Sunday, December 5, 2010

Homosexuality is a Sin!

Silencing the Christians

Frightening Gay Statistics | The Bible & The Homosexual

Violence and Homosexuality | Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse | Next Goal of Homo Agenda?

The homosexual activist movement and organized pedophiles are linked together by a common goal: To gain access to children for seduction into homosexuality.

Please understand that the intent of this article is NOT to condemn homosexuals; but rather, to take a Biblical stand against the Homosexual Agenda. The Bible condemns all humanity as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners (Romans 3:10-23; 6:23). Thankfully, Jesus came to SAVE SINNERS!

Serial killers, government tyrants, academic liberals, Catholic priests, politicians, Mormon Church higher-ups, Jewish rabbis, environmental extremists, communists, religious heretics, mass murderers, occultists, spies, and the Illuminati share something hideous and grotesque in common. Almost all are homo-sexual. Worse, most of the sick-minded men who comprise these demented social groups are not only homosexual, they practice the most kinky and perverted forms of sexual licentiousness-pedophilia, satanic bondage, physical torture, bisexuality, transvestitism, and even bestiality.

If you doubt this, I invite you to consider the wicked lives of some of these moral degenerates—men like Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Marx, Jim Jones, Alfred Kinsey, Michael Jackson, Jacques DeMolay, Bill Clinton, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Mick Jagger, Aleister Crowley, Hubert Humphrey, Paul Tsongas, Martin Luther King, Mario Cuomo, Rudy Giuliani, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Speck, and John Wayne Gacy.

Civil rights is one thing, sinful rights is another.

Homosexuality in the Mystery Religions

In the ancient pagan Mystery Religions, homosexuality and pedophilia were popularized. Worshippers of Baal erected shrines and temples of male prostitution (I Kings 14). Roman Emperors Nero, Caligula, and Commodus engaged in incest, sex with boys, bondage, and a variety of evil crimes. So, too, did those in Pharaoh's court. Alexander the Great was a homosexual who loved little boys.

When the Spanish Conquistadors conquered Central America and the Yucatan in Mexico, they found that most native Indian priests were sodomites. In their pagan temples were sacred statues depicting gay sex acts. In Babylon, people sacrificed and prayed to gods and goddesses requesting sexual favors and carnal pleasures.

Seal of Knights Templar

Two versions of the official seal of the Knights Templar, precursors of the Freemasons. Note that in the version at right, the two riders carry a shield. But, in the other version of the seal (left), one's shield is gone and the knight has placed his hand in a most sensitive area of his body.

The Knights Templar and Baphomet

In the 14th century, a Catholic band of crusaders known as the Order of Knights Templar grew in power and riches. They and their leader, their Sovereign Grand Master, Frenchman Jacques DeMolay, built temples and tabernacles of worship. Only Knights Templar initiates could enter therein. Soon, reports spread of the grotesque and unseemly mode of worship of these depraved men. Their secret religion was based on worship of an androgynous (1/2 male, 1/2 female) satanic goat god named Baphomet.

In the Knights Templar rituals, a crucifix of Jesus was reviled and urinated on, and homosexual orgies were rumored. Strangely, the seal, or coat of arms, of the Order depicted two knights riding on one horse! Was this an emblem of their homosexual passion or, as the Templars protested, a statement of their "brotherly love?"

When the rumors and gossip of their antichrist activities reached a feverish pitch, the Kings of continental Europe were forced to move against the Order. Their Sovereign Grand Master, DeMolay, was tried, convicted and burned at the stake, their temples shut down. Amazingly, the Knights Templar survived, hiding out in Scotland and underground in Europe. Then, in the 1800s, they made a startling comeback in the new form of Freemasonry! Today, the Masonic youth group is even named the DeMolays. Bill Clinton, as a teenager, was a member of this organization.

Baphomet, the half male, half female goat god of the Knights Templar, was revived by Eliphas Levi, the infamous 19th century Freemason and magician and reportedly is worshipped today by homosexual cults.

Communists, Homosexuality, and Perversion

Communism, as propounded by Satanist Karl Marx, was an offshoot of Templarism. As Jüri Lina documents in his sensational book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, Vladimir Lenin, the communist monster who founded the bloody communist regime in Soviet Russia, frequented brothels and maintained three mistresses.

Laventi Beria, Stalin's decadent Chief of Secret Police, a man who arrested, tortured, imprisoned, and executed some 20 million innocent victims in Russia, was truly a heinous sex criminal. Beria would have his chauffeur drive him around Moscow in a limo evenings searching for a young girl or boy out walking alone. Then, Beria would order his security police to grab and kidnap the hapless youth. What horrible fate transpired to such victims I do not wish to recount here. Obviously, Stalin knew of Beria's evil criminality and had no objections.

Hitler & Mussolini enjoy a homoerotic exhibit

In 1937 at the House of German Art Museum, Nazi Führer Hitler and Italian dictator Mussolini enjoy a homoerotic exhibit—an immense statue of two naked muscular men holding hands. (For decency's sake, Power of Prophecy has blackened out the genital area of one of the naked men pictured)

The Pink Swastika

Hitler, Nazi founder, was similarly a sex pervert. As Chancellor, he carried on sexually with his 15-year-old niece, who killed herself rather than continue giving in to his bizarre and beastly sexual fetishes. As a young Bohemian streetwalker and "starving artist," the man who later would rule most of Europe sold his body to gay men.

Hitler is noted as a fanatical fan of Wagnerian operas. Less known is the fact that before he rose to become the Fuhrer, in the 1920s, Hitler sexually abused Richard Wagner's grandson, Wieland Wagner (Time magazine, August 15, 1994, p. 56).

Hitler, of course, was catapulted to power largely by the Brown Shirts (SA), a fascist youth organization led by and composed primarily of "butch" type homosexual militarists. The head of the thuggish Brown Shirts was Ernst Roehm, who was a notorious molester of young boys. Roehm was executed by Hitler after his sexual excesses became widely known.

As Scott Lively writes in his revealing book, The Pink Swastika-Homosexuality and the Nazi Party, "Homosexuals are the perfect foot soldiers for the devil."

Interestingly, Hitler and his henchmen intensely disliked feminine gay men, even sent many to concentration camps. The Nazis preferred masculine, butch, soldier-types-like Field Marshall Reinhard Heydrich-willing to take orders. On the other hand, in Soviet Russia, the Communists and Bolsheviks favored gay Jews with female traits and affectations.

Are Christians homophobic? Yes Sir, 100%! I am very much homophobic. The sin of homosexuality scares me to death!!! I don't understand it, don't want to understand it and am glad I don't understand it.

Religious Sodomites are Legion

Religious fakes who are sodomites predominate. Jim Bakker, PTL televangelist disgraced and defrocked for sexually abusing church secretary Jessica Hahn, actually preferred young boys. He frequently had young homo staffers go swimming nude with he and his top aides. Like Bakker, Assembly of God television preacher Jimmy Swaggert also was a sexual deviant-reportedly into porno literature, trampy prostitutes, etc. He stayed away from real sex with real women-desired bizarre acts.

Satan loves to debauch religious charlatans. A headline in The Houston Chronicle newspaper, page one of its May 9, 1999 issue, trumpeted, "Mormons Caught up in Wave of Pedophile Accusations." In fact, Power of Prophecy has received startling information about satanic rituals and pedophile Mormon elders in the so-called Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). No Wonder! Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, Mormon founders, took numerous wives, and Smith was an occultist and sexual pervert of the highest order, as even many of his biographers confess.

Legions of Catholic priests are now recognized as plunderers of little boys. It is estimated that at least 80 percent of all Catholic priests are queers, and most nuns are lesbians! Father Ritter, the priest who founded Covenant House, a New York City shelter, to "help" homeless teens, was discovered to be molesting his charges. At Boys Town, the famous Catholic boys' orphanage founded by Father Flanagan (played by actor Spencer Tracy in the classic movie), a scandal recently broke when it got out that little boys were being passed around by priests to local gay politicians.

Some orphans from Omaha's Boys Town were even flown to Washington, D.C. for sex parties with top-level Republican Party chieftains. You can read about this in John Van De Camp's shocking exposé, The Franklin Cover-up (available from Power of Prophecy, $15, book order-line 800-234-9673).

Religious cultist Jim Jones, who, the controlled news media alleged, induced hundreds of his followers to commit mass suicide in Guyana by drinking poisoned Kool-Aid (actually, most were murdered—but that's another story) was both a Communist and a vile homosexual. Jim Jones was also a leading Democratic Party boss in California and a loyal initiate of the Masonic Lodge. The filthy Reverend Jones had his choice of boys, girls, and grown-ups among his "congregation" as sex partners.

David Koresh of Branch Davidian infamy had a taste for young girls and other men's wives, claiming that, as the Messiah, he had a perfect right. Strangely, Koresh was murdered at the behest of Janet Reno, a butch lesbian; FBI Director Louis Freeh, a member of the reportedly homosexual-oriented Opus Dei Catholic secret society; and Hillary Clinton, a flaming, lesbian activist.

Bill Clinton and other Homosexual Masons

President Bill Clinton became famous for the Monica Lewinsky affair. But actually, Bill Clinton never had conventional sexual relations with the young Jewish woman. Clinton enjoys kinky perversion and it is well known in some circles that old Bill is bisexual. Indeed, Clinton is a woman-hater, and documented evidence proves he has brutally raped at least two women.

One report says that Bill Clinton and a former pal, Arkansas Governor, Winthrop Rockefeller, had a fling. Winthrop, of the monied Rockefeller family, was well known as a homosexual. It is also possible that Clinton was himself abused and molested as a youthful member of the Masonic Lodge's DeMolay organization.

Albert Pike, the 19th century occultist who, as Masonry's Sovereign Grand Commander, created its rituals for the 33 degrees of the craft, was himself a notorious sodomite.
Albert Pike

Albert Pike

"Cuomo the Homo"

Political networks of both political parties are eaten up by gay men. Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, a Democrat, has been labeled "Cuomo the Homo." New York's former Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a Republican, has been known to dress up as a woman transvestite.

The Mayor also carried on an open affair with a female assistant. And when Giuliani and his wife separated, the Mayor moved in with two gay male friends. He now resides in the Manhattan apartment the gay couple share.


New York's Mayor Rudolph Giuliani performed on stage as "Rudia," transvestite, at the annual Inner Circle banquet for the elite. Giuliani now lives in an apartment with two homosexual men but has a female lover. Time magazine named Giuliani its "Person of the Year" for 2001.

Indeed, according to The New York Times, the Mayor actually performed in female attire, posing as "Rudia the Transvestite" at a nightclub. The occasion: The annual "Inner Circle" show.

The late Senator and Vice-President Hubert Humphrey often frolicked about nude in the YMCA swimming pool in Minneapolis. President Lyndon B. Johnson skinny-dipped with male friends, including evangelist Billy Graham and his Vice President, Hubert. In fact, the "Y" is a popular meeting place for homo politicians and religious bigwigs. The gay disco group, The Village People, in coded language revealed such wicked goings on in their national hit record tune, Y-M-C-A!

The Republicans even have a sodomite lobby group, which calls itself the Log Cabin Republicans. Senator Bob Dole heavily pandered to these "conservative" queers during his presidential campaign.

Same Sex Marriages

This year the Mayor of San Francisco, California broke the law by issuing Same Sex marriage licenses to homosexual couples at City Hall and performing marriages. Among those who practice perversion to get “married” were celebrity Rosie O’Donnell and her lesbian girlfriend. Rosie attacked President Bush right after the ceremony stating that they performed this so-called “marriage” as an act of defiance against President Bush and those who oppose the homosexual agenda.

Well thank God the California State Supreme Court ruled that the Mayor overstepped his boundaries. The California State Supreme Court further annulled all 4000 homosexual marriages that were performed including Rosie’s, deeming them illegal, null and void! Chalk one up for our side!

Has this stopped the homosexual agenda? Not on your life. The Democratic Party nation wide is endorsing Same Sex marriages and helping to push the homosexual agenda through the legal system.

Sadly many Christians support Same Sex Marriages either by openly supporting this travesty or remaining silent and refusing to get involved. Silence means approval in this case.

You cannot call yourself a Christian and be a supporter of Same Sex Marriages. It is against the word of God to support any homosexual agenda. The bible says it is sin period.
Leviticus 18:22
22 "`Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."
Leviticus 20:13. "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Romans 1:25-27
25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-- who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

Genesis 19:1-29 says God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality. It stinks in the nostrils of God. Genesis 13:13 identify the men of Sodom as exceedingly wicked sinners. Genesis 18:20 says that the sin of Sodom is "very grievous." Genesis 18:23 adds emphasis to the portrayal of the inhabitants of Sodom as "wicked." Genesis 18:24-33 shows that God could not find even 10 righteous souls in Sodom. The perverts who inhabited Sodom, even wanted to rape God's Angels who had come to Sodom to rescue Lot.

It is clear. The same sex marriage agenda is against God, and is SIN, and that my friend is the bottom-line because the Word of Our Most Holy God says so.

The homosexual agenda not only includes Same Sex Marriage but they have successfully pushed forward their lifestyles to the public over the television sets conditioning the public to accept their perversion and depravity. TV shows like “Will and Grace”, “Queer Eye For The Straight Guy”, “The L Word”, “Queer Folks”, MTV Videos, and even cartoons such as “The Simpsons”, and “Southpark” portray Christians who take a stand against homosexuality as evil, hateful, and wacky, while portraying the homosexual lifestyle as normal. As if there wasn’t enough shows on TV promoting homosexuality, MTV is preparing to launch a “24-Hour All-Gay All Day Channel” which will include programming geared at teaching kids that it is cool to be a homosexual and perfectly normal. They will even include a homosexual dating game. Now I am going to have to be a little crude here, but parents need to know about this so they can keep their kids from watching these shows. As if Jerry Springer wasn’t enough, with promoting homosexuality in just about every show whipping the audience into a frenzy as they scream and yell, “We Love Lesbians” while girls get naked and lick all over each other right in front of a nationwide live audience! Springer features homosexual sodomites that kiss and fondle each other while the audience cheers them on. Parents, Jerry Springer is shown in many states around 3-4pm in the afternoon, so you should know that might be what your kids are watching when they get home from school. Now they will have the 24-Hour All Gay All Day Channel to look at also! Your kids also are subjected to singers who promote the homosexual lifestyle such as open lesbian singers Tatu, Melissa Etheridge, and K.D. Lang, along with open bisexual Satan worshipper Marilyn Manson who encourages homosexuality among children.

Once upon a time in America, we used to have a thing called morality and laws that protected the children and the average family. One could be arrested for indecent exposure in America, but now it is not uncommon to drive down the streets of LA or New York City and see some homosexual doing ungodly things to his buddy right there on the corner. The police turn a blind eye to this and I am sure in places like California some cops would gladly join in disgusting episodes of sodomy.

In the 1970’s Anita Bryant took a stand for decency and morality standing up and speaking out against the homosexual agenda. For her efforts, she was rewarded with being abandoned by the Christian churches across the Nation and ultimately suffered a divorce when the homosexuals began to make phone calls to the churches she was speaking at threatening to blow them up. The churches decided to give in to this terrorist tactic and abandon Anita. Then in the 1980’s Pastor Jerry Falwell took a stand against the homosexual agenda and many leading pastors and churches also ostracized him across the country as being a little too political and getting off focus of preaching the gospel. As a result the churches joined in with the liberal media in labeling Falwell as a hatemonger. Well today, churches are getting to reap what they have sown. Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.".

Gary Condit, Satanism, and Homosexuality

The Democrats don't need an exclusive special homo group. Almost all active Democratic Party political professionals are bisexual and gay. Those who aren't are into other weird, abnormal sexual behavior—satanic sex bondage rituals, etc.

Congressman Gary Condit, suspected of having something to do with the disappearance of intern Chandra Levy, is known in the Washington, D.C. gay community as a bisexual into major sexual deviance.


A "butch" type homosexual shows off at a "Gay Pride" demonstration. Reportedly, Congressman Gary Condit also wears leather and homo-fascist garb when in bed in threesomes with men and women.

Condit reportedly dresses up in leather and chains, practices satanic bondage, and has had multiple male sex partners. Condit, an owner of a Harley Davidson motorcycle, is also a regular at Hell's Angels biker parties, especially when "butch" male homo bikers are throwing a shindig. Yet, Condit enjoys degrading and despoiling young women, too. Clintonesque, isn't he?

Remember Senator Paul Tsongas, the Massachusetts Democrat who ran for President and was so beloved by the media? Well, as The Washington Post newspaper (2/4/92) noted, the gay Mr. Tsongas had quite a stable of homo pals. He was noted for lustfully staring at young men's bodies, and the newspaper remarked that, "No one sat around the pool when Paul Tsongas was there."

Massachusetts Democrat Congressman Barney Frank (whom a Texas Republican congressman once called "Barney Fag") and his live-in male lover were discovered several years ago running a homosexual prostitution ring out of Frank's home. An attempt in the House of Representatives to censor Frank for his criminal misconduct fell flat when Republican leader Newt Gingrich came to his rescue. House Speaker Gingrich later resigned after it was about to come out that he was cheating on his wife with a female member of his own congressional staff. Gingrich warmly praised homosexuals in Congress for their "courage in running for office."

Homosexuality A "Wonderful Thing"—Al Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, also were big backers of queers and sodomites. In June 2000, Al and Tipper threw a party in their home for 150 brazen homos. Gore gushingly told the group, "It's a wonderful thing to do what you are doing… It's an outgrowth of the way you live your entire lives."

Say what, Al? Are you kidding us? Homos are the ominous bringers of AIDS, a variety of other sexual diseases, wide-ranging child abuse and molestation, and sundry other evils-and you say that's a "wonderful thing?"

Recently, some 600 homosexual congressmen and politicians threw another wild party, this time inside a certain federal building in Washington, D.C. Security guards were led to vomit at what they saw going on inside and even outside, on the grounds. You may be interested in knowing that among the "proud" sponsors of this disgusting homo-sex gala were wealthy corporations such as American Airlines, Snapple beverages, Miller Lite beer, Starbucks coffee, and Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

Gay Jews and Hollywood

Jewish rabbis and intellectuals are into homosexuality in a big way. James Klugman, British Communist Party leader; U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer; wealthy socialist Victor Rothschild; and British economist John Maynard Keynes come to mind. The ADL, ACLU, and Southern Poverty Law Center are Jewish organizations noted both for their antichrist liberal views and the perverted sexual orientation of some of their leaders.

Jewish rabbis are frequently in the news, with charges of child molestation highlighted. Meanwhile, Jews virtually run the entire inter-national porn industry. Even Jerusalem World Report, a prominent Jewish publication, has admitted that the kingpins of the "ecstasy" drug trade are Jews based in Israel.

Michael Eisner, a Jew and head of Disney Corporation, is actively pushing the gay agenda, as are most other Hollywood moguls—almost all of whom are Jewish. Sodomite Tom Schumaker was chosen by Disney to be executive producer of the kids movie, The Lion King. Homosexual singer Elton John was chosen to do the music score for the movie. Schumaker brags that Disney is actively recruiting homosexuals and that already, "There are a lot of gay people at every level" in the company.

Sharon Stone

Actress Sharon Stone said she relished her role in one film as a masculine lesbian lover.

Hollywood has long been much more gay than traditional America has known. The Christ-hating Jews that run the movie industry have always gotten their kicks from secretly pushing homosexual actors and actresses into leading roles as "romantic" leads. Katherine Hepburn was a lesbian deceptively dressed up as a lover of men like Spencer Tracy. Lesbian actress Marlene Dietrich pranced about in male suits with pants and yet the movie audiences were led to believe she was "All Woman." Male stars like comedian Danny Kaye and British actor Laurence Olivier were lovers, and comedian Jack Benny was queer as a three-dollar bill.

Pedophile Criminals Evade Punishment

In places like Hollywood and San Francisco, homosexual crime is rampant and never do the police intervene. Pedophile black singer Michael Jackson molests little boys and jokes are made—but no arrest. Little boys are molested at gay masquerade balls, and police look the other way. Corrupt Congressmen back in Washington know, but they are too busy running their own sex rings to care. Washington, D.C. is a place where homosexual masked men and women cavort in secret places—mansions, federal building auditoriums, military installations, and so forth. In November of 2003 Jackson was arrested on allegations of molesting several young boys at his Neverland Ranch in California. He was released the next day on $3,000,000 bond to go back to Las Vegas to finish a music video. Unbelievably, authorities said they didn't want to bring any official charges until after the Thanksgiving Day holiday (in spite of concrete testimony from one of the young victims and evidence found at the ranch). So they just let him go free in public!

Michael Jackson then! Michael Jackson Today!

Rock Music Stars

Heavy metal rock music stars are predominantly homosexual. That's the reason for the leather garb, the satanic tattoos, the long hair, and the transvestite make-up and appearance. Perhaps the top rock idol of all time, Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones group, is a sick bisexual. In her autobiography, Marianne Faithful wrote that, while in bed with her, Mick Jagger said, "If Keith (a member of his band) were here right now, I'd lick him all over."

And some Christian parents allow their kids to listen to the music of these addle-brained homo sickos!

Michael Jackson

Singer/entertainer Michael Jackson reportedly molested little boys, then paid their parents hush money. Police and law enforcement looked the other way.

Sodomite Freddie Mercury of the rock band, Queen, died of AIDS at only 46 years of age. He reportedly had homosexual lovers all over the world.

Mick Jagger

Moral reprobate Mick Jagger, initiated into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame, has talked openly about how much he enjoys performing sex acts on other men.

Left: Tolerant Americans have made lesbian activist, comedian Rosie O'Donnell, a rich and famous entertainer. O'Donnell and her homosexual partner were allowed by Florida to adopt a child. She is pictured here off-stage with Britain's Boy George, a popular actor and singer who starred in a Broadway production, Taboo.

Above: Tammy Faye Messner (formerly Tammy Faye Bakker of PTL fame) recently helped host a "drag bingo" fund-raising event to generate money for homosexual causes. Tammy Faye reportedly had lesbian sex with another "Christian" woman while married to her TV evangelist husband, Jim Bakker. (Note: Jim Bakker was himself a notorious closet homosexual.) (Photo: The Herald Sun, Jan. 6, 2004)

Left: The Episcopal Church recently elevated a gay activist, the "Reverend" Gene Robinson, to the high position of Bishop. Robinson earlier had abandoned his wife and children and began shacking up with a homosexual lover. The Episcopal Church had no problem with his behavior and declared him a "man of God." (Photo: Newsweek, Nov. 17, 2003)

Serial Killers are Homosexuals

However, if you really want to know to what depths of degradation the homosexual lifestyle takes people, all you need to do is study the inner lives of the world's most dangerous criminals—serial killers. In his book, Violence and Homosexuality, Dr. Paul Cameron noted that the top serial killers were all homosexual:
"The nexus between homosexuality and violence is notorious. We have motorcycle gangs, black leather boys and rough trade addicted to chains, torture, slaves, and sadism. Hitler rose on the backs of "Storm Troopers" led from the top by a gang of homosexuals headed by Ernst Roehm."

According to the Associated Press, as reported in Christian News newspaper (July 23, 2001 p. 3), the seven worst serial killers in the U.S.A. were all homosexual deviates:

o Donald Harvey - 37 murders
o John Wayne Gacy - 33 murders
o Patrick Kearney - 32 murders
o Bruce Davis - 28 murders
o Dean Corll, Elmer Wayne Henley, and David Owen Brooks - 27 murders

The monstrous conduct of these homo killers is almost beyond belief. John Wayne Gacy, the sadistic torturer and raper of 33 boys, dressed up as a circus clown to attract victims. "A clown can get away with murder," Gacy once boasted.

Jeffrey Dahmer, who was a satanist and a cannibal, homosexually raped and killed 17 boys and young men after slipping "knockout" pills in their drinks. He attempted to keep some alive as sex zombies, but they, too, died from his fiendish brain operations.

Mormons caught up in wave of pedophile accusations
Catholic priests are not the only religious leaders molesting children today, as evidenced by this newspaper headline in the Houston Chronicle.

Why is it the controlled mass media never tells America these savage serial murderers are always homosexuals? Why do CBS, ABC, NBC, and all the others cover-up and consistently paint gays as gentle, loving, caring, and compassionate humanitarians? Is it not because most of the TV and news executives and broadcasters are themselves homosexual, bisexual perverts and weirdos?

The case of homo serial killer Andrew Cunanan is interesting in that most of Cunanan's victims were themselves gay men. Among the five men he killed in a cross-country spree was wealthy fashion designer Gianni Versace. Time magazine (April 5, 1999) commented that Cunanan was "a gregarious, wildly clever mythomaniac and petty thief in the kinky gay netherworld of alcohol, drugs, prostitution, and sadomasochism." Andrew Cunanan's torrent of death ended in 1997 in Miami Beach with the demon-possessed homosexual taking his own life.

Reliable sources tell us that Andrew Cunanan's rage was triggered when he was horribly abused at a Chicago mansion during a homo-satanic ritual at a gay "masquerade ball." Cunanan, a handsome but confused young man in his 20s, had been used as a sexual gigolo by an inner circle of rich, gay Illuminati adepts—he was passed around and used up like a mildewed sack of potatoes. Gianni Versace, a billionaire who had singer Elton John as one of the frequent live-ins at his luxurious residence, was reputed to be a figure in this inner circle of kinky Illuminist homosexuals.

Why are homosexuals almost uniformly so corrupt, evil, and wicked? The truth is that such men (and women) have spiritually been turned over to Satan. The scriptures declare that the grievous and damaging sin of homosexuality leads one straight to a reprobate mind. The world applauds and rewards the homosexual, but God brands this conduct as "vile," "unclean," "unnatural" (Romans 1:24-32) and an "abomination" (Leviticus 18:22; Deuteronomy 23:17-18; I Kings 14:24).

Thomas Jefferson- "Castrate Homosexuals!"

Thomas Jefferson, one of our nation's illustrious founders, was not, history records, a strong biblical Christian. Yet, as Governor of Virginia, in 1779 Jefferson introduced bills to punish homosexual sodomy with the penalty being banishment and castration. There is no record that anyone at the time accused Mr. Jefferson of bigotry or hatred. Americans back then were a great degree wiser than they are today.

Bill Clinton & Paul Tsongas

Then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton and U.S. Senator Paul Tsongas (D-Mass) were Democratic presidential candidates in 1992. Like many other Democratic politicians, both were bisexual.

Today, no politician, no king, no man admired by the public dares to declare the homosexual what he is: a "sinful reprobate." If they were to do so, their heads would, figuratively, be immediately lopped off by the media, and their careers and reputations destroyed. However, the biblical Christian has no option but to tell the truth—that homosexuality is a vile abomination, for God Almighty has declared it. And who among all the world's powerful and famous can reasonably criticize His commandments? Who is so foolish as to even attempt to annul His decision?

Clinton Featured at

"I am proud of the part that my Administration has played to achieve these goals. Today, more openly gay and lesbian individuals serve in senior posts throughout the Federal Government than during any other Administration." -President Bill Clinton, June 2nd, 2000


For years I have been warning the public about Hillary Clinton's penchant for lesbian proclivities; a precursor to her sadistic megalomaniac behaviors.

Now, after many years of public apprehension the controversy has been confirmed by insider sources and will soon be revealed to the public.

According to a published article in the March 28 issue of a prominent magazine the "GLOBE," "reliable sources will soon release a shocking list of Hillary's lesbian lovers from the past and including the present."
According to reliable sources the list includes:

* A beauty in her early 30s who often travels with Hillary.
* A popular TV and movie star.
* The daughter of a top government official.
* A stunning model who got a career boost after sleeping with Hillary.
* President Clinton's former lover, Gennifer Flowers writes in her book "Passion & Betrayal" of Bill confessing to her that Hillary sleeps with more woman than he does.
* The famous commentator Jack Wheeler writes: "My sources indicate that Hillary is bisexual and fools around more than her husband." He also credits Hillary for being the force behind the "White House's homosexual agenda."
* According to the insiders report, Hillary had sex with women during her college days at Wellesly College.


President Clinton's former mistress Gennifer Flowers (left) claims Bill told her Hillary was a lesbian. Rumors have swirled about Hillary's relationship with cabinet member Donna Shalala (center) and New York Lawyer Susan Thomases.

A show of hands: Hillary signals her support of gay rights at a rally in New York.
'My sources indicate Hillary is bisexual and fools around much more than her husband'

-Political Commentator
Jack Wheeler

Will Hillary be the first female president? Many think so. If so, will she announce to the world that she is a homosexual lesbian after securing the Office of President? The reality of such wickedness is upon America today. Expect a pack of lies from Senator Clinton if she does run for the Presidency. FOX News has already by trying to whitewash Hillary by claiming that she's actually starting to move towards the "right" concerning abortion and other issues. Don't you believe it! Hillary is as left as they come, a Jezebel in disguise.

When trying to dissertate the imposing lesbian threat to our culture, the most frustrating conundrum I face is persuading heterosexuals not to-do not focus one's attention and displeasure with their sex acts. Surprising as it may seem, this one short-fall is the Trojan-horse for the lesbian takeover. This is exactly their weasel: To keep the heterosexual mind in shock about their sex acts and all the while slithering their way into high government positions, court systems, universities and large private corporations. (stealing billions along the way) For this very reason, I urge the reader to not fall into their "smoke and mirror" trap; but, concentrate on how Hillary's lesbian addiction propels her mental psychoses into rage and hatred against the American people and even herself. A factor of grave concern, making Hillary and Janet Reno the two most dangerous persons on the face of this earth.

No...You don't know the rest of the story, but stay tuned on how her "evil empire" intends to overthrow America... However, foremost and above all , start asking questions, it's your duty to God.

Steve Lashuk

Hillary Gets Gay Endorsements

The Associated Press - Thursday July 27, 2000

NEW YORK (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate campaign won the endorsement of two gay advocacy organizations Thursday, the Empire State Pride Agenda and the Washington-based Human Rights Campaign.

"Mrs. Clinton is the clear leader on every single issue of importance to the lesbian and gay community," said Tim Sweeney of the Empire State Pride Agenda during a news conference on the steps of City Hall.

Clinton was cited for her support of civil unions providing legal recognition for gay couples; for favoring homosexuals being allowed to serve openly in the military; for supporting laws against hate-crimes; and for backing abortion rights.

Another organization, Housing Works, which provides housing for homeless people with AIDS, defended Lazio, pointing out his support for funding for housing and jobs for AIDS patients. "Lazio has real achievements in the area of HIV/AIDS," the group said.


"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."

—Romans 1:24-32

God help us!
Media Ignores Brutal Murder by Homosexuals

Issue Date: March/April 2000

Matthew Shepard has become a poster boy for the homosexual activists thanks to massive media attention. But what about Jesse Dirkhising? In the small town of Rogers, Arkansas, 13-year-old Jesse died a horrible death at the hands of two sodomites and almost nobody heard about it.

After their arrest, one of the men confessed that he sneaked up on the boy from behind, bound and gagged him and sodomized him repeatedly while the other man watched and gave instructions. After taking a break to eat a sandwich, they noticed that Jesse had stopped breathing.

Police chief Tim Keck called the case one of the most brutal he has seen. How strange that this hideous murder committed by homosexuals has been virtually ignored by the news media. The initial investigation of the Matthew Shepard murder listed robbery as the motive. Later it was inflated into a world-famous hate crime against a hapless homosexual. Apparently it is not politically correct to give the same publicity to hideous murders by sodomites.

SOURCE: Media ignoring crimes by homosexuals

The Morally Reprehensible Sin of Homosexuality

There is no sin any more indicative of a societies' spiritually apostate condition than homosexuality (Romans 1:22-32). Homosexuality (called "sodomy" in the Old Testament) was a crime punishable by death in ancient Israel (Leviticus 20:13). One of the sins for which God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexuality (Genesis 19:1-10). Tragically, the Devil's children are even forcing the homosexual agenda on Christian children in public schools. This is evil. If you can't afford a private school, then you are legally required to enroll your child into a public school which is going to homosexualize them...

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children
Rules kids need teachings to be 'engaged and productive citizens'

By Bob Unruh | February 24, 2007
© 2008

ButchA federal judge in Massachusetts has ordered the "gay" agenda taught to Christians who attend a public school in Massachusetts, finding that they need the teachings to be "engaged and productive citizens."

U.S. District Judge Mark L. Wolf yesterday dismissed a civil rights lawsuit brought by David Parker, ordering that it is reasonable, indeed there is an obligation, for public schools to teach young children to accept and endorse homosexuality.

Wolf essentially adopted the reasoning in a brief submitted by a number of homosexual-advocacy groups, who said "the rights of religious freedom and parental control over the upbringing of children … would undermine teaching and learning…"

SOURCE: Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children

God doesn't have to damn America, because we are doing it to ourselves. As a result of removing God, prayer and the Bible from the school system in the 1960's, today's generation sees no immorality in abortion, drunkenness, gambling, fornication, Rock 'N' Roll, immodest dress, or promiscuity. And now homosexuality is being taught as a legitimate way of living, and a "right" to be enforced. No Sir! Homosexuals are the filth of any society and such shameful living ought to be shunned by every Christian, Christian group and Christian organizations.

Why does the "mainstream press" condemn the Catholic Church for allowing predatory homosexuals to destroy the lives of boys, while simultaneously condemning the Boy Scouts of America for not allowing precisely the same thing in their organization? —SOURCE - America's Largest Pro-Family Action Web Site!

Gay Marriage is a Sin!

God Loves People (All people!)

Who Said That Homosexuality is "Gay"?

Sodomy (Windows Media Audio sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)

NAMBLA Exposed! | Hope for Homosexuals | Myths About Homosexuality

Fistgate (Students given graphic instruction in bizarre homosexual sex acts by state employees)

Obama Appoints Sicko GLSEN Founder, Kevin Jennings, to Head “Safe Schools” Effort

'Parents' No Longer Recognized By Schools

The Homosexual Lifestyle is No White Picket Fence | White was Right!

Homosexuals Target America's School Children | Born Gay?

Homosexuals in San Francisco Stage Riotous Protest at Local Baptist Church

Affirmative Action for Homosexuals? | Protest Gay Day! | Reclaiming the Rainbow

Bisexuals are Homosexuals! | Allen Ginsberg: NO HERO! | Homosexual Child Molesters!

Homosexuality and Pedophilia | Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

Socrates was a Pederast Homosexual | Sodomite Ministers | "Pink Angels"

The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) EXPOSED!

4-year old killed for refusing to call his mother's lesbian lover "daddy"


Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage | Homosexual Agenda in Our Public Schools

George Michael Urges Gays to Take Religion Seriously | Homosexual Marriage is a Sin!

Swedish Pastor Sentenced to Prison for Preaching Against Sodomy


Homosexuality is Against Nature's Order | Was King James a Homosexual?

PERVERT ALERT! - Pedophile Priests and the Boy Scouts

Homosexuality a Factor in Sex Abuse by Catholic Priests

Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection | The Homosexualization of America

Homosexuality and Child Molesting | Pedophile Priests (homosexuals)

Homosexuals Target Children | Lies About Homosexuality | Homosexuality

Pedophilia and Homosexuals | Why Can't My Daddies Marry? | Massachusetts MADNESS!

George Bush Cheers Gay Church! | High Court to Give 'Gays' Their Own 'Roe'?

Education Secretary Blasts PBS for Cartoon with Gay Characters

George Bush Cheers Gay Church! | High Court to Give 'Gays' Their Own 'Roe'?

Sayville is Gayville (Sayville, New York: Modern Sodom! The town is so homosexual that it is commonly referred to as "Gayville")

Frightening Gay Statistics | Violence and Homosexuality

Homosexuality and Psychiatry (Homosexuality is VERY ABNORMAL!)

While homosexuals claim they make up 10% of the population, the reality is closer to 1-2%

Homosexuality 101: A Primer (.PDF) (Provides a brief history of the homosexual movement in the U.S. and its roots in Marxist ideology. This paper describes how homosexuals terrorized the psychiatric community and have created a marketing strategy to vilify their opponents.)

Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children (.PDF)

Homosexual Behavior Fuels AIDS and STD Epidemic (.PDF)

A Gender Identity Disorder Goes Mainstream (.PDF)

Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique (.PDF)

Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection (.PDF)

Traditional Values Coalition Exposes Homosexual Agenda (.PDF)

Public Employees Teach Teens 'Gay' Sex Techniques (Including Fisting) at GLSEN Conference At Tufts University

GLSEN Fistgate Scandal at Tufts Detailed By Massachusetts News:

Parents Rights Coalition Exposes GLSEN's Radical Agenda:

Children's Book Portraying Homosexual Romance and Marriage — Read to Second-grade Class by Teacher!


Queering The Schools:

National Association For Research And Therapy Of Homosexuality: Activism In The Schools:

Marxist Subversion and Perversion of America’s Youth!

Crafting Bi/Homosexual Children:

Child Molestation And The Homosexual Movement:

Homosexuality Behavior & Pedophilia:

How To Keep Gay Straight Alliance Clubs Out Of Your Public School:

Critical Analysis Of GLSEN's Same-Sex Marriage Curriculum For Teens:


Please put these banners on your webpage

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“They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.” —Proverb 28:4




Do Something About the Homosexual Movement and Pedophilia

There is a way out!

Hope for Homosexuals

Myths About Homosexuality

The Homosexual Lifestyle is No White Picket Fence

If you really love someone, you'll tell them the truth. Top Baptist Websites The Baptist Top 1000 The Fundamental Top 500

The Communist Subversion of America's Kids!

That's just sick! Have they no shame at GLSEN? Can you imagine, trying to teach Ronald that it's ok to stick something in Timmy's backside? ...or that it's ok for a boy to become a girl? What has American society deteriorated to? And now we have a Communist U.S. President! It is tragic. Any honest child knows that God created Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve. GLSEN are a bunch of sickos!

Listen to what Joseph Stalin, a brutal mass-murdering Communist, said:

"Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed."

—Communist dictator, Joseph Stalin (1934)

The only sure way to protect your child is to either homeschool your child or enroll them into a private school which doesn't homosexualize children. At a minimum, continually teach your kids the truth, i.e., that homosexuality is a sin that brings the wrath and judgment of God (Romans 1:32).

God Will Forgive Anybody

"Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD..." —Malachi 2:17

Homosexuality is a sin! Don't upset God by saying it's not!

"The gay-style is not a gay-style, it's a queer-style." —Pastor Jack Hyles (Listen, Real Audio)

"Go out in the barnyard and see if you can find a rooster chasing another rooster sometime." —Pastor Jack Hyles (Listen, Real Audio)

"Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong."

"He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD." —Proverb 17:15

Comment from webmaster of

I do NOT condone hatred towards anyone. In fact, the Bible never directs us to hate anyone (not even the Devil). However, the Bible does teach us to hate evil (Psalm 97:10). The Word of God clearly teaches in Romans 1:26-32 that homosexuality is a horrible sin. According to 1st Corinthians 6:9-10, homosexuals will not be allowed into Heaven. For that matter, no sinners will be allowed into Heaven. The only hope is through the precious literal blood of Jesus Christ which washes our sins away (Colossians 1:14; 1st John 1:7). I do NOT seek to be unkind to anyone, but the Word of God is not going to change (Matthew 5:18). Sodomy (the Bible's term for homosexuality) is sinful in God's eyes! If you don't like it, then get mad at God.

I realize that no homosexual wants to hear a Bible-thumper proclaiming the Word of God that homosexuality is a wicked sin; but homosexuality is a sin! To no surprise, homosexuals are now publishing their own perverted Bibles and creating perverted websites, trying to claim that God permits homosexuality. Now we even have Sodomite ministers. Society can't go much lower. Many cities, like San Francisco, now have Affirmative Action just for gays. The Bible foretold of these wicked people who would change the Word of God into a lie...

"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie..." —Romans 1:24-25

Have you believed a lie? Please do not be deceived my friend... homosexuality is a wicked sin that will bring the judgment of God upon you (Romans 1:32). If you are a homosexual, I do not hate you at all. In fact, I care about you very much, which is why I made this webpage. This webpage isn't intended to make you mad or hurt your feelings (although the truth usually does step on people's toes), it is intended to open your eyes to the truth about homosexuality and to enlighten you concerning the solid Biblical warning against those who would commit homosexuality (or any other sin). The proper way for you to deal with your homosexuality is to face it for what it is...sin.

A man recently wrote me and said he wanted to be saved, but was unwilling to give up his homosexuality. I wrote back and told him that the issue wasn't homosexuality; but rather, sin itself. Does a person have to forsake sin to be saved? The answer is an unequivocal "NO!" What you do need to realize is that you are a GUILTY, dirty, rotten sinner under the condemnation of God's Law, who deserves to burn in Hell (and that includes me as well). We all deserve to burn in Hell for our sins. Thankfully, Jesus paid for our sins with His precious blood (1st Peter 1:18,19). Eternal life is a free gift (Romans 5:15;6:23). Romans 4:5 is clear that a man's faith in Jesus is COUNTED for righteousness. This is the gift of God. God will help you straighten out your life after you get saved. A changed life is the FRUIT of genuine repentance, and not a part of the ROOT of saving-faith.

Ask God to forgive you and to help deliver you from the sin of homosexuality. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn you, and neither should anyone else; but the Bible does condemn all of us as GUILTY sinners (Romans 3:10,19-23). Jesus came to save us, not to condemn us (John 3:16-17). I'll close with the beautiful Words of the Savior spoken to a woman accused of adultery by the scribes and Pharisees...

"When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." —John 8:10-11

Jesus also wants to forgive and save you, won't you please come to Jesus now.

This is NOT a hate site

Why are the churches silent?

How to Go to Heaven

God's Simple Plan of Salvation

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10

Dead Churches!

“It would be a Godsend if the Church would suffer persecution today; she hasn't suffered it for hundreds of years. She is growing rich and lagging behind. Going back.”

—Billy Sunday, The Need for Revivals, From "Billy Sunday: The Man and His Message", by William T. Ellis, Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1914

“And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.” —Revelation 3:1

Apostasy in the Church

It is a sad day in America when people are having to leave church to find God! Most churches today are apostate—using corrupt bibles, singing worldly Christian Rock music, teaching psychology instead of preaching the Word of God, endorsing Godless political leaders, et cetera.

It is tragic that most churches today have embraced the vile New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. The issue of "which Bible" is worth fighting over. The NIV teaches Lordship Salvation in Romans 10:9, a false teaching rooted in self-righteousness. Let us proclaim the truth that JESUS CAME TO SAVE SINNERS!

Following Jesus is not salvation. Making a commitment to God is not salvation. Here are the excellent words of Pastor Harry Ironside concerning Biblical salvation...

“The Gospel is not a call to repentance, or to amendment of our ways, to make restitution for past sins, or to promise to do better in the future. These things are proper in their place, but they do not constitute the Gospel; for the Gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it is good news to be believed. Do not make the mistake then of thinking that the Gospel is a call to duty or a call to reformation, a call to better your condition, to behave yourself in a more perfect way than you have been doing in the past …

Nor is the Gospel a demand that you give up the world, that you give up your sins, that you break off bad habits, and try to cultivate good ones. You may do all these things, and yet never believe the Gospel and consequently never be saved at all.”

SOURCE: Pastor Harry A. Ironside, from the sermon: What Is The Gospel?

Biblical salvation means coming as a guilty sinner and trusting upon Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Acts 10:43, “To Him give all the prophets witness, that through His name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins.” Amen! With all the corrupt Bibles in churches today, they have produced an entire generation of corrupt theologians and authors.

“'Ichabod' will be written about the church that soft-pedals on unpleasant truth or that stands not unwaveringly for 'the faith once delivered.'”

SOURCE: Dr. R.G. Lee, from the powerful sermon, PAYDAY SOMEDAY!

“We're living in a different generation. ... They've been a whole new crowd come up in the last 15-years. And what's happened is our churches ... you listening to me? Churches have lost touch! Brother, we've lost touch! ... We're in a perilous time tonight. ... It's a dangerous time that you and I are living in.”

SOURCE: Perilous Times (by Pastor Danny Castle | Download MP3 sermon)

“Everything born is born dying... Death is inevitable... The length of your life depends on how much you fight the inevitable death... The day will come when the Hyles-Anderson College will be liberal. The day will come when this Bible is not believed in Hyles-Anderson College, if the Lord tarries... The day will come when this church will turn.”

—Pastor Jack Hyles, from the timeless sermon, The Church First | Download MP3

I recently visited a Baptist church where the pastor wore blue jeans to the pulpit, spoke psychology instead of preaching, the music was worldly, the NIV was their Bible, most of the women wore pants, and the only invitation given to lost sinners was to “follow Jesus.” Well, many people followed Jesus in His time in hopes of receiving food or a blessing, but they weren't saved. Judas was one of Christ's very Apostles, but he was lost and went to Hell.

The way to keep a church from going liberal is to stand guard diligently. Pastors must walk guard around their ministries, around them self. The church must control the schools and ministries. The church must wag the tail of the school, and not the school wagging the church. Nothing should be more important in a ministry than the pulpit of a church. Too many people want to teach theology; but they don't want to go soul-winning and spread theology. Preaching changes lives (Titus 1:3).

“The First Baptist Church... We will stay what we've been, or we'll burn the schools! Mark it down, we're not going to change, don't get your hopes up! No, old Hyles is still going to be a Hell fire and damnation preacher! Same old stuff... S.O.S.. It's gonna just keep on going... we're not going to change. We've seen what God can do!”

—Pastor Jack Hyles, from the timeless sermon, The Church First | Download MP3

I love Brother Hyles (1926-2001)! This sorry nation owes Pastor Jack Hyles a debt of gratitude that cannot adequately be expressed in words. Millions of people's lives have been saved from Hell, changed for God, and blessed tremendously under Pastor Hyles' 55-years of ministry. America needs a handful of preachers like Dr. Jack Hyles, who uncompromisingly preached against sin . . .

“Do you know what's wrong? Before you know it, you will turn to sin if you don't keep sin exceeding sinful. I'm not going to get to the place where I say, 'we at First Baptist Church look with disfavor on the movies.' No Sir! I'm going to say, 'That dirty Hollywood crowd is sending our nation to Hell.' I'm going to say, 'Young people, stay out of the movie houses! Stay out of them! Stay away from the Hollywood crowd! Stay away from the adulterous kind of sinful crowd, and turn your television off when one comes on.”

—Pastor Jack Hyles, from the timeless sermon, The Church First | Download MP3

America could be brought back to God if preachers would start preaching again!

Tyranny in Government

Never has our own government committed such blatant crimes against the American people. It is disturbing what happened at Enron and the truth behind the Bush Family fortunes. Respectfully, President Obama is a Communist, who has promised to expand rights for homosexuals. Many pastors have endorsed Obama's Presidency. It is apostasy! It is not wonderful, it is terrible. What are people being taught in churches today? Will you eagerly board the train to Auschwitz also to be killed?

Speaking of Auschwitz. Some pastors say that abortion is a minor concern in their church. What?

Even more sickening is the apostate attitude amongst some believers that churches should blindly support a criminal leader. Please read, Biblical Submission to Government. God commands us to hate evil (Psalm 97:10) and to rise up against evildoers (Psalm 94:16). Please read, Romans 13.

Certainly, President Obama is a likeable person, a strong leader and a gentlemen; but as believers we ought not support any politician who funds abortion, promotes Socialism and caters to illegal immigrants. Respectfully, Obama is bad news!

Please read, Why Do Churches Support Tyranny? and America: What Hast Thou Done?

Dead Churches

America is going to hell in a wheelbarrow while hundreds-of-thousands of dead churches all across America sit idle and do absolutely nothing about it. The hearse pictured above is more than appropriate for the average church in America today. Rigor mortis has set in! How can churches just sit back and remain silent?

It is not enough for a pastor to preach three times a week and then go home. Most churches today are more like private social clubs—where a group of people meet together a few times a week, tithe, sing a few songs, hear a sugarstick sermonette, and then go home. That's what the cults do. The message needs to get outside of the walls of the church! America's preachers have lost their fire.

I'm talking about soulwinning churches here too! Please don't misunderstand me here. I love soulwinning (i.e., preaching the Gospel of Christ to lost sinners). I am a soulwinner myself. I love a soulwinning church and I'm not trying to discourage anyone, but our nation is going to hell. We have forgotten God. If we are going to bring America back to God at all, then we have got to start taking a stand against EVIL in each and every town across this great nation. Preachers across America need to start rocking the boat.

“I've been preaching a long time, and I've watched a lot of things happen. To me the saddest thing that I've watched in my life, apart from my own country going to the Devil nearly, has been the change of preachers and churches. I find myself amazed and stunned with near disbelief, as I see men who once stood who don't stand anymore ... I know every week I cry some, I mean cry, I mean tear cry, because of preachers who are turning.”

SOURCE: Dr. Jack Hyles, faithful pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana for over 42 years!

There are soulwinning churches all across America that never try to fight anything! The truth is that we have become complacent in our freedom (including being complacent about the Bible). We didn't have to fight for our freedom, others did. We didn't have to bleed and suffer as others did. We never went through the Russian Gulag camps. We were never torture victims of the Japanese 731 units. Naturally, we take our freedom for granted. I ask you to WAKE UP Christian! Wake Up! America needs voices! Please read Inoculated Christianity! Also, please read Carrying Your Cross.

I am not saying that we should get side-tracked from building our churches and soulwinning. What I am saying is that there is a lot of wickedness going on in America and churches need to start coming out of the closet. The only reason that the homosexuals are coming out of their closets is because Christians in churches across America are hiding in their own closets. So while we're playing church, the rest of our community is going to hell. Every pastor of every church across America needs to post a big sign outside the church that reads, "Abortion is murder!"

Most preachers are wimps and don't have the courage to stand against sin. Making money is their main love and concern. They're afraid of losing support so they dip their sails. What good are convictions as a preacher if you don't take a stand? You can post a big sign that says, "God loves people" as well. All I'm saying is that America is going to hell while churches all across the country are letting it happen. Are we fighting the good fight of faith? No, we are definitely not! Sadly, foreign Muslims have more morality than most Christians in America. I say this to our shame as a nation.

"For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered." —Jeremiah 10:21

I'm not a fan of Jerry Falwell. As a matter of fact, he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. However, I was impressed when I found out that Jerry Falwell distributed a video tape to his congregation exposing the illegal drug-trafficking cover-up in Mena, Arkansas (and then Governor Bill Clinton being in over his head). The smuggling of illegal drugs into America by our own CIA has been firmly documented.

There is NO war on drugs! If America's preachers would all get right with God and start crying aloud against such evils in our nation (as Billy Sunday did against alcohol), something would have to change. The average Christian is living in the dark and is woefully ignorant of what's going on in the real world. It doesn't have to be this way, but pastors have deliberately kept their people in the dark for fear of scaring away their cash cow.

One pastor looked at my website and said he thought people would consider me "a nut." Well then I'm a nut for Jesus, but at least I'm contending for the faith! He meets with his church members every Wednesday to "pray about the abortion issue," while innocent children are brutally murdered by abortion in his own community. A word of protest is NEVER heard from his church. You'd think he'd buy some signs at and go down to the local abortion clinic with his people to protest. That will do more to save lives than expecting God to do everything.

A faithful man of God spends time with God and his heart BURNS with a desire to preach the truth near and far. Part of 2nd Chronicles 7:14 is turning from our wicked ways. We have sinned greatly against the Lord by becoming indifferent and apathetic. We go through the routine of prayer because it makes us feel like we've done what was expected of us. Boy, aren't we great Christians for praying At what point in the Christian life are we supposed to make it real and get our hands dirty?

There are believers who go to church every Sunday and tithe 10% of their income. They think they are so spiritual. Sadly, they've only given God 2% of their life. If you work 40-hours at your job, 10% of that is 4-hours. There are 168-hours in a week. So you've only given God 2% of your total time (i.e., 4 divided by 168). Ask any business man and he'll agree... time is money. So, big deal if you've given God 10% of your income, in reality you've only given 2% of your time to God. God wants your time too. There is no call to soulwinning, it is a command for all believers (Proverb 11:30; Matthew 28:19-20; 2nd Corinthians 5:11). Few people are willing to give God their time.

Our First Amendment Rights

It is sad that MOST Christians do not fully understand their First Amendment rights. Folks we have the legal right to speak out and protest against our government. I'm tired of namby-pamby believers who think it's a sin to speak out against any authority. We have a God-given duty to contend for the faith, for righteousness and for all that is right. We have a duty to take a stand for God.

Rise up, rise up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross,
Lift high His royal banner it must not suffer loss!

America is entering the fifteenth round folks! We are heading into the final stretch! It's the ninth inning! We are about to lose our freedoms and country to the New World Order. Thank God for men like Alex Jones and Rep. Ron Paul who are getting the truth out. Would to God that preachers across America would start doing the same. It's a crying shame that secular people are doing what churches across America should be doing. Yes, we should preach the Word of God and salvation, but we must not ignore the evils of our day either. Take the blinders off!

"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" —Psalm 94:16

I've heard all kinds of excuses from Christians why we shouldn't get involved. A favorite is from Romans 16:19 where the Apostle Paul declares, "...I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil." The Apostle Paul wasn't saying that we should live like ostriches with our head in the sand, he was simply telling us that we should avoid evil. As Christians we are supposed to abstain from ALL appearances of evil (1st Thessalonians 5:22), but this in no way excuses us from taking a stand against the evils of our day.

We need to protect our freedoms. I hate to say it but the ACLU is doing more to protect our rights than most churches are! I realize that the ACLU is a heathen organization, but they ARE protecting the rights of Christians as well as heathens. You have no right to preach against the ACLU for being a liberal institution if you're not doing anything to fight for freedom. Most people could care less about what I'm talking about. Do you know when they'll care? ... when they lose their freedom or it is challenged. It can happen to you. It won't be long until it's everyone's turn. Read about the Christine family. Does anyone care to listen to the wisdom of those who are trying to warn us?

"When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will ... become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated." —Thomas Jefferson

Do you understand that? Washington has way too much power folks! They overruled the law of the states in 1972 and mandated legal abortions. Next they will be mandating legal homosexual marriages nationwide. Our government confiscates our money in the form of taxes and Social Security and then has the audacity to tell us that they can't account for where the money went. Don't you realize that as a U.S. citizen that everything OUR government leaders do they do in OUR name with OUR money. And then they tell you that it's none of your business where the money is going. It is called "corporate responsibility." We are responsible for the actions of OUR leaders. Thomas Jefferson would call for a revolution to this mess.

"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, the Bilderberger Group, and the Trilateral Commission—founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller—have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens."
—Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, PhD, former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary-General Manfred Werner

The New World Order is here friend, the police state is now being constructed right under our very nose under the disguise of Homeland Security.

Oh how woefully ignorant are the American people! And worse yet, most of the churches across America are just as ignorant of what's going on. We are headed for destruction as a nation (just like the Titanic) and no one realizes it yet. The good times are soon going to come to an end.

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." —James Madison

Are you listening to the wisdom of one of our founding fathers? What Communist Russia couldn't do through force, the global elite (illuminati) are doing through policy changes and new laws stemming from the 911 Attacks. And it worked like a charm! The American people have sold their souls in exchange for security. What they don't realize is that the 911 Attacks were carried out as a pretext for war, thievery and to lay the foundation for a Police State in the U.S.

"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

—David Rockefeller Sept. 23, 1994

Patriot Act II works something like this!

Hitler did the same thing as Patriot Act II, offered security in exchange for privacy!

The Police State is Coming

Please read, It Can't Happen Here, by Texas Congressman Ron Paul

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government" —Thomas Paine

Wake up! We must all speak out against the evils of our day! Why are we so complacent about abortion? About homosexuality? About evils in government? Stand up! I will never vote Democrat or Republican again knowing what I know about the evil people deliberately destroying our country.

"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." —Thomas Jefferson

If America's churches don't stand up against the evils of our day, then whose going to do it? ... Well the ACLU is fighting to protect our First Amendment rights ... Rapper, Eminem, just released a music video exposing the evils of 911 (asking President Bush why he brought the trade towers down). I mean... this is insanity! The unsaved people of this world are doing what the churches should be doing... standing firm against the evils plaguing OUR nation. The heathens are wiser than the children of God (Luke 16:8), but God doesn't want it that way. Jesus was disturbed over the fact that the unsaved people of His day were more on the ball than the Christians were. I am saddened every time I think about this—we need to repent as believers and get right with God. America needs voices!!! Voices to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with lost sinners! Voices to share the love of God. Voices to speak out against homosexuality! Voices to speak out against abortion! Voices to speak out against Hollywood! Voices to speak out against the criminals recklessly leading our country into the ground! Who will rise up!

It is up to you! You need to get informed! You need to get busy for God! Let's give the Devil a black eye! This is our country, let's fight to bring her back to God. We may not win the battle, but God WILL reward us for standing tall and without apology for what is right. We may not be able to stop the New World Order, but we can fight against Communism and thwart it. Just because evil is inevitable doesn't give us a right to sit back and allow it to happen in front of our faces without doing anything to fight it.

"Though the stars fall, do right!" — Bob Jones Sr.

Most people may not care about doing what is right, but there are still millions of people across America who care about justice and decency. Don't make it easy on the New World Order. Let's fight them every inch of the way! Ephesians 5:11 states . . . "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."


"It would be a godsend if the Church would suffer persecution today; she hasn't suffered it for hundreds of years. She is growing rich and lagging behind. Going back."

—Billy Sunday, The Need for Revivals, From "Billy Sunday: The Man and His Message", by William T. Ellis, Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1914

"As Christians, we know that there is a literal hell and a lake of fire where the unsaved will burn for all eternity, therefore, we act upon this Truth without reservation and GO OUT into the streets and communities of America declaring the WORD OF GOD and proclaiming the GOOD NEWS.

We must go out to where the sinners are. We must go to those who would never come into our churches— to the atheists, to the religious, to the self-righteous, to the God-hating and win their souls to Christ.

For the Holy Scriptures declare in Romans 10, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?”

For so long, we have allowed Satan to invade our communities through abortuaries, the entertainment and pornography industries, religious institutions, sexually perverse establishments, homosexual parades and other sin celebrations, without a word from the Christian therein. God has called us to “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.” Isaiah 58:1

We must lift up our voice like a trumpet. We must go out into the world and declare the WORD OF GOD in front of the abortuaries and sexually perverse establishments, and at the homosexual parades and other sin celebrations and call them to repentance. Our light must invade the darkness!

Jesus said, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” If we love God, we will obey his commandments, and if we love our neighbours, we will go to them with the WORD OF GOD, so that they may be saved. For, “…faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” —MICHAEL MARCAVAGE Top Baptist Websites The Baptist Top 1000 The Fundamental Top 500

"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"
—Psalm 94:16

Why Are the Churches Silent?

"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" —1st Peter 4:17

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little."
—Edmund Burke

You Need to Believe Some of the Things You Hear

Signs of a Dead Church

Carrying You Cross

Satan Must Run His Course?

Billy Sunday

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10

Divorce is a Sin!

"For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away..." —Malachi 2:16
"Healing the Broken Heart "

"Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." —Matthew 19:6

Divorce is a sin! Perhaps you may think that marriage is the "old fashioned" way. If that is your thought on marriage, then let me also say that marriage is the "right way" as well. It does not matter what has changed over time, marriage will always be the right way within the sacred boundaries of God's law. Marriage is right between a man and a woman!

There is no perfect marriage. There are no perfect families. Every marriage hits some potholes in the road, and for some, an occasional open manhole cover. Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener. It is unrealistic to believe that you can live with another human being for any length of time without having relationship problems. There is the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and then the suffering. Sadly, feminism has taught women these days to become intolerant toward their husbands. The Bible teaches one to be kind, tenderhearted and forgiving (Ephesians 4:32).

A marriage should be based upon unconditional love for one another. Worldly so-called “love” is synthetic, demanding, selfish and conditional. But God's love is unconditional. One ought to love their spouse, not because of who they are; but rather, because of who you are. God unconditionally loves us because of Who He is. Amen. This is why we read in Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Unfortunately, many marriages today are based upon economics, a hasty decision or an unexpected pregnancy. If you are in such a marriage, it is still a legitimate marriage in the eyes of God. Perhaps you married for the wrong reasons, many people do. That is ok, you just make the best of your marriage and don't let other people interfere. Two wrongs never equal a right. Wrong is wrong! If you feel you married the wrong person, then you need to ask God to humble you. Anyone can live with anybody if they can learn to be a nobody.

This whole idea of finding the perfect mate is an illusion. Remember, Romans 3:23 declares, “For all have sinned...” I don't care who you marry, they're a sinner too. We all have faults, and commit sins. Leaving one spouse for another will just bring more problems. If you feel that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, then plant more grass on your side of the fence. If you feel that you need to separate for a time due to problems in your marriage, then do so; but never consider a divorce. Divorce is quitting!

No Scriptural Grounds for Divorce!

In Mark 10:9 Jesus states, “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” No one is to ever break apart a marriage. I wouldn't want to be a judge who grants divorces. I wouldn't want to be the lawmaker who allows for all sorts of unscriptural grounds for divorce. And by the way, there are NO SCRIPTURAL GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE. In Matthew 5:32, Jesus said, “But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.”

Taken by itself, this Scripture can be interpreted numerous ways. However, Jesus plainly stated in Matthew 19:8 that God never permits divorce, and that divorce is only caused by a hard heart, “He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.” Jesus clearly taught forgiveness in Matthew 18:22, not 7-times, but 70 times 7. Divorce is rooted in self-righteousness and an unwillingness to forgive. Notice carefully that Jesus addresses whether remarriage is adultery or not; but He never addresses the issue of divorce itself, because divorce is a sin, period.

To divorce one's spouse is a sin. If committing adultery is grounds for divorce, then Matthew 5:28 gives every wife Biblical grounds to divorce, because EVERY man has lusted. Jesus said that lust is equivalent to adultery.

Let me also say, If Jesus was willing to be despised and rejected of men, beaten to a pulp, mistreated, scorned, assaulted, spit upon, and crucified to death ... FOR US ... then we should follow Christ's example. A husband who loves his wife will not quit. Please understand that I am not condoning abuse, not at all, God forbid. I'm simply saying that divorce is not the Biblical solution to one's marriage problems. You made a promise to God and your spouse on your wedding day. We are living in a wicked and adulterous generation, that are quick to throw in the towel and quit.

Jesus was willing to die for you and me. So why are professed “Christians” so quick to divorce their spouse? I don't recall any disclaimer in the marriage vows that gives a spouse the right to divorce under ANY circumstances. What ever happened to “ 'Til death do us part?” I'm not hesitant to inform you that “irreconcilable differences” is NOT found in the Bible as grounds for a divorce. There are NO Biblical grounds for divorce!!!

Adam and Eve were doing fine until the serpent came along. Revelation 20:2 tells us that the serpent is Satan. Eve listened to the snake and took the bad advice. She ate of the forbidden fruit and destroyed her family's happiness. May I say, watch out for the snakes in your life. The BeeGees, although a worldly group, had it right in their song, HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE... “We're living in a world of fools, breaking us down, when they all should let us be, we belong to you and me.” Yet, professed Christians are sinfully crying out divorce, divorce, divorce!

Divorce is a sin for numerous reasons:


Because you are breaking your marriage vows..."'til death do us part!" When you say your wedding vows, you are making a lifetime commitment. I don't care if you get married at city hall or a church, God still holds you accountable for your wedding vows. A promise is a promise!

Because God said not to divorce! "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." (Matthew 19:6)

Because divorce is quitting! (1st Corinthians 7:10-11)

Because divorce is unwillingness to forgive! "Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven." (Matthew 18:21-22)

God hates divorce! It is only because of sinful pride and selfishness that people end up divorced in the first place. It is so typical to hear a divorced wife, or husband, talking about how much they gave but never received anything in return. Listen friend, marriage is not a 50/50 deal as most people think. Marriage is a 100% deal. We are supposed to give 100% to our spouse, even if they only return 10%. But you say, “That's not fair!” You're right ... life's not fair! We are a spoiled bunch in America!

It's sickening to know that over 50% of all marriages in America are now ending in divorce. In California it's 75.54%! It's our pride! Anything can be justified. The truth is that people don't do what they do for any particular reason, they do what they want to do and then look for reasons to justify it.

Mrs. John Rice says that when a couple has trouble, it's 90% the wife's fault. One time I asked her, "Why?"

She said, "The husband's job is outside the home, but the wife's job is the home. The husband's main duty in life is to work somewhere outside the home, but the wife's job is the home."

SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, The Candle of the Lord — by Pastor Jack Hyles

God created Adam, and then gave him a job to do. However, God created Eve with one sole purpose—Adam! We read in 1st Peter 3:6 that Abraham's wife, Sara, called him “lord” (sir) and obeyed Abraham. This is so rare nowadays.

Did you know that the Bible teaches mutual submission between husband and wife? Ephesians 5:21, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” One to another! Biblical Christianity is a husband and wife willingly submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord, sharing in the gift of life; but the Bible teaches for a wife to submit to her husband first and foremost.

We are not to give up on our spouse. God NEVER gives up on us... Hebrews 13:5... NEVER! If we are to be Christ-like, then we must stand faithful by our mate... “for better, for worse.” You made a vow on your wedding day. People nowadays are quick to file for divorce. It is apostasy and sin.

"And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him. And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you? And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery." —Mark 1:1-12

In Mark 1:1 the Pharisees asked Jesus if divorce is lawful? Carefully notice that Jesus DIDN'T answer, “yes” to their question. Clearly, divorce is not lawful. Jesus directed them to the law of Moses. The Pharisees stated that Moses allowed divorce. Jesus COUNTERS their excuse by telling them that Moses reluctantly permitted divorce, only allowing it because of the wicked HARDNESS of their hearts. It couldn't be any clearer that Jesus was completely against divorce. So in answer to the Pharisee's question, of whether divorce is “lawful” or not, we have already made 3 observations:

1. Jesus DIDN'T permit divorce.
2. Moses DIDN'T want to permit divorce either, but the people gave him no choice.
3. Divorce only happens because of people's rebellion against God.

Don't Divorce, Please!

God is willing to forgive us an infinite number of times. Surely we can learn to forgive each other. Don't allow the pressures of this crazy world destroy your marriage. Set some priorities. Turn off the phone. Tell your friends your going to be busy spending time with your family. Love your spouse. Go places together. Forget the overtime. Don't work midnight shift. Go to the park together. Do some different things. A marriage can only be destroyed from within.

Just as Eve was weak and vulnerable to demonic influence, so are many women today susceptible to snake tongues and self-righteous hypocrites who are busybodies in other men's matters (1st Timothy 5:13). A fool-headed wife is rottenness to her husband's bones. Proverb:12:4, “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.”

Don't be stupid like so many people, by throwing away your marriage. I'd hate to think you simply don't care anymore. If that's you, then you need to get right with God! If your job is stressing you out, then take a break; but don't divorce. Go on Family Medical Leave (FMLA) for stress. Go to your doctor and tell him your stressed out. Hand him the FMLA form. You're protected by congress, and you can't get fired. You can take 90-days off from work. If you can't afford to miss work, then use “intermittent FMLA,” so you can miss work whenever you need to. Take a break.

I sincerely believe many marriages are failing because of the monotony and stress of the workplace. The economy is deteriorating, good jobs are becoming scarce, insurance premiums are skyrocketing, insurance coverage is decreasing, spending power is declining, perversion is all around us, feminism and homosexuality are corrupting society, our government is run amuck, society is becoming very cold and paranoid—it all amounts to increased tension on American families. It has become hell to raise a family in the United States. Society's answer for everything is divorce, drugs and death. Satan comes only to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10).

Employees mean absolutely nothing to companies these days. These are difficult times to be married and live the American dream—of owning your own home, of saving enough money to put your kids through college someday, of living in a decent neighborhood, of having a meaningful and happy marriage, et cetera. The criminal banking cartel have bought off our corrupt leaders who have sold us into economic slavery, looted us and bankrupted our nation. Consequently, there's 19,000 homeless citizens now living on the streets of Detroit, Michigan (and it's just the beginning of the coming massive economic depression). One in Eight Americans Needs Emergency Food Assistance.

To make matters much worse, with all the financial pressures on families, CPS is just waiting to steal your kids away for any reason whatsoever. Jesus foretold that it would be woeful times for parents in the Last Days (Matthew 24:19). We are certainly living in the End Times.

If you understand what is happening to America and the world, then guard your marriage. The New World Order is here. Stay out of debt. Don't buy a big home that you can't afford. Don't go into debt on your wedding day. Guard against outside snakes who will poison your mind in times of marital trouble. Women file for divorce at TWICE the rate of men because of a Communist government funded agenda to break apart marriages, defining everything as domestic abuse. Men are portrayed as abusers, women as victims and children become property of the State. Hell will be hot enough!

Life is what happens to you while you're making big plans. Most people place their marriage at the bottom of their list of priorities. Your marriage should come first, friends and family down on the list. By the way, church should come down on the list too. Nothing should be any higher on your list of priorities than your spouse. Only God comes higher, and God wants you to love each other above all else. If you don't, then nothing else really matters.

If you love your spouse, then you'll put up with him/her.

If you love your spouse, then you'll put up with him/her.

If you love your spouse, then you'll put up with him/her.

If you love your spouse, then you'll put up with him/her.

If you love your spouse, then you'll put up with him/her.

It's really as simple as that. If you love someone, then you'll put up with them just as God puts up with us!

People don't “fall” into sin. They choose to go into sin. They choose to hold onto sinful pride. People choose not to love their spouse with God's unconditional love. People choose to divorce.

I always marvel that a couple can get married in a boat, on a mountain, in a church, underwater, on a roller-coaster, in a park, or even at the south pole; BUT, you can only be divorced IN A COURT OF LAW!

There's no such thing as the saying, “We used to love each other.” The Bible clearly teaches that “charity (love) never faileth” (1st Corinthians 13:8). Either you loved your spouse then and still do now, or else you don't love your spouse now and never did at all. True love is NOT conditional; but rather, unconditional. You hang in there and be strong while your spouse is weak, for that is what God does for us.

God Hates Divorce!

You know, why is it that many people who want a divorce go around quoting Jesus' statement on adultery; but I never hear these people quote Malachi 2:16 where God say he HATES divorce, “For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away.” “Putting away” is the Old Testament term used for divorce, which is an interesting phrase. The term “putting away” comes from the Hebrew word shalach, and literally means “to forsake, to cast or push away.” When you divorce your spouse, you are literally shoving them away from you, forsaking them, and God HATES IT.

I heard a divorced woman quote Malachi 2:14 concerning husbands who deal “treacherously” with their wives; but the context of the Scripture passage is strictly divorce. That is, a husband who divorces his wife is dealing treacherously with her, especially if they've been married for a long time. God HATES divorce! Why don't I ever heard women quoting Jeremiah 3:20... “Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD.” It is divorce that is treacherous.

“So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress...” —Romans 7:3

Who's to Blame?

Please understand that I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose the sin of divorce. If you have divorced, I certainly don't condemn you, for we are all sinners in God's eyes.

The intent of my article is to prevent divorce, not to make people feel bad who have already made that mistake in their life. Any sin is forgivable through faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 10:43). However, you will have to give account for the perpetuating sin of divorce and the life you destroyed. Divorce is like trying to separate plywood, you cannot without ripping it apart.

Glued Together at Marriage for Life

I realize that in some situations, a spouse may run off with someone else in adultery. The abandoned spouse is often helpless to recover their former mate. I did not write this article to condemn anyone, especially not the victim of a divorce. A gentlemen recently wrote me, saying that his wife had run off with another man and remarried. So tragic!

The man was obviously very sad. In such a situation, even though the husband may have contributed to his wife's decision to leave; he is NOT guilty of committing divorce (as he did not file or agree to the divorce). When a couple promises to stay with each another “for better, for worse; 'til death do us part,” that is what God expects.

If you are the victim of a divorce (i.e., your spouse abandoned you), then you have my deepest sympathies. Don't let people use your past to discourage you. Those hypocrites who go digging and searching for other people's sins are evil, rotten and malicious. I realize that all the sympathy in the world won't make anything better; but, Jesus Christ can make things better if you'll lose yourself in the Lord's work of soulwinning.

I cannot tell you what to do, for only you can make the decisions that guide your life; BUT if your spouse has left you and is not remarried yet, I would suggest that you call her/him and attempt to make things right. I would also suggest that you ask your pastor if he'll go with you to visit your spouse. Only sinful pride causes divorce. There have been many instances of divorced couples actually getting remarried.

I realize that there are many different situations, and everyone feels that they are the victim in a divorce; but, God knows everyone's heart and WILL judge the guilty. I simply wrote this article in hopes of possibly saving a few marriages. You don't have to divorce your spouse! Divorce is a personal choice that no one MAKES you do.

It is NEVER right for you to leave and then remarry (because you are the guilty party for leaving). Whoever FILES for divorce is the guilty party (as far as the divorce itself). If a spouse was abusive, leading to a divorce; then God will judge that person for their abusive words and actions; BUT, that certainly does NOT justify a divorce!!! God KNOWS your every thought and intention, so no matter how much you attempt to rationalize and lie to yourself, God WILL hold you fully accountable for your words and actions on judgment day (Matthew 12:37).

I'm simply saying that there are two sides to every story, and then there's the TRUTH—and God will judge each divorced couple according to the TRUTH; and not according their own side of the story. It is clearly adultery for any married person to run off and marry another. If you are truly a victim of divorce (i.e., your spouse abandoned you), then God knows your situation and I believe you are free to remarry after a few years. However, the wife who departs from her husband is commanded not to remarry (1st Corinthians 7:10). To remarry is the sin of adultery (Matthew 5:32).

America is in the mess it's in today because of lukewarm preachers who no longer preach against sin! Carefully notice that 1st Corinthians 5:1 reads, “It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you...” You see, sin had spread into the church, and was growing like a weed. Paul wasn't looking and searching for anyone's sins, he had simply heard about it. Sadly, divorce is reported commonly in America's churches today.

In closing, divorce is a sin and should never be considered an option in any marriage. The divorce rate in America is skyrocketing because of sinful pride. It is the same sinful pride that fuels abortion, murder, homosexuality, witchcraft, gambling, pornography, and every other sin imaginable. As believers, let us follow in the steps of our wonderful Savior, Who promised that He would NEVER leave us, nor forsake us in Hebrews 13:5.

“...Let not the wife depart from her husband... and let not the husband put away his wife.” —1st Corinthians 7:10,11

Divorce – The Unacceptable Alternative

Divorce Rate 75.54% in California!!!

Does Jesus Allow Divorce for Fornication?

Grounds For Divorce? | The Holy Bible on Divorce

What Did Jesus Teach On Divorce?

Driving the Divorce Rate: Who’s Teaching the Women?

Divorce: The Biggest Lie In Churches Today

Marriage is NOT 50/50 | A Treacherous Wife

Preventing Divorce | Divorce: The Big Lie! | Help for the Hurt of Divorce

The Treasure is in a Field by Dr. Jack Hyles

The Marriage Mess by Jack T. Chick ("We don't have a problem, we just can't stand each other!")

World Divorce Rates | The Guilt of Divorce

Adultery? Divorce? ... All Men Are Adulterers!

Meeting Each Other's Needs | Foolish Pastor Recommends Divorce

Is it Ok to Divorce an Abusive Spouse?

Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Leading the pro-family movement since 1972 - Get Informed!

"Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD..." -Malachi 2:17

Divorce is a sin! Don't upset God by saying it's not.

Happily Married (streaming audio Windows Media sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens. Download.)

Marriage and the Character of a Martyr (streaming media MP3 sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens. MP3 Download | Real Audio Download)

"Anyone can live with Anybody if they can learn to be a Nobody." —Dr. Tom Williams

"For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself." —Galatians 6:3

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