are their contributions placed in context?

It is easy to see why there is some antipathy toward Sanger among people of color, considering that, given our nation's history, we are the people most frequently described as "unfit" and "feebleminded."

Many African American women have been subject to nonconsensual forced sterilization. Some did not even know that they were sterilized until they tried, unsuccessfully, to have children. In 1973, Essence Magazine published an expose of forced sterilization practices in the rural South, where racist physicians felt they were performing a service by sterilizing black women without telling them. While one cannot blame Margaret Sanger for the actions of these physician, one can certainly see why Sanger's words are especially repugnant in a racial context.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has been protective of Margaret Sanger's reputation and defensive of allegations that she was a racist. They correctly point out that many of the attacks on Sanger come from anti-choice activists who have an interest in distorting both Sanger's work and that of Planned Parenthood. While it is understandable that Planned Parenthood would be protective of their founder's reputation, it cannot ignore the fact that Sanger edited the Birth Control review from its inception until 1929. Under her leadership, the magazine featured articles that embraced the eugenicist position. If Sanger were as anti-eugenics as Planned Parenthood says she was, she would not have printed as many articles sympathetic to eugenics as she did.

Like Many Modern Feminists, Sanger Ignored Race and Class

Would the NAACP's house organ, Crisis Magazine, print articles by members of the Ku Klux Klan? Would Planned Parenthood publish articles penned by fetal protectionist South Carolina republican Lindsey Graham?

The articled published in the Birth Control Review showed Sanger's empathy with some eugenicist views. Margaret Sanger worked closely with W. E. B. DuBois on her "Negro Project," an effort to expose Southern black women to birth control. Mary McLeod Bethune and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. were also involved in the effort. Much later, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. accepted an award from Planned Parenthood and complimented the organization's efforts. It is entirely possible that Sanger Ôs views evolved over time. Certainly, by the late 1940s, she spoke about ways to solve the "Negro problem" in the United States. This evolution, however commendable, does not eradicate the impact of her earlier statements.

What, then, is Sanger's legacy?

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has grown to an organization with 129 affiliates. It operates 875 health centers and serves about 5 million women each year. Planned Parenthood has been a leader in the fight for women's right to choose and in providing access to affordable reproductive health care for a cross-section of women. Planned Parenthood has not supported forced sterilization or restricted immigration and has gently rejected the most extreme of Sanger's views.

In many ways, Sanger is no different from contemporary feminists who, after making the customary acknowledgement of issues dealing with race and class, return to analysis that focuses exclusively on gender. These are the feminists who feel that women should come together around "women's issues" and battle out our differences later. In failing to acknowledge differences and the differential impact of a set of policies, these feminists make it difficult for women to come together.

Sanger published the Birth Control Review at the same time that black men, returning from World War I, were lynched in uniform. That she did not see the harm in embracing exclusionary jargon about sterilization and immigration suggests that she was, at best, socially myopic.

That's reason enough to suggest that her leadership was flawed and her legacy crippled by her insensitivity.

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Mocks Christmas with "Choice on Earth" Cards (sickening!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder

The Negro Project - Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America

The American Holocaust: Abortion

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Body Parts for Sale

America's War Dead!

Partial Birth Abortion Scam

Number of Abortions!

Abortion is Murder!

Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Abortion and Baal-Worship

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp!

EU to Doctors: Thou Shalt Abort!

Abortion Spending

Abortion - America's Killer!

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

Big Families (The wicked are trying to PREVENT you from having a big family!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)


Planned "Herod-hood"

Christian Adoption Services

"...speaking the truth in love..."--Ephesians 4:15

If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973?

The Truth About Margaret Sanger!

(This article first appeared in the January 20, 1992 edition of Citizen magazine)

Mass murderer Margaret Sanger

"No Gods - No Masters" -Margaret Sanger

How Planned Parenthood Duped America

At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

Sanger's other colleagues included avowed and sophisticated racists. One, Lothrop Stoddard, was a Harvard graduate and the author of The Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy. Stoddard was something of a Nazi enthusiast who described the eugenic practices of the Third Reich as "scientific" and "humanitarian." And Dr. Harry Laughlin, another Sanger associate and board member for her group, spoke of purifying America's human "breeding stock" and purging America's "bad strains." These "strains" included the "shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of antisocial whites of the South."

Not to be outdone by her followers, Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," a plan she said would be the "salvation of American civilization.: And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." She further contended that "there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." That many Americans of African origin constituted a segment of Sanger considered "unfit" cannot be easily refuted.

While Planned Parenthood's current apologists try to place some distance between the eugenics and birth control movements, history definitively says otherwise. The eugenic theme figured prominently in the Birth Control Review, which Sanger founded in 1917. She published such articles as "Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics" (June 1920), "The Eugenic Conscience" (February 1921), "The purpose of Eugenics" (December 1924), "Birth Control and Positive Eugenics" (July 1925), "Birth Control: The True Eugenics" (August 1928), and many others.

These eugenic and racial origins are hardly what most people associate with the modern Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), which gave its Margaret Sanger award to the late Dr. Martin Luther King in 1966, and whose current president, Faye Wattleton, is black, a former nurse, and attractive.

Though once a social pariah group, routinely castigated by religious and government leaders, the PPFA is now an established, high-profile, well-funded organization with ample organizational and ideological support in high places of American society and government. Its statistics are accepted by major media and public health officials as "gospel"; its full-page ads appear in major newspapers; its spokespeople are called upon to give authoritative analyses of what America's family policies should be and to prescribe official answers that congressmen, state legislator and Supreme Court justices all accept as "social orthodoxy."

Blaming Families

Sanger's obsession with eugenics can be traced back to her own family. One of 11 children, she wrote in the autobiographical book, My Fight for Birth Control, that "I associated poverty, toil, unemployment, drunkenness, cruelty, quarreling, fighting, debts, jails with large families." Just as important was the impression in her childhood of an inferior family status, exacerbated by the iconoclastic, "free-thinking" views of her father, whose "anti-Catholic attitudes did not make for his popularity" in a predominantly Irish community.

The fact that the wealthy families in her hometown of Corning, N.Y., had relatively few children, Sanger took as prima facie evidence of the impoverishing effect of larger families. The personal impact of this belief was heightened 1899, at the age of 48. Sanger was convinced that the "ordeals of motherhood" had caused the death of her mother. The lingering consumption (tuberculosis) that took her mother's life visited Sanger at the birth of her own first child on Nov. 18, 1905. The diagnosis forced her to seek refuge in the Adirondacks to strengthen her for the impending birth. Despite the precautions, the birth of baby Grant was "agonizing," the mere memory of which Sanger described as "mental torture" more than 25 years later. She once described the experience as a factor "to be reckoned with" in her zealous campaign for birth control.

From the beginning, Sanger advocacy of sex education reflected her interest in population control and birth prevention among the "unfit." Her first handbook, published for adolescents in 1915 and entitled, What Every Boy and Girl Should Know, featured a jarring afterward:

It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance. There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things. Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence. Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them.

To Sanger, the ebbing away of moral and religious codes over sexual conduct was a natural consequence of the worthlessness of such codes in the individual's search for self-fulfillment. "Instead of laying down hard and fast rules of sexual conduct," Sanger wrote in her 1922 book Pivot of Civilization, "sex can be rendered effective and valuable only as it meets and satisfies the interests and demands of the pupil himself." Her attitude is appropriately described as libertinism, but sex knowledge was not the same as individual liberty, as her writings on procreation emphasized.

The second edition of Sanger's life story, An Autobiography, appeared in 1938. There Sanger described her first cross-country lecture tour in 1916. Her standard speech asserted seven conditions of life that "mandated" the use of birth control: the third was "when parents, though normal, had subnormal children"; the fourth, "when husband and wife were adolescent"; the fifth, "when the earning capacity of the father was inadequate." No right existed to exercise sex knowledge to advance procreation. Sanger described the fact that "anyone, no matter how ignorant, how diseased mentally or physically, how lacking in all knowledge of children, seemed to consider he or she had the right to become a parent."

Religious Bigotry

In the 1910's and 1920's, the entire social order–religion, law, politics, medicine, and the media–was arrayed against the idea and practice of birth control. This opposition began in 1873 when an overwhelmingly Protestant Congress passed, and a Protestant president signed into law, a bill that became known as the Comstock Law, named after its main proponent, Anthony Comstock. The U.S. Congress classified obscene writing, along with drugs, and devices and articles that prevented conception or caused abortion, under the same net of criminality and forbade their importation or mailing.

Sanger set out to have such legislation abolished or amended. Her initial efforts were directed at the Congress with the opening of a Washington, D.C., office of her American Birth Control League in 1926. Sanger wanted to amend section 211 of the U.S. criminal code to allow the interstate shipment and mailing of contraceptives among physicians, druggists and drug manufacturers.

During January and February of 1926, Sanger and her co-workers personally interviewed 40 senators and 14 representatives. None agreed to introduce a bill to amend the Comstock Act. Fresh from this unanimous rejection, Sanger issued an update to her followers: Everywhere there is general acceptance of the idea, except in religious circles. . .The National Catholic Welfare Council [sic] (NCWC) has a special legislative committee organized to block and defeat our legislation. They frankly state that they intend to legislate for non-Catholics according to the dictates of the church.

There was no such committee. But 20 non-Catholic lay or religious organizations joined NCWC in opposition to amending the Comstock Act. This was not the first time, nor was it to be the last, that Sanger sought to stir up sectarian strife by blaming Catholics for her legislative failures. Catholic-bashing was a standard tactic (one that Planned Parenthood still finds useful to this day), although other Christian groups now also come in for criticism.

Eight years later, in 1934, Sanger went to Congress again. Reporting on the first day of the hearings, the New York Times noted:
... the almost solidly Catholic opposition to the measure. This is now, according to Margaret Sanger. . . the only organized opposition to the proposal.

Sanger wrote a letter to her "Friends, Co-workers, and Endorsers" that portrayed the opposing testimony as the work of Catholics determined ... not to present facts to the committee but to intimidate them by showing a Catholic block of voters who (though in the minority in the United States) want to dictate to the majority of non-Catholics as directed from the Vatican in social and moral legislation ... American men and women, are we going to allow this insulting arrogance to bluff the American people?

For Sanger, the proper attitude toward her religious critics featured character assassination, personal vilification and old-fashioned bigotry. Her Birth Control Review printed an article that noted: "Today by the Roman Catholic clergy and their allies . . . Public opinion in America, I fear, is too willing to condone in the officials of the Roman Catholic Church what it condemns in the Ku Klux Klan.

A favorite Catholic-baiter of Sanger's was Norman E. Himes, who contributed articles to Sanger's journal. Himes claimed there were genetic differences between Catholics and non-Catholics.

Are Catholic stocks . . . genetically inferior to such non-Catholic libertarian stocks and Unitarians and Universal . . . Freethinkers? Inferior to non-Catholics in general? . . . my guess is that the answer will someday be made in the affirmative. . . and if the supposed differentials in net productivity are also genuine, the situation is anti-social, perhaps gravely so.

Sanger sought to isolate Catholics by creating a schism between them and Protestants, who had held parallel views of birth control and abortion for centuries. She welcomed a report from a majority of the Committee on Marriage and the Home of the General Council of Churches (later the National Council of Churches) advocating birth control. This committee was composed largely of social elite Protestants, including Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. A number of Protestant church bodies publicly repudiated the committee's endorsement.

The Rev. Worth Tippy, council executive secretary and author of the report, told Sanger in April 1931 that: ... the statement on Moral Aspects of Birth Control has aroused more opposition within the Protestant churches than we expected. Under the circumstances, and since we plan to carry on a steady work for liberalizing laws and to stimulate the establishment of clinics, it is necessary that we make good these losses and also increase our resources. Could you help me quietly by giving me the names of people of means who are interested in the birth control movement and might help us if I wrote them.

Sanger immediately wrote Tippy that she would be "glad to select names of persons from our lists whom I think might be able to subscribe." Tippy replied to Sanger a week later, offering to give her some names for fund raising and thanking her for the offer of "names of people who are able to contribute to generous causes and who are favorable to birth control." He also related that they had expected some reaction from the "fundamentalist groups," but nothing like what had happened.

Protestants repeatedly stated their unity with Catholics in opposing Planned Parenthood's initiatives. During Sanger's attempts to reform New York state law, another Protestant stood with Catholics. The Rev. John R. Straton, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church of New York City, said: "This bill is subversive of the human family . . . It is revolting, monstrous, against God's word and contradicts American traditions."

Sanger's attack on Catholics appeared to be an attempt to divert attention from the class politics of Planned Parenthood. The Rev. John A. Ryan wrote: ... their main objective is to increase the practice of birth-prevention among the poor . . . It is said that the present birth-prevention movement is to some extent financed by wealthy, albeit philanthropic persons. As far as I am aware , none of these is conspicuous in the movement for economic justice. None of them is crying out for a scale of wages which would enable workers to take care of a normal number of children.

Sanger's sexual license was another motivation for her Anti-Catholic sniping. A Sanger biographer, David M. Kennedy, said her primary goal was to "increase the quantity and quality of sexual relationships." The birth control movement, she said, freed the mind from "sexual prejudice and taboo, by demanding the frankest and most unflinching re-examination of sex in its relation to human nature and the basis of human society.

Sannger's Gamble

It was in 1939 that Sanger's larger vision for dealing with the reproductive practices of black Americans emerged. After the January 1939 merger of her Clinical Research Bureau and the ABCL to form the Birth Control Federation of America, Dr. Clarence J. Gamble was selected to become the BCFA regional director for the South. Dr. Gamble, of the soap-manufacturing Procter and Gamble company, was no newcomer to Sanger's organization. He had previously served as director at large to the predecessor ABCL.

Gamble lost no time and drew up a memorandum in November 1939 entitled "Suggestion for Negro Project." Acknowledging that black leaders might regard birth control as an extermination plot, he suggested that black leaders be place in positions where it would appear that they were in charge as it was at an Atlanta conference.

It is evident from the rest of the memo that Gamble conceived the project almost as a traveling road show. A charismatic black minister was to start a revival, with "contributions" to come from other local cooperating ministers. A "colored nurse" would follow, supported by a subsidized "colored doctor." Gamble even suggested that music might be a useful lure to bring the prospects to a meeting.

Sanger answered Gamble on Dec. 10. 1939, agreeing with the assessment. She wrote: "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." In 1940, money for two "Negro Project" demonstration programs in southern states was donated by advertising magnate Albert D. Lasker and his wife, Mary.

Birth control was presented both as an economic betterment vehicle and as a health measure that could lower the incidence of infant mortality. At the 1942 BCFA annual meeting, BCFA Negro Council board member Dr. Dorothy B. Ferebee–a cum laude graduate of Tufts and also president of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the nation's largest black sorority–addressed the delegates regarding Planned Parenthood's minority outreach efforts : With the Negro group some of the most difficult obstacles . . . to overcome are: (1) the concept that when birth control is proposed to them, it is motivated by a clever bit of machination to persuade them to commit race suicide; (2) the so-called "husband rejection" . . . (3) the fact that birth control is confused with abortion, and (4) the belief that is inherently immoral. However, as formidable as these objections may seem, when thrown against the total picture of the awareness on the part of the Negro leaders of the improved condition under Planned Parenthood, or the genuine interest and eagerness of the families themselves to secure the services which will give them a fair chance for health and happiness, the obstacles to the program are greatly outweighed.

Birth control as an economic improvement measure had some appeal to those lowest on the income ladder. In the black Chicago Defender for Jan. 10, 1942, a long three-column women's interest article discussed the endorsement of the Sanger program by prominent black women. There were at lease six express references, such as the following example, to birth control as a remedy for economic woes:" . . . it raises the standard of living by enabling parents to adjust the family size to the family income." Readers were also told that birth control" . . . is no operation. It is no abortion. Abortion kills life after it has begun. . . Birth Control is neither harmful nor immoral."

But the moral stumbling block could only be surmounted by Afro-American religious leaders, so black ministers were solicited. Florence Rose, long-time Sanger secretary, prepared an activities report during March 1942 detailing the progress of the "Negro Project." She recounted a recent meeting with a Planned Parenthood Negro Division board member, Bishop David H. Sims (African Methodist Episcopal Church), who appreciated Planned Parenthood's recognition of the extent of black opposition to birth control and its efforts to build up support among black leaders. He offered whatever assistance he could give.

Bishop Sims offered to begin the "softening process" among the representatives of different Negro denominations attending the monthly meetings of the Federal Council of Churches and its Division of Race Relations.

These and other efforts paid off handsomely after World War II. By 1949, virtually the entire black leadership network of religious, social, professional, and academic organizations had endorsed Planned Parenthood's program.

National Scandal

More than a decade later, Planned Parenthood continued targeting minority communities, but without much success.

In 1940, nonwhite women aged 18 to 19 experienced 61 births per 1,000 unmarried women. In 1968, the corresponding figure was 112 per 1,000, a 100 percent jump. What other factor could account for the increased rate of sexual activity than wider access to birth control, with its promise of sex without tears and consequences?

Alan Guttmacher, then president of Planned Parenthood, was desperate to show policy-makers that birth control would produce a situation whereby "minority groups who constantly outbreed the majority will no longer persist in doing so. . . "

Despite claims that racial or ethnic groups were not being "targeted," American blacks, among whose ranks a greater proportion of the poor were numbered, received a high priority in Planned Parenthood's nationwide efforts. Donald B. Strauss, chairman of Planned Parenthood World Population, urged the 1964 Democratic national Convention to liberalize the party's stated policies on birth control, and to adopt domestic and foreign policy platform resolutions to conform with long-sought San gerite goals: [While almost one-fourth of nonwhite parents have four or more children under 18 living with them, only 8% of the white couples have that many children living at home. For the Negro parent in particular, the denial of access to family planning professional guidance forecloses one more avenue to family advancement and well-being..

Unwanted children would not get the job training and educational skills they needed to compete in a shrinking labor market; moreover, unwanted children are a product and a cause of poverty.

Surveying the "successes" of tax-subsidized birth control programs, Guttmacher noted in 1970 that "[Birth control services are proliferating in areas adjacent to concentrations of black population." (In the 1980's, targeting the inner-city black communities for school based sex clinics became more sensitive than expected.)

Guttmacher thought that as long as the birth rate continued to fall or remained at a low level, Planned Parenthood should certainly be introduced before family size by coercion is attempted."

Reaching this goal, he thought, would best be accomplished by having groups other than the PPFA preach the doctrine of a normative 2.1-child family, as doing this would offend Planned Parenthood's minority clients. He suggested that family size would decrease if abortion were liberalized nationwide and received government support. In this prediction he was right on target.

But Guttmacher did not completely reject forced population control: Predicting 20 critical years ahead in the struggle to control the population explosion, Dr. Alan Guttmacher, president of Planned parenthood World Population, continues to urge the use of all voluntary means to hold down on the world birthrate. But he foresees the possibility that eventual coercion may become necessary, particularly in areas where the pressure is greatest, possibly India and China. "Each country," he says, "will have to decide its own form of coercion, and determine when and how it should be employed. At Present, the means are compulsory sterilization and compulsory abortion. Perhaps some day a way of enforcing compulsory birth control will be feasible.

Coerced abortion is already practiced in China, with the International Planned Parenthood Federation's approval.

Extreme Irony

Despite its past, Planned Parenthood has managed to present the image of toleration and minority participation through the vehicle of its divorced, telegenic, African American president, Ms. Faye Wattleton, appointed titular head of the PPFA in 1978, a post she still holds. Though paid in the six-figure range, she has impeccable minority credentials that would have fit the public relations criteria for both Margaret Sanger and Dr. Clarence Gamble.

Wattleton's PPFA biography touts her as a friend of the "Poor and the young"; a nurse at Harlem Hospital; and the recipient of the 1989 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Humanitarian Award and the World Institute of Black Communicators' 1986 Excellence in Black Communications Award. It further states she was featured in a national photography exhibit, "I Dream A World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America"; interviewed in Ebony; and was the cover story in Black Enterprise magazine. (Time published a profile of Wattleton in 1990 entitled "Nothing Less Than Perfect.")

Her ideological orientation has received certification in the form of the Better World Society's 1989 Population Model, the 1986 American Humanist Award, and others. But surely, the spectacle of the Congressional Black Caucus awarding its humanitarian award to the black woman who presides over the organization that has hastened and justified the death of almost eight million black children since 1973 and facilitates the demise of the black family is ironic in the extreme.

Killer Angel

In his book, Killer Angel, George Grant says: "Myths, according to theologian J. l. packer, are stories made up to sanctify social patterns.' They are lies, carefully designed to reinforce a particular philosophy or morality within a culture. They are instruments of manipulation and control.

Killer Angel tells the real story behind one of the biggest myths that controls our culture today the life and legacy of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Grant exposes "the Big Lie" perpetuated by Sanger's followers and the organization she started.

Through detailed research and concise writing, Grant unveils Sanger's true character and ideology, which included blatant racism, revolutionary socialism, sexual perversion and insatiable avarice. Grant includes direct quotes from sources such as Sanger's Birth Control Review to support his findings. His biography spans Sanger's disturbed and unhappy upbringing which Sanger said contributed to her agitation and bitterness later in life to her eventual fixation with drugs, alcohol and the occult.

Particularly shocking was Sanger's involvement in the Eugenics movement. Grant says: "[Sanger] was thoroughly convinced that the inferior races' were in fact human weeds' and a menace to civilization.' . . . [S]he was a true believer, not simply someone who assimilated the jargon of the times as Planned Parenthood officials would have us believe."

Sanger died September 6, 1966, a week before her eighty-seventh birthday. Grant says: "[She] had nearly fulfilled her early boast that she would spend every last penny of Slee's [her second husband] fortune. In the process, though, she had lost everything else: love, happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, family, and friends. In the end, her struggle was her naught."

The truth uncovered in grant's book has proven to be a threat to those who follow the cult of :Planned Parenthood. In fact, Killer Angel was recently banned from a public library in Toledo, Ohio. A library manager stated in a letter that, "The author's political and social agenda, which is strongly exposed throughout the book, is not appropriate even in a critical biography of its subject."

In response, Grant pointed out that "The question at hand is whether librarians should be making subjective judgments about my political beliefs and the beliefs of other authors."

By censoring Killer Angel, the library appears to be violating its own policies, which state that, "the Library collection shall include representative materials of all races and nationalities, and all political, religious, economic and social views." Except Christian views, apparently.

While the Toledo public library may not be interested in the information put forth in Grant's book, pro-lifers will find this biography useful and enlightening. It serves as a powerful tool in dispelling the myths surrounding a woman considered a heroine by many who began an organization that is responsible for the deaths of millions of unborn children.

Grant states that, "Margaret Sanger and her heirs at Planned Parenthood . . . have thus far been able to parlay the deception into a substantial empire. But now the truth must be told. The illusion must be exposed." Killer Angel does an outstanding job in doing that.

Sanger's Legacy is Reproductive Freedom and Racism

Despite Margaret Sanger's contributions to birth control and hence women's freedom and empowerment, her legacy is diminished by her sympathies with eugenics. This writer says that, like many modern feminists, Sanger ignored class and race.

(WOMEN'S NEWS)--Margaret Sanger opened the nation's first birth control clinic in 1916. For the rest of her life she worked to establish a woman's right to control her body and to decide when or whether to have a child. In 1921, she founded the American Birth Control league, the forerunner of Planned Parenthood.

Her impact on contemporary society is tremendous. Enabling women to control their fertility and giving them access to contraception, as advocated by Sanger, makes it possible for women to have a broader set of life options, especially in the areas of education and employment, than if their lives are dominated by unrelieved childbearing.

A recent reminder of Sanger's impact on our society came when the Equal employment Opportunity Commission found that it is illegal sex discrimination to exclude prescription contraceptives from an otherwise comprehensive health benefits plan. Sanger's efforts to provide access to contraception are at the foundation of decisions to provide equal access to prescription contraceptives and other prescriptions.

Still, especially with the Bush administration, activists will have to fight to maintain access to contraception and to abortion. In April, the House of Representatives passed legislation that would establish criminal penalties for harming a fetus during the commission of a crime. While proponents of the bill say it does not include abortion, some see fetal protection legislation as an attempt to undermine abortion rights. The passage of this legislation is a reminder that the rights Margaret Sanger worked so hard to establish are tenuous rights that many would challenge.

For all her positive influence, I see Sanger as a tarnished heroine whose embrace of the eugenics movement showed racial insensitivity, at best. From her associates, as well as from some of the articles that were published in Sanger's magazine, the Birth Control review, it is possible to conclude that "racially insensitive" is too mild a description. Indeed, some of her statements, taken in or out of context, are simply racist. And she never rebuked eugenicists who believed in improving the hereditary qualities of a race or breed by controlling mating in order to eliminate "undesirable" characteristics and promote "desirable" traits.

Sanger: We Must Limit the Over-Fertility of Mentally, Physically Defective

"Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying . . . demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism," she wrote in the recently republished "The Pivot of Civilization." This book, written in 1922, was published at a time when scientific racism had been used to assert black inferiority. Who determines who is a moron? How would these morons be segregated? The ramifications of such statements are bone chilling.

In a 1921 article in the Birth Control Review, Sanger wrote, "The most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective." Reviewers of one of her 1919 articles interpreted her objectives as "More children from the fit, less from the unfit." Again, the question of who decides fitness is important, and it was an issue that Sanger only partly addressed. "The undeniably feebleminded should indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind," she wrote.

Sanger advocated the mandatory sterilization of the insane and feebleminded." Although this does not diminish her legacy as the key force in the birth control movement, it raises questions much like those now being raised about our nation's slaveholding founders. How do we judge historical figures? How are their contributions placed in context?

It is easy to see why there is some antipathy toward Sanger among people of color, considering that, given our nation's history, we are the people most frequently described as "unfit" and "feebleminded."

Many African American women have been subject to nonconsensual forced sterilization. Some did not even know that they were sterilized until they tried, unsuccessfully, to have children. In 1973, Essence Magazine published an expose of forced sterilization practices in the rural South, where racist physicians felt they were performing a service by sterilizing black women without telling them. While one cannot blame Margaret Sanger for the actions of these physician, one can certainly see why Sanger's words are especially repugnant in a racial context.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has been protective of Margaret Sanger's reputation and defensive of allegations that she was a racist. They correctly point out that many of the attacks on Sanger come from anti-choice activists who have an interest in distorting both Sanger's work and that of Planned Parenthood. While it is understandable that Planned Parenthood would be protective of their founder's reputation, it cannot ignore the fact that Sanger edited the Birth Control review from its inception until 1929. Under her leadership, the magazine featured articles that embraced the eugenicist position. If Sanger were as anti-eugenics as Planned Parenthood says she was, she would not have printed as many articles sympathetic to eugenics as she did.

Like Many Modern Feminists, Sanger Ignored Race and Class

Would the NAACP's house organ, Crisis Magazine, print articles by members of the Ku Klux Klan? Would Planned Parenthood publish articles penned by fetal protectionist South Carolina republican Lindsey Graham?

The articled published in the Birth Control Review showed Sanger's empathy with some eugenicist views. Margaret Sanger worked closely with W. E. B. DuBois on her "Negro Project," an effort to expose Southern black women to birth control. Mary McLeod Bethune and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. were also involved in the effort. Much later, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. accepted an award from Planned Parenthood and complimented the organization's efforts. It is entirely possible that Sanger Ôs views evolved over time. Certainly, by the late 1940s, she spoke about ways to solve the "Negro problem" in the United States. This evolution, however commendable, does not eradicate the impact of her earlier statements.

What, then, is Sanger's legacy?

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has grown to an organization with 129 affiliates. It operates 875 health centers and serves about 5 million women each year. Planned Parenthood has been a leader in the fight for women's right to choose and in providing access to affordable reproductive health care for a cross-section of women. Planned Parenthood has not supported forced sterilization or restricted immigration and has gently rejected the most extreme of Sanger's views.

In many ways, Sanger is no different from contemporary feminists who, after making the customary acknowledgement of issues dealing with race and class, return to analysis that focuses exclusively on gender. These are the feminists who feel that women should come together around "women's issues" and battle out our differences later. In failing to acknowledge differences and the differential impact of a set of policies, these feminists make it difficult for women to come together.

Sanger published the Birth Control Review at the same time that black men, returning from World War I, were lynched in uniform. That she did not see the harm in embracing exclusionary jargon about sterilization and immigration suggests that she was, at best, socially myopic.

That's reason enough to suggest that her leadership was flawed and her legacy crippled by her insensitivity.

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Mocks Christmas with "Choice on Earth" Cards (sickening!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder

The Negro Project - Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America

The American Holocaust: Abortion

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Body Parts for Sale

America's War Dead!

Partial Birth Abortion Scam

Number of Abortions!

Abortion is Murder!

Planned Parenthood is Evil!

Abortion and Baal-Worship

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp!

EU to Doctors: Thou Shalt Abort!

Abortion Spending

Abortion - America's Killer!

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

Big Families (The wicked are trying to PREVENT you from having a big family!)

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)


Planned "Herod-hood"

Christian Adoption Services

"...speaking the truth in love..."--Ephesians 4:15

If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973?

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By Tanya L. Green

"…I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing’
therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live."

--Deuteronomy 30:19 (NKJV

On the crisp, sunny, fall Columbus Day in 1999, organizers of the "Say So" march approached the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court. The marchers, who were predominantly black pastors and lay persons, concluded their three-day protest at the site of two monumental cases: the school desegregation Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade "rights" in t he latter–converged in the declaration of Rev. Johnny M. Hunter, the march’s sponsor and national director of Life, Education and Resource Network (LEARN), the largest black pro-life organization.

‘"Civil rights’ doesn’t mean anything without a right to life!" declared Hunter. He and the other marchers were protesting the disproportionately high number of abortions in the black community. The high number is no accident. Many Americans–black and white–are unaware of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project. Sanger created this program in 1939, after the organization changed its name from the American Birth Control League (ABCL) to the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA).

The aim of the program was to restrict–many believe exterminate–the black population. Under the pretense of "better health" and "family planning," Sanger cleverly implemented her plan. What’s more shocking is Sanger’s beguilement of black America’s créme de la créme–those prominent, well educated and well-to-do–into executing her scheme. Some within the black elite saw birth control as a means to attain economic empowerment, elevate the race and garner the respect of whites.

The Negro Project has had lasting repercussions in the black community: "We have become victims of genocide by our own hands," cried Hunter at the "Say So" march.

Malthusian Eugenics

Margaret Sanger aligned herself with the eugenicists whose ideology prevailed in the early 20th century. Eugenicists strongly espoused racial supremacy and "purtiy"," particularly of the "Aryan" race. Eugenicists hoped to purify the bloodlines and improve the race by encouraging the "fit" to reproduce and the "unfit" to restrict their reproduction. They sought to contain the "inferior" races through segregation, sterilization, birth control and abortion.

Sanger embraced Malthusian eugenics. Thomas Robert Malthus, a 19th century cleric and professor of political economy, believed a population time bomb threatened the existence of the human race. He viewed social problems such as poverty, deprivation and hunger as evidence of this "population crisis." According to writer George Grant, Malthus condemned charities and other forms of benevolence, because he believed they only exacerbated the problems. His answer was to restrict population growth of certain groups of people. His theories of population growth and economic stability became the basis for national and international social policy. Grant quotes from Malthus’ magnum opus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, published in six editions from 1798 to 1826:

All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room is made for them by the deaths of grown persons. We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality.

Malthus disciples believed if Western civilization were to survive, the physically unfit, the materially poor, the spiritually diseased, the racially inferior, and the mentally incompetent had to be suppressed and isolated–or even, perhaps, eliminated. His disciples felt the subtler and more "scientific" approaches of education, contraception, sterilization and abortion were more "practical and acceptable ways" to ease the pressures of the alleged overpopulation.

Critics of Malthusianism said the group "produced a new vocabulary of mumbo-jumbo. It was all hard-headed, scientific and relentless." Further, historical facts have proved the Malthusian mathematical scheme regarding overpopulation to be inaccurate, though many still believe them.

Despite the falsehoods of Malthus’ overpopulation claims, Sanger nonetheless immersed herself in Malthusian eugenics. Grant wrote she argued for birth control using the "scientifically verified" threat of poverty, sickness, racial tension and overpopulation as its background. Sanger’s publication, The Birth Control Review (founded in 1917) regularly published pro-eugenic articles from eugenicists, such as Ernst Ruin. Although Sanger ceased editing The Birth Control Review in 1929, the ABCL continued to use it as a platform for eugenic ideas.

Sanger built the work of the ABCL, and, ultimately, Planned Parenthood, on the ideas and resources of the eugenics movement. Grant reported that "virtually all of the organization’s board members were eugenicists." Eugenicists financed the early projects, from the opening of birth control clinics to the publishing of "revolutionary" literature. Eugenicists comprised the speakers at conferences, authors of literature and the providers of services "almost without the exception." And Planned Parenthood’s international work was originally housed in the offices of the Eugenics Society. The two organizations were intertwined for years.

The ABCL became a legal entity on April 22, 1922, in New York. Before that, Sanger illegally operated a birth control clinic in October 1916, in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York, which eventually closed. The clinic serviced the poor immigrants who heavily populated the area–those deemed "unfit" to reproduce.

Sanger’s early writings clearly reflected Malthus’ influence. She writes:

Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease. Those vast, complex, interrelated organizations aiming to control and to diminish the spread of misery and destitution and all the menacing evils that spring out of this sinisterly fertile soil, are the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents and dependents.

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In another passage, she decries the burden of "human waste" on society:

It [charity] encourages the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant [emphasis added].

She concluded,

The most serious charge that can be brought against modern "benevolence" is that is encourages the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents and dependents. These are the most dangerous elements in the world community, the most devastating curse on human progress and expression.

The Review printed an excerpt of an address Sanger gave in 1926. In it she said:

It now remains for the U.S. government to set a sensible example to the world by offering a bonus or yearly pension to all obviously unfit parents who allow themselves to be sterilized by harmless and scientific means. In this way the moron and the diseased would have no posterity to inherit their unhappy condition. The number of the feeble-minded would decrease and a heavy burden would be lifted from the shoulders of the fit.

Sanger said a "bonus" would be "wise and profitable" and "the salvation of American civilization." She presented her ideas to Mr. C. Harold Smith (of the New York Evening World) on "the welfare committee" in New York City. She said, "people must be helped to help themselves.: Any plan or program that would make them "dependent upon doles and charities" is "paternalistic" and would not be " of any permanent value." She included an essay (what she called a "program of public welfare,") entitled "We Must Breed a Race of Thoroughbreds."

?In it she argued that birth control clinics, or bureaus, should be established "in which men and women will be taught the science of parenthood and the science of breeding." For this was the way "to breed out of the race the scourges of transmissible disease, mental defect, poverty, lawlessness, crime … since these classes would be decreasing in number instead of breeding like weeds."

Her program called for women to receive birth control advice in various situations, including where:

* the woman or man had a "transmissible" disease such as insanity, feeble-mindedness, epilepsy, syphilis, etc.;
* the children already born were "subnormal or feeble-minded";
* the father’s wages were "inadequate … to provide for more children."

Sanger said "such a plan would … reduce the birthrate among the diseased, the sickly, the poverty stricken and anti-social classes, elements unable to provide for themselves, and the burden of which we are all forced to carry."

Sanger had openly embraced Malthusian eugenics, and it shaped her actions in the ensuing years.

The Harlem Clinic

In 1929, 10 years before Sanger created the Negro Project, the ABCL laid the groundwork for a clinic in Harlem, a largely black section of New York City. It was the dawn of the Great Depression, and for blacks that meant double the misery. Blacks faced harsher conditions of desperation and privation because of widespread racial prejudice and discrimination. From the ABCL’s perspective, Harlem was the ideal place for this "experimental clinic," which officially opened on November 21, 1930. Many blacks looked to escape their adverse circumstances and therefore did not recognize the eugenic undercurrent of the clinic. The clinic relied on the generosity of private foundations to remain in business. In addition to being thought of as "inferior" and disproportionately represented in the underclass, according to the clinic’s own files used to justify its "work," blacks in Harlem:

* were segregated in an over-populated area (224,760 of 330,000 of greater New York’s population lived in Harlem during the late 1920s and 1930s);
* comprised 12 percent of New York City’s population, but accounted for 18.4 percent of New York City’s unemployment;
* had an infant mortality rate of 101 per 1000 births, compared to 56 among whites;
* had a death rate from tuberculosis–237 per 100,000–that was highest in central Harlem, out of all of New York City.

Although the clinic served whites as well as blacks, it "was established for the benefit of the colored people." Sanger wrote this in a letter to Dr. W. E. Burghardt DuBois, one of the day’s most influential blacks. A sociologist and author, he helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909 to improve the living conditions of black Americans.

That blacks endured extreme prejudice and discrimination, which contributed greatly to their plight, seemed to further justify restricting their numbers. Many believed the solution lay in reducing reproduction. Sanger suggested the answer to poverty and degradation lay in smaller numbers of blacks. She convinced black civic groups in Harlem of the "benefits" of birth control, under the cloak of "better health" (i.e., reduction of maternal and infant death; child spacing) and "family planning." So with their cooperation, and the endorsement of The Amsterdam News (a prominent black newspaper), Sanger established the Harlem branch of the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. The ABCL told the community birth control was the answer to their predicament.

Sanger shrewdly used the influence of prominent blacks to reach the masses with this message. She invited DuBois and a host of Harlem’s leading blacks, including physicians, social workers, ministers and journalists, to form an advisory council to help direct the clinic "so that our work in birth control will be a constructive force in the community." She knew the importance of having black professionals on the advisory board and in the clinic; she knew blacks would instinctively suspect whites of wanting to decrease their numbers. She would later use this knowledge to implement the Negro Project.

Sanger convinced the community so well that Harlem’s largest black church, the Abyssinian Baptist Church, held a mass meeting featuring Sanger as the speaker. But that event received criticism. At least one "very prominent minister of a denomination other than Baptist" spoke out against Sanger. Dr. Adam Clayton Powell Sr., pastor of Abyssinian Baptist, "received adverse criticism" from the (unnamed) minister who was "surprised that he’d allow that awful woman in his church."

Grace Congregational Church hosted a debate on birth control. Proponents argued birth control was necessary to regulate births in proportion to the family’s income; spacing births would help mothers recover physically and fathers financially; physically strong and mentally sound babies would result; and incidences of communicable diseases would decrease.

Opponents contended that as a minority group blacks needed to increase rather than decrease and that they needed an equal distribution of wealth to improve their status. In the end, the debate judges decided the proponents were more persuasive: Birth control would improve the status of blacks. Still, there were others who equated birth control with abortion and therefore considered it immoral.
Eventually, the Urban League took control of the clinic, and indication the black community had become ensnared in Sanger’s labyrinth.

Birth Control as a Solution

The Harlem clinic and ensuing birth control debate opened dialogue among black about how best to improve their disadvantageous position. Some viewed birth control as a viable solution: High reproduction, the believed, meant prolonged poverty and degradation. Desperate for change, others began to accept the "rationale" of birth control. A few embraced eugenics. The June 1932 edition of The Birth Control Review, called "The Negro Number," featured a series of articles written by blacks on the "virtues" of birth control.

The editorial posed this question: "Shall they go in for quantity or quality in children? Shall they bring children into the world to enrich the undertakers, the physicians and furnish work for social workers and jailers, or shall they produce children who are going to be an asset to the group and American society?" The answer: "Most [blacks], especially women, would choose quality … if they only knew how."

DuBois, in his article "Black Folk and Birth Control, " noted the "inevitable clash of ideals between those Negroes who were striving to improve their economic position and those whose religious faith made the limitation of children a sin." He criticized the "mass of ignorant Negroes" who bred "carelessly and disastrously so that the increase among [them] … is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly."

DuBois called for a "more liberal attitude" among black churches. He said they were open to "intelligent propaganda of any sort, and the American Birth Control League and other agencies ought to get their speakers before church congregations and their arguments in the Negro newspapers [emphasis added]."

Charles S. Johnson, Fisk University’s first black president, wrote "eugenic discrimination" was necessary for blacks. He said the high maternal and infant mortality rates, along with diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid, malaria and venereal infection, made it difficult for large families to adequately sustain themselves.

Further, "the status of Negroes as marginal workers, their confinement to the lowest paid branches of industry, the necessity for the labors of mothers, as well as children, to balance meager budgets, are factors [that] emphasize the need for lessening the burden not only for themselves, but of society, which must provide the supplementary support in the form of relief." Johnson later served on the National Advisory Council to the BCFA, becoming integral to the Negro Project.

Writer Walter A. Terpenning described bringing a black child into a hostile world as "pathetic." In his article "God’s Chillun," he wrote:

The birth of a colored child, even to parents who can give it adequate support, is pathetic in view of the unchristian and undemocratic treatment likely to be accorded it at the hands of a predominantly white community, and the denial of choice in propagation to this unfortunate class is nothing less than barbarous [emphasis added].

Terpenning considered birth control for black as "the more humane provision" and "more eugenic" than among whites. He felt birth control information should have first been disseminated among blacks rather than the white upper crust. He failed to look at the problematic attitudes and behavior of society and how they suppressed blacks. He offered no solutions to the injustice and vile racism that blacks endured.

Sadly, DuBois’ words of black churches being "open to intelligent propaganda" proved prophetic. Black pastors invited Sanger to speak to their congregations. Black publications, like The Afro-American and The Chicago Defender, featured her writings. Rather than attacking the root causes of maternal and infant deaths, diseases ,poverty, unemployment and a host of other social ills–not the least of which were racism–Sanger pushed birth control. To many, it was better for blacks not to be born rather than endure such a harsh existence.

Against this setting, Sanger charmed the black community’s most distinguished leaders into accepting her plan, which was designed to their own detriment. She peddled her wares wrapped in pretty packages labeled "better health" and "family planning." No one could deny the benefits of better health, being financially ready to raise children, or spacing one’s children. However, the solution to the real issues affecting blacks did not lay in reducing their numbers. It lay in attacking forces in society that hindered their progress. Most importantly, one had to discern Sanger’s motive behind her push for birth control in the community. It was not an altruistic one.

Web of Deceit

Prior to 1939, Sanger’s "outreach to the black community was largely limited to her Harlem clinic and speaking at black churches." Her vision for "the reproductive practices of black Americans" expanded after the January 1939 merger of the Clinical Research Bureau and the American Birth Control League to form the Birth Control Federation of America. She selected Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, of the soap-manufacturing company Procter and Gamble, to be the BCFA regional director of the South.

Gamble wrote a memorandum in November 1939 entitled "Suggestions for the Negro Project," in which he recognized that "black leaders might regard birth control as an extermination plot." He suggested black leaders to be placed in positions where it would appear they were in charge. Yet Sanger’s reply reflects Gamble’s ambivalence about having blacks in authoritative positions:

I note that you doubt it worthwhile to employ a full-time Negro physician. It seems to me from my experience … that, while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors, they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table, which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts. They do not do this with white people and if we can train the Negro doctor at the clinic, he can go among them with enthusiasm and … knowledge, which … will have far-reaching results among the colored people.

Another project director lamented:

I wonder if Southern Darkies can ever be entrusted with … a clinic. Our experience causes us to doubt their ability to work except under white supervision.

Sanger knew blacks were religious people–and how useful ministers would be to her project. She wrote in the same letter:

The minister’s work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members [emphasis added].

Sanger’s cohorts within the BCFA sought to attract black leadership. They succeeded. The list of black leaders who made up BCFA’s National Advisory Council reads like a "who’s who" among black Americans. To name a few:

* Claude A. Barnett, director, Associated Negro Press, Chicago
* Michael J. Bent, M.D., Meharry Medical School, Nashville
* Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, president, National Council of Negro Women, Washington, D.C., special advisor to President Roosevelt on minority groups, and founder of Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach
* Dr. Dorothy Boulding Ferebee, cum laude graduate of Tufts, president of Alpha Kappa Alpha (the nation’s oldest black sorority)k, Washington, D.C.
* Charles S. Johnson, president, Fisk University, Nashville
* Eugene Kinckle Jones, executive secretary, National Urban League, New York
* Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr., pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York
* Bishop David H. Sims, pastor, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Philadelphia
* Arthur Spingarn, president, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Even with this impressive list, Sanger ran into resistance when she tried to present a birth control exhibit at the 1940 American Negro Exposition, a fair that traces the progress blacks have made since the Emancipation Proclamation, in Chicago. After inviting BCFA to display its exhibit, the Exposition’s board later canceled, citing "last minute changes in floor space."

Sanger did not buy this and issued a statement urging public protest. "This has come as a complete surprise," said Sanger, "since the Federation undertook preparation of the exhibit upon an express invitation from a member of the Exposition board." She said the cancellation resulted from "concerted action on the part of representatives of the Roman Catholic Church." She even accused the church of threatening officials with the withholding of promised federal and state funds needed to hold the Exposition.

Her statement mentioned BCFA prepared the exhibit in consultation with its National (Negro) Advisory Council, and it illustrated "the need for birth control as a public health measure." She said the objective was to demonstrate how birth control would "improve the welfare of the Negro population," noting the maternal death rate among black mothers was nearly 50 percent higher, and the child death rate was more than one-third greater than the white community.

At Sanger’s urging, protesters of the cancellation sent letters to Attorney Wendall E. Green, vice chairman of the Afra-Merican Emancipation Exposition Commission (sponsor of the Exposition), requesting he investigate. Green denied there was any threat or pressure to withhold funds needed to finance the Exposition. Further, he said the Exposition commission (of Illinois) "unanimously passed a resolution," which read in part: "That in the promotion, conduct and accomplishment of the objectives (of the Exposition) there must be an abiding spirit to create goodwill toward all people." He added that since the funds for the Exposition " came from citizens of all races and creeds, any exhibit in conflict with the known convictions of any religious group contravenes the spirit of the resolution," which seemed to support Catholic opposition. The commission upheld the ban on the exhibit.

"Better Health for 13,000,000"

The propaganda of the Negro Project was that birth control meant better health. So on this premise, the BCFA designed two southern Negro Project "demonstration programs" to show "how medically-supervised birth control integrated into existing public health services could improve the general welfare of Negroes, and to initiate a nationwide educational program."

The BCFA opened the first clinic at the Bethlehem Center in urban Nashville, Tennessee (where blacks constituted only 25 percent of the population), on February 13, 1940. They extended the work to the Social Services Center of Fisk University (a historically black college) on July 23, 1940. This location was especially significant because of its proximity to Meharry Medical School, which trained more than 50 percent of black physicians I the United States.

An analysis of the income of the Nashville group revealed that "no family, regardless of size, had an income over $15 a week. The service obviously reached the income group for which it was designed," indicating the project’s tar get. The report claimed to have brought "to light serious diseases and making possible their treatment, … [and] that 55 percent [354 of the 638] of the patients prescribed birth control methods used it consistently and successfully." However, the report presented "no definite figures … to demonstrate the extent of community improvement."

The BCFA opened the second clinic on May 1, 1940, in rural Berkeley County, South Carolina, under the supervision of Dr. Robert E. Seibels, chairman of the Committee on Maternal Welfare of the South Carolina Medical Association. BCFA chose this site in part "because leaders in the state were particularly receptive to the experiment. South Carolina had been the second state to make child spacing a part of its state public health program after a survey of the state’s maternal deaths showed that 25 percent occurred among mothers known to be physically unfit for pregnancy." Again, the message went out: Birth control–not better prenatal care–reduced maternal and infant mortality.

Although Berkeley County’s population was 70 percent black, the clinic received criticism that members of this group were "overwhelmingly in the majority." Seibels assured Claude Barnett that this was not the case. "We have … simply given our help to those who were willing to receive it, and these usually are Negroes," he said.

While religious convictions significantly influenced the Nashville patients’ view of birth control, people in Berkeley County had "no religious prejudice against birth control. But the attitude that treatment of any disease was ‘against nature’ was in the air." Comparing the results of the two sites, "it is seen that the immediate receptivity to the demonstration was at the outset higher in the rural area. " However, "the final total success was lower [in the rural area]." However, in Berkeley, "stark poverty was even more in evidence, and bad roads, bad weather and ignorance proved powerful counter forces [to the contraceptive programs." After 18 months, the Berkeley program closed.

The report indicated that, contrary to expectations, the lives of black patients serviced by the clinics did not improve dramatically from birth control. Two beliefs stood in the way: Some blacks likened birth control to abortion and others regarded it as "inherently immoral." However, "when thrown against the total pictures of the awareness on the part of Negro leaders of the improved conditions, … and their opportunities to even better conditions under Planned Parenthood, … the obstacles to the program are greatly outweighed," said Dr. Dorothy Ferebee.

A hint of eugenic flavor seasoned Ferebee’s speech: "The future program [of Planned Parenthood] should center around more education in the field through the work of a professional Negro worker, because those of who believe that the benefits of Planned Parenthood as a vital key to the elimination of human waste must reach the entire population [emphasis added]." She peppered her speech with the importance of "Negro professionals, fully integrated into the staff, … who could interpret the program and objectives to [other blacks] in the normal course of day-to-day contacts; could break down fallacious attitudes and beliefs and elements of distrust; could inspire the confidence of the group; and would not be suspect of the intent to eliminate the race [emphasis added]."

Sanger even managed to lure the prominent–but hesitant–black minister J. T. Braun, editor in chief of the National Baptist Convention’s Sunday School Publishing Board in Nashville, Tennessee, into her deceptive web. Braun confessed to Sanger that "the very idea of such a thing [birth control] has always held the greatest hatred and contempt in my mind. … I am hesitant to give my full endorsement of this idea, until you send me, perhaps, some more convincing literature on the subject. Sanger happily complied. She sent Braun the Federal Council of Churches’ Marriage and Home Committee pamphlet praised by Bishop Sims (another member of the National Advisory Council), assuring him that: "There are some people who believe that birth control is an attempt to dictate to families how many children to have. Nothing could be further from the truth."Sanger’s assistants gave Braun more pro-birth control literature and a copy of her autobiography, which he gave to his wife to read. Sanger’s message of preventing maternal and infant mortality stirred Braun’s wife. Now convinced of this need, Braun permitted a group of women to use his chapel for a birth-control talk. "[I was] moved by the number of prominent [black] Christians backing the proposition," Braun wrote in a letter to Sanger. "At first glance I had a horrible shock to the proposition because it seemed to me to be allied to abortion, but after thought and prayer, I have concluded that especially among many women, it is necessary both to save the lives of mothers and children [emphasis added]."

By 1949, Sanger had hoodwinked black America’s best and brightest into believing birth control’s "life-saving benefits." In a monumental feat, she bewitched virtually an entire network of black social, professional and academic organizations into endorsing Planned Parenthood’s eugenic program.

Sanger’s successful duplicity does not in any way suggest blacks were gullible. They certainly wanted to decrease maternal and infant mortality and improve the community’s overall health. They wholly accepted her message because it seemed to promise prosperity and social acceptance. Sanger used their vulnerabilities and their ignorance (of her deliberately hidden agenda) to her advantage. Aside from birth control, she offered no other medical or social solutions to their adversity. Surely, blacks would not have been such willing accomplices had they perceived her true intentions. Considering the role eugenics played in the early birth control movement–and Sanger’s embracing of that ideology–the notion of birth control as seemingly the only solution to the problems that plagued blacks should have been much more closely scrutinized.

"Scientific Racism"

Planned Parenthood has gone to great lengths to repudiate the organization’s eugenic origins. It adamantly denies Sanger was a eugenicist or racist, despite evidence to the contrary. Because Sanger stopped editing The Birth Control Review in 1929, the organization tries to disassociate her from the eugenic and racist-oriented articles published after that date. However, a summary of an address Sanger gave in 1932, which appeared in the Review that year, revealed her continuing bent toward eugenics.

In "A Plan for Peace," Sanger suggested Congress set up a special department to study population problems and appoint a "Parliament of Population." One of the main objectives of the "Population Congress" would be "to raise the level and increase the general intelligence of population." This would be accomplished by applying a "stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation [ in addition to tightening immigration laws] to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring."

It’s reasonable to conclude that as the leader of Planned Parenthood–even after 1929–Sanger would not allow publication of ideas she didn’t support.

Sanger’s defenders argue she only wanted to educate blacks about birth control’s "health benefits." However, she counted the very people she wanted to "educate" among the "unfit," whose numbers needed to be restricted.

Grant presents other arguments Sanger’s supporters use to refute her racist roots:

* blacks, Jews, Hispanics and other minorities are well represented in the
* the former, high-profile president of the organization, Faye Wattleton, is a black woman;
* "aggressive" minority hiring practices have been standard procedure for more than two decades;
* the "vast majority of the nation’s ethnic leadership solidly and actively supports the work" of the organization.

These justifications also fail because of what Grant calls "scientific racism." This form of racism is based on genes, rather than skin color or language. "The issue is not ‘color of skin’ or ‘dialect of tongue,’" Grant writes, "but ‘quality of genes [emphasis added].’" Therefore, "as long as blacks, Jews and Hispanics demonstrate ‘a good quality gene pool’–as long as they ‘act white and think white’–then they are esteemed equally with Aryans. As long as they are, as Margaret Sanger said, ‘the best of their race,’ then they can be [counted] as valuable citizens [emphasis added]." By the same token, "individual whites" who shoe "dysgenic traits" must also have their fertility "curbed right along with the other ‘inferiors and undesirables.’"

In short, writes Grant, "Scientific racism is an equal opportunity discriminator [emphasis added]. Anyone with a ‘defective gene pool’ is suspect. And anyone who shows promise may be admitted to the ranks of the elite."

The eugenic undertone is hard to miss. As Grant rightly comments, "The bottom line is that Planned Parenthood was self-consciously organized, in part, to promote and enforce White Supremacy. ... It has been from its inception implicitly and explicitly racist."

"There is no way to escape the implications," argues William L. Davis, a black financial analyst Grant quotes. "When an organization has a history of racism, when its literature is openly racist, when it goals are self-consciously racial, and when its programs invariably revolve around race, it doesn’t take an expert to realize that the organization is indeed racist."
Sanger’s Legacy

Its is impossible to sever Planned Parenthood’s past from its present. Its legacy of lies and propaganda continues to infiltrate the black community. This poison is even more venomous because, in addition to birth control, Planned Parenthood touts abortion as a solution to the economic and social problems that plague the community. In its wake is the loss of more than 12 million lives within the black community alone. Planned Parenthood’s own record reflect this. For example, a 1992 report revealed that 23.2 percent of women who obtained abortions at its affiliates were black---although blacks represent no more than 13 percent of the total population. In 1996, Planned Parenthood’s research arm reported: "Blacks, who make up 14 percent of all childbearing women, have 31 percent of all abortions and whites, who account for 81 percent of women of childbearing age, have 61 percent."

"Abortion is the number-one killer of blacks in America," says Rev. Hunter of LEARN. "We’re losing our people at the rate of 1,452 a day. That’s just pure genocide. There’s no other word for it. [Sanger’s] influence and the whole mindset that Planned Parenthood has brought into the black community ... say it’s okay to destroy your people. We bought into the lie; we bought into the propaganda."

Some blacks have even made abortion "right" synonymous with civil rights.

"We’re destroying the destiny and purpose of others who should be here," Hunter laments. "Who knows the musicians we’ve lost? Who knows the great leaders the black community has really lost? Who knows what great minds of economic power people have lost? What great teachers?" He recites an old African proverb: "No one knows whose womb holds the chief."

Hunter has personally observed the vestiges of Planned Parenthood’s eugenic past in the black community today. "When I travel around the country...I can only think of one abortion clinic [I’ve seen] in a predominantly white neighborhood. The majority of clinics are in black neighborhoods."

Hunter noted the controversy that occurred tow years ago in Louisiana involving school-based health clinics. The racist undertone could not have been more evident. In the Baton Rouge district, officials were debating placing clinics in the high schools. Black state representative Sharon Weston Broome initially supported the idea. She later expressed concern about clinics providing contraceptives and abortion counseling. "Clinics should promote abstinence," she said. Upon learning officials wanted to put the clinics in black schools only, Hunter urged her to suggest they be placed in white schools as well. At Broome’s suggestion, however, proposals for t he school clinics were "dropped immediately," reported Hunter.

Grant observed the same game plan 20 years ago. "During the 1980s when Planned Parenthood shifted its focus from community-based clinics to school-based clinics, it again targeted inner-city minority neighborhoods," he writes. "Of the more than 100 school-based clinics that have opened nationwide in the last decade [1980s], none has been at substantially all-white schools," he adds. "None has been at suburban middle-class schools. All have been at black, minority or ethnic schools."

In 1987, a group of black ministers, parents and educators filed suit against the Chicago Board of Education. They charged the city’s school-based clinics with not only violating the state’s fornication laws, but also with discrimination against blacks. The clinics were a "calculated, pernicious effort to destroy the very fabric of family life [between] black parents and their children," the suit alleged.

One of the parents in the group was "shocked" when her daughter came home from school with Planned Parenthood material. "I never realized how racist those people were until I read the [information my daughter received] at the school clinic," she said. "[They are worse than] the Klan … because they’re so slick and sophisticated. Their bigotry is all dolled up with statistics and surveys, but just beneath the surface it’s as ugly as apartheid."

A more recent account uncovered a Planned Parenthood affiliate giving condoms to residents of a poor black neighborhood in Akron, Ohio. The residents received a "promotional bag" containing, among other things: literature on sexually transmitted disease prevention, gynecology exams and contraception, a condom-case key chain containing a bright-green condom, and a coupon. The coupon was redeemable at three Ohio county clinics for a dozen condoms and a $5 McDonald’s gift certificate. All the items were printed with Planned Parenthood phone numbers.

The affiliate might say they’re targeting high-pregnancy areas, but their response presumes destructive behavior on the part of the targeted group. Planned Parenthood has always been reluctant to promote, or encourage, abstinence as the only safeguard against teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, calling it "unrealistic."

Rev. Richard Welch, president of Human Life International in Front Royal, Virginia, "blasted" the affiliate for targeting low-income, minority neighborhoods with the bags. He said the incident revealed "the racism inherent in promoting abortion and contraception in primarily minority neighborhoods."

He then criticized Planned Parenthood: "Having sprung from the racist dreams of a woman determined to apply abortion and contraception to eugenics and ethnic cleansing, Planned Parenthood remains true to the same strategy today."

Untangling the Deceptive Web

Black leaders have been silent about Margaret Sanger’s evil machination against their community far too long. They’ve been silent about abortion’s devastating effects in their community–despite their pro-life inclination. "The majority of [blacks] are more pro-life than anything else," said Hunter. "Blacks were never taught to destroy their children; even in slavery they tried to hold onto their children."

"Blacks are not quiet about the issue because they do no care, but rather because the truth has been kept from them. The issue is … to educate our people, " said former Planned Parenthood board member LaVerne Tolbert.

Today, a growing number of black pro-lifers are untangling the deceptive web spun by Sanger. They are using truth to shed light on the lies. The "Say SO" march is just one example of their burgeoning pro-life activism. As the marchers laid 1,452 roses at the courthouse steps–to commemorate the number of black babies aborted daily–spokesman Damon Owens said, "This calls national attention to the problem [of abortion]. This is an opportunity for blacks to speak to other blacks. This doesn’t solve all of our problems. But we will not solve our other problems with abortion."

Black pro-lifers are also linking arms with their white pro-life brethren. Black Americans for Life (BAL) is an outreach group of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), a Washington, D.C. based grassroots organizations. NRLC encourages networking between black and white pro-lifers. "Our goal is to bring people together–from all races, colors, and religions–to work on pro-life issues," said NRLC Director of Outreach Ernest Ohlhoff. "Black Americans for Life in not a parallel group; we want to help African-Americans integrate communicational and functionally into the pro-life movement."

Mrs. Beverly LaHaye, founder and chairman of Concerned Women for America, echoes the sentiment. "Our mission is to protect the right to life of all members of the human race. CWA welcomes like-minded women and men, from all walks of life, to join us in this fight."

Concerned Women for America has a long history of fighting Planned Parenthood’s evil agenda. The Negro Project is an obscure angle, but one that must come to light. Margaret Sanger sold black Americans an illusion. Now with the veil of deception removed, they can "choose life … that [their] descendants may live."

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H1N1 linked to increase in miscarriages..
Abortion Boosts Breast Cancer Risk 193%, Giving Birth Lowers It.
Black Activist at Sharpton Rally!!
View Pastor Childress on NYC Program Perspectives.
Still No Shepherds Cry.
Who Is They -- Who Is We.
All Rev Childress Insightful Articles on RenewAmerica.
The NAACP and Abortion Politics.

"US Abortion Industry targets Afro-American woman" - says African American Pastor.
Abortion and Black Children.
Abortion Billboards Sparks Debate in Atlanta's Black Neighborhood.
National Cancer Research Admits Cover Up On Abortion Breast Cancer Link..
The Truth About The Abortion Pill Finally Revealed.
Jerome Corsie of World Net Daily Features Rev. Childress Jr.

Abortion Kills More Afro-Americans Than 7 Leading Causes Combined.
MAAFA 21 Connects The Dots To Black Genocide.
Presidential Deception Abortion Language To Remain in Health Bill "You Lie"
Crisis of Conscience At COGIC - Bishop Blake Endorses Health Plan!
"MAAFA21- Nothing On The Planet Exposes Black Genocide Like This Movie!!!"
Read Rev. Childress Editorial In the Washington Times!
Who was George Tiller? You May Not Want to Know! Click Here If You Do!
AFTER 40 There Is a Shift - New Polls Confirms Pastor Childress Prophetic. Press Release November 17, 2008 Press Release
Pew Research confirms Rev. Childress Prophetic Press release from last November.
PhysOrg confirms Rev Childress Prophetic message from last November.
Rev Childress Commentary in Christianity Today: "Speak Out Publicly".
Click Here And Hear Rev Childress Message at Walk for Life San Francisco 2009!
N.J. Star Ledger Article - Obama and Abortion
Black Genocide In America World Magazine Article
-- Post Abortion Women Speak Out: Watch the Coverage: QuickTime / Windows Media

If you haven't seen what
abortion does, then you will never understand what abortion actually is.

See the truth here

Order Pastor Childress Jr 's New Book Online
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No Shepherd's Cry featured on the 700 club. Watch it online:
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"Abortion is the greatest deception that has plagued the black church since Lucifer himself."

Meet the Director

Pro-Choice? This carefully devised phrase was contrived to provoke our inward zeal for freedom and the civil right to make choices freely. I am all for freedom of choice, except when it comes at the expense of innocent lives. Women who have been deceived into wrong choices and children who were never given any choice at all are the victims of pro-choice America.

Say What?!
Between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 Blacks were lynched in the U.S. That number is surpassed in less than 3 days by abortion.

1,784 African-American children are killed each day by the heinous act of abortion.

3 out of 5 pregnant African-American women will abort their child.

Since 1973 there has been over 13 million Black children killed and their precious mothers victimized by the U.S. abortion industry.

In his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King said, "The early church brought an end to such things as INFANTICIDE." What would Martin Luther King say to the church today?
The Rev. Jesse Jackson once said:
"That is why the Constitution called us three-fifths human and then whites further dehumanized us by calling us 'niggers'. It was part of the dehumanizing process. The first step was to distort the image of us as human beings in order to justify that which they wanted to do and not even feel like they had done anything wrong. Those advocates of taking life prior to birth do not call it killing or murder, they call it abortion. They further never talk about aborting a baby because that would imply something human. Rather they talk about aborting the fetus. Fetus sounds less than human and therefore abortion can be justified".

Jackson's massive flip-flop on the abortion issue is further proof that his political future is far more important to him than are his principles.

With 1/3 of all abortions performed on Black women, the abortion industry has received over 4,000,000,000 (yes, billion) dollars from the Black community.

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Guilt of Abortion

By David J. Stewart

Abortion is murder, plain and simple. This is not merely my opinion, but the teaching of the Bible. We read in Exodus 20:13... "Thou shalt not kill." Try as they may, abortionists cannot justify their heinous crime of torturing children to death. Abortion is a woeful sin, which makes the mother guilty of murder, and the father too if he consented. Thus, it is normal to feel GUILT after murdering one's child. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't feel guilty after murdering their own child, let alone why they did it in the first place. That's your own child! A lot of young women allow a doctor to murder their baby, not realizing that they're going to suffer emotionally 20 years down the road, when those mothers see others mothers with their teenage children, and being loved by them. I can't help but wonder how many woman, who've had abortions, stare idly at an empty spot by the Christmas tree every year, wondering what it would have been like to have that child sitting there enjoying the holidays, food, gifts, and a loving family. Planned Parenthood (Murderhood) doesn't tell any of this to pregnant mother's, they just focus on the immediate. So many women sacrifice their child's future on the alter of the present, some for as little an excuse as to finish school. Shame on them!

The silver lining is that perhaps there is still hope for repentance in such a person who feels guilt. Most women who get abortions are cold-hearted feminists, with no remorse, no regret, and certainly no guilt before God for what they've done. Consider the following photo, displaying a T-shirt sold by Planned Parenthood, which reads "I had an abortion":

Can you imagine such wickedness? Can you imagine such a woman's face when she stands before God on Judgment Day, and has to give account for the life she has destroyed. If you are feeling guilt because you've had an abortion, then you are finally coming to your senses concerning your crime against God, and the child. What you need to do is fall at the feet of Jesus Christ, and believe upon Him as your Savior, so that His precious blood can wash away your sins forever. 1st John 1:7 states, "...and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." We read in 1st Peter 1:18,19... "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." Oh! listen my friend, God will forgive you of any sin, including abortion, if you'll come by way of the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul admits that he was a horrible sinner before he became a Christian... "For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another" (Titus 3:3). There is hope for you, if you'll receive Jesus Christ... "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1:12). Won't you believe on the name of Jesus for your salvation? Ye Must Be Born Again!

The Horror of Abortion!

If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we exercise sound judgment, especially in the important decisions of our lives.

I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had justifications or not.

So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you don't have enough money, etc. If instead you want to keep the baby, you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it."

Body Parts for Sale | America's War Dead!

Partial Birth Abortion Scam | Number of Abortions! | Abortion is Murder!

Planned Parenthood is Evil! | Abortion and Baal-Worship

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp!

Abortion Spending | Abortion - America's Killer! | Abortuaries!

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Planned "Herod-hood" | Genocide!

Pro-Choice: A gas oven or an abortionist's garbage dumpster?

Christian Adoption Services

"...speaking the truth in love..."―Ephesians 4:15

If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973?

Ye Must Be Born Again!

Abortion Torture Methods

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and a society is only as strong as its treatment of its weakest members. Little precious living children, who are too young and weak to defend themselves, are woefully tortured―having their brains sucked out while alive, being sizzled alive in acids, having a surgeon's hook thrust into their little developing bodies―God is intensely angry with the world, especially America (Psalm 7:11)!
Is it any wonder why Americans are suing each other more than any other people in the world? We witness so much hatred today in the society―in our movies, in the news, in our music, in the courtroom, even in our churches. America's attitude towards its babies sets the precedent for our attitude towards each other.
Surgical Abortions

There are many methods of abortion. The procedure used depends largely upon the stage of pregnancy and the size of the unborn child. Dr. J.C. Willke, in his book, Abortion Questions and Answers (Hayes Publishing Co. Inc, Cincinnati, 1985), has divided the methods of abortion into three main categories: those that invade the uterus and kill the child by instruments which enter the uterus through the cervix; those that kill the preborn child by administration of drugs and then induce labour and the delivery of a dead baby; and, those that invade the uterus by abdominal surgery.

Dilation of the uterus is required in cervical methods of abortion. The usual method of dilation is to insert a series of instruments of increasing size into the cervix. A set of dilators, metallic curved instruments, are used to open the cervix sufficiently to accommodate the instruments of abortion. In contrast with a normal birth, where the dilation occurs slowly over a period of many hours, the forceful stretching by the abortionist to open the cervix takes a matter of seconds. This premature and unnatural stretching of the cervix can result in permanent physical injury to the mother.

Laminaria (dehydrated material, usually seaweed) is sometimes used to reduce damage to the cervix. Inserted into the cervix the day before the scheduled abortion, it absorbs water and swells, gradually pushing open the cervix in the process.

Eight-week pre-born baby

At eight to nine weeks the eyelids have begun forming and hair appears. By the ninth and tenth weeks the preborn child sucks her thumb, turns somersaults, jumps, can squint to close out light, frown, swallow, and move her tongue.

At this early stage of development, suction abortions are performed using a smaller tube, requiring little dilation of the cervix. This is called "menstrual extraction." However, if all the fetal remains are not removed, infection results, requiring full dilation of the cervix and a scraping out of the womb.

Suction Aspiration

click for larger imageThis is the most common method of abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. General or local anesthesia is given to the mother and her cervix is quickly dilated. A suction curette (hollow tube with a knife-edged tip) is inserted into the womb. This instrument is then connected to a vacuum machine by a transparent tube. The vacuum suction, 29 times more powerful than a household vacuum cleaner, tears the fetus and placenta into small pieces which are sucked through the tube into a bottle and discarded.

Dilation and Curettage (D&C)

This method is similar to the suction method with the added insertion of a hook shaped knife (curette) which cuts the baby into pieces. The pieces are scraped out through the cervix and discarded [Note: This abortion method should not be confused with a therapeutic D&C done for reasons other than pregnancy.]

Twelve-week pre-born baby

By the end of the third month all arteries are present, including the coronary vessels of the heart. Blood is circulating through these vessels to all body parts.

The heart beat ranges during this fetal period from 110 to 160 beats per minute. All blood cells are produced by the liver and spleen, a job soon taken over by the bone marrow. White blood cells, important for immunity, are formed in the lymph nodes and thymus.

Vocal chords are complete, and the child can and does sometimes cry (silently). The brain is fully formed, and the child can feel pain. The fetus may even suck his thumb. The eyelids now cover the eyes, and will remain shut until the seventh month to protect the delicate optical nerve fibers.

14 weeks - Muscles lengthen and become organized. The mother will soon start feeling the first flutters of the baby kicking and moving inside.

15 weeks - The fetus has an adult's taste buds and may be able to savor the mother's meals.

16 weeks - Five and a half inches tall and only six ounces in weight, eyebrows, eyelashes and fine hair appear. The child can grasp with his hands, kick, or even somersault.

Eighteen week pre-born baby

The fetus is now about 5 inches long. The child blinks, grasps, and moves her mouth. Hair grows on the head and body.

20 weeks - The child can hear and recognize mother's voice. Though still small and fragile, the baby is growing rapidly and could possibly survive if born at this stage. Fingernails and fingerprints appear. Sex organs are visible. Using an ultrasound device, the doctor can tell if the child is a girl or a boy. The one on the left is a baby girl.

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)

This method is used up to 18 weeks' gestation. Instead of the loop-shaped knife used in D&C abortions, a pair of forceps is inserted into the womb to grasp part of the fetus. The teeth of the forceps twist and tear the bones of the unborn child. This process is repeated until the fetus is totally dismembered and removed. Usually the spine must be snapped and the skull crushed in order to remove them.

Salt Poisoning (Saline Injection):

click for larger imageUsed after 16 weeks (four months) when enough fluid has accumulated. A long needle injects a strong salt solution through the mother's abdomen into the baby's sac. The baby swallows this fluid and is poisoned by it. It also acts as a corrosive, burning off the outer layer of skin. It normally takes somewhat over an hour for the baby to die from this. Within 24 hours, labor will usually set in and the mother will give birth to a dead or dying baby. (There have been many cases of these babies being born alive. They are usually left unattended to die. However, a few have survived and later been adopted.)

Six month pre-born baby

Seen here at six months, the unborn child is covered with a fine, downy hair called lanugo. Its tender skin is protected by a waxy substance called vernix. Some of this substance may still be on the child's skin at birth at which time it will be quickly absorbed. The child practices breathing by inhaling amnionic fluid into developing lungs.

Prostaglandin Chemical Abortion:

click for larger imageThis form of abortion uses chemicals developed by the Upjohn Pharmaceutical Co. which cause the uterus to contract intensely, pushing out the developing baby. The contractions are more violent than normal, natural contractions, so the unborn baby is frequently killed by them -- some have even been decapitated. Many, however, have also been born alive.

Hysterotomy or Caesarean Section:

Used mainly in the last three months of pregnancy, the womb is entered by surgery through the wall of the abdomen. The technique is similar to a Caesarean delivery, except that the umbilical cord is usually cut while the baby is still in the womb, thus cutting off his oxygen supply and causing him to suffocate. Sometimes the baby is removed alive and simply left in a corner to die of neglect or exposure.

30 weeks - For several months, the umbilical cord has been the baby's lifeline to the mother. Nourishment is transferred from the mother's blood, through the placenta, and into the umbilical cord to the fetus. If the mother ingests any toxic substances, such as drugs or alcohol, the baby receives these as well.

32 weeks - The fetus sleeps 90-95% of the day, and sometimes experiences REM sleep, an indication of dreaming.

Five steps to a partial birth abortion:

click for larger image1) Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby's legs with forceps.

2) The baby's leg is pulled out into the birth canal.

3) The abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head.

4) The abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the skull.

click for larger image

5) The scissors are removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The child's brains are sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed.

40 weeks - The baby, now approximately seven and a half pounds, is ready for life outside its mother's womb. At birth the placenta will detach from the side of the uterus and the umbilical cord will cease working as the child takes his first breaths of air. The child's breathing will trigger changes in the structure of the heart and bypass arteries which will force all blood to now travel through the lungs.

SOURCE | Also, go here for more information on Chemical Abortions.

The Horror of Abortion!

If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we exercise sound judgment, especially in the important decisions of our lives.

I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had justifications or not.

So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you don't have enough money, etc. If instead you want to keep the baby, you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it."

Body Parts for Sale

America's War Dead!

Partial Birth Abortion Scam | Number of Abortions! | Abortion is Murder!

Planned Parenthood is Evil! | Abortion and Baal-Worship

See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp!

Abortion Spending | Abortion - America's Killer! | Abortuaries!

Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood

The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder)

The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Planned "Herod-hood" | Genocide!

Pro-Choice: A gas oven or an abortionist's garbage dumpster?

Christian Adoption Services

"...speaking the truth in love..."―Ephesians 4:15

If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973?

Ye Must Be Born Again!

1 comment:


    Here are some Bible verses that Pres. Obama avoids:
    Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): "It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury - how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!"
    Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under "a servant who becomes king."
    And Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 (KJV) advises: "let thy words be few...a fool's voice is known by multitude of words."
    Although Obama is not descended from slaves, he may feel that he's destined to become a black-slavery avenger.
    Or maybe an enslaver of all free citizens!
    For more on the Obamas and their fellow subversives, Google "Michelle Obama's Allah-day," "Obama Supports Public Depravity," "David Letterman's Hate, Etc." and also "Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Sarah Silverman."
    PS - Since Christians are commanded to ask God to send severe judgment on persons who commit and support the worst forms of evil (see I Cor. 5 and note "taken away"), Christians everywhere should constantly pray that the Lord will soon "take away" or at least overthrow all US leaders, including Obama, who continue to sear their conscience and arrogantly trample the God-given rights of the majority including the rights of the unborn. Do we need a second American Revolution?

    (Spied above bit on the net - Stewart)
